I'll believe it only when there is more flesh on the bones, but Jeremy Corbyn may just finally be doing something positive, but even if he doesn't, and I speak as someone who has been scathing about his Brexit "policy" here, I just don't get life on mars' attempts to portray him as the real villain of the piece here. Brexit is entirely a Conservative party creation, given birth by a foolish and inept Prime Minister who saw a referendum as a way of finally shutting up those who wanted out of Europe in his own party and maintained by another inept and robotic Prime Minister who has consistently pandered to the wishes of the minority of hard liners in the Parliamentary party who will never be satisfied by what she, or any other Prime Minister, delivers.

Also, the line that May's deal is somehow the EU's and it is all that they were willing to offer lacks credibility when you see that they are now saying they would look at alternative ways of getting Brexit done if May's deal (it is her deal because all negotiations from the British side had to carried on from the viewpoint of her failed "red lines") is defeated for the third time.