Quote Originally Posted by JennyWren View Post
You have lost touch with how democracy works in more established countries. The vote was 3 years ago, things have changed, and I have yet to read a single positive reason for leaving other than your pathetic statement of "they won". It's not a football game.

I haven't been to Azerbaijan, but I have been to other places where dictatorship is ripe. In fact, some of the things May has been doing lately (using tax payers money to promote her anti-MP speech for example) are completely in line with demagogues that are in power in places like Venezuela, the Philippines, China and the US right now.

Living in a place like Azerbaijan where people are arrested arbitrarily, detained indefinitely, and disappear for ever, I can fully respect the wish of many of its inhabitants to stay on the right side of the law. Hopefully my opinion that, just in doing that just in order to survive, that people suddenly become defenders of their criminal and illegal Governments. It's not brainwashing, per se, but it is a form of conditioning. Therefore, my statement is not stupid, it is considerably better thought out than your "banter" madness.

This, however, is the UK. We're expected to abide by a vote that was not legally binding, the fact of which means that certain rules were broken but did not invalidate the result. It was an unnecessary election that pandered to pricks like Rees-Mogg and Yaxley-Lennon in equal measure (but with different agendas). It was borne from a media campaign that blamed immigration for whatever minor problems existed in the UK at the time, a campaign that tangibly ended following the referendum result. And, according to polls, the country is now a Remain country. What is undemocratic about asking people to vote again? Preferably on the following question

1) Leave with No Deal
2) Remain

In 1974 there were TWO general elections. Was that undemocratic?

Between 1935-1945 there were ZERO elections. Was that undemocratic?

Democracy is fluid, as am I which means that I do change and I am happy to do so based on evidence. However, you seem to prefer to tug your forelocks and let the clever folks like Rees-Mogg make the decisions.
You are extremely insulting. I have lost touch with nothing. You are well over the line!!!!!