Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
From our limited communication, I would say he is definitely not a Trump fan, but he can see the big picture which has nothing to do with the personalities involved. This is purely a rule of law issue, i.e. one law applied to everybody. I would have thought you would be in agreement with this too?
Seeing as I've thought from day one that it was never a case of Democrats = good and Republicans = bad, I'm not going to deny that, for example, the Clintons may be as guilty as they are portrayed by people like you who, despite what you say, are equally one eyed when it comes to judging people as those who you say can see the "the big picture". Even if Trump is as pure as the driven snow, this doesn't mean that there aren't gaping holes in his judgment, diplomatic and interpersonal skills that you would never expect to see in a President.