Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
It is wrong though because it’s ignoring what we pay that money for.

It’s ignoring the cheaper and easier trading we get, it’s ignoring the end access to medical research we get, it’s ignoring the access to confidential information we get, it’s ignoring the access to criminal and terrorist data we get, it’s ignoring the fact British people can travel easier through the eu, it’s ignoring the ability to move to Spain or France when you retire without any issues.

It’s like me saying you shouldn’t pay £300 for a season ticket because all you get back is a plastic card.

The net gain the U.K. get in terms of EU spend will be dwarfed by the amount of money we lose in not being in the trading bloc. Ergo it isn’t a benefit.
But that is the reality, you might not like it but that is what has happened on the ground, immigrants taking our jobs, paying in more than we get back, EU telling us what to do blah blah blah, leave won and that is it, a big concern until about 48 hours ago was the Government was going to go against the vote, whispers in the last day or so is more along the lines of we are going and that is it.