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Thread: Climate protesting tossers

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    They need to get jobs and lives ,our country is at the forefront of change ,yes it could do more ,however that comes at a cost of jobs and peoples wages.

    If you deploy the change too aggressively or quickly it can adversely effect folk , just take the ideas , where we remove diesel vehicles now , or greatly reduce the need for red meat intake .

    Yes you can do more ,but where do you draw the line , as I dont fancy living of bugs in a tent , some of these loops look just at home with that very existence,probably a lot of them are being treated for some form of anxiety issue.

  2. #52
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Of course it's rubbish. You say you won't take it seriously until the government does, but the protesters are doing it because the government AREN'T taking it seriously. A classic chicken and egg.

    I see you've used the call sign for Wales Bales to come and give you back up - Mueller collision. How does it feel being his sidekick? Like being sidekick to Penfold, I'd assume
    2 years of being wrong and you don't have the cajones to own it, back up not needed

  3. #53

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    2 years of being wrong and you don't have the cajones to own it, back up not needed
    I can see why you're hastily changing the subject, but the report is out and it paints a bad picture of Trump so what's your point?

  4. #54
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    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I can see why you're hastily changing the subject, but the report is out and it paints a bad picture of Trump so what's your point?
    Everything paints a bad picture of trump. he is not part of the political system so the politicians don't want him there. They will say and do anything to get rid of him.

    That doesn't mean he is right of course!

  5. #55

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Everything paints a bad picture of trump. he is not part of the political system so the politicians don't want him there. They will say and do anything to get rid of him.

    That doesn't mean he is right of course!
    The politicians don't want him there?

    Most of them want him to win a second term.

  6. #56
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I can see why you're hastily changing the subject, but the report is out and it paints a bad picture of Trump so what's your point?

    SUBJECT = COLLUSION, lack of it
    After two years and a shit load of dosh, no collusion that's been your point for two years, collusion may now be revealed in the coming months but I think it will point to my favourite person who with the worlds money and press behind her, got the F/O tablet at the election, with this SC now concluded I think you will now start to see some big name indictments for all sorts of criminality possibly within 6/8 months, maybe?, maybe not we'll see, if there has been collusion I'm presuming that you would like to know who was colluding with who?, or doesn't it matter anymore ?. I would doubt that there are any nice people who achieve the status of billionaire, they are all swamp creatures and who I would imagine on the rise completed terrible things, on this occasion though SC Mueller and his team of 13 and 30 mill couldn't find anything that would pre-empt a criminal prosecution, for me it's always been about Evergreen & Renegade and at this current moment in time this pair are royally exposed and F*ked. End/

  7. #57

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    What has the climate got against the occasional toss? I rub one out in the shower from time to time. The sun still comes out.

  8. #58

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    SUBJECT = COLLUSION, lack of it
    After two years and a shit load of dosh, no collusion that's been your point for two years, collusion may now be revealed in the coming months but I think it will point to my favourite person who with the worlds money and press behind her, got the F/O tablet at the election, with this SC now concluded I think you will now start to see some big name indictments for all sorts of criminality possibly within 6/8 months, maybe?, maybe not we'll see, if there has been collusion I'm presuming that you would like to know who was colluding with who?, or doesn't it matter anymore ?. I would doubt that there are any nice people who achieve the status of billionaire, they are all swamp creatures and who I would imagine on the rise completed terrible things, on this occasion though SC Mueller and his team of 13 and 30 mill couldn't find anything that would pre-empt a criminal prosecution, for me it's always been about Evergreen & Renegade and at this current moment in time this pair are royally exposed and F*ked. End/
    Are you sure about that, nelson? Or are you just repeating what your little friend says? Have a go at finding a post where I mention collusion. Should be easy if I've been talking about it for two years. Good luck!

    Though it would be more productive for you to read what Mueller's report actually says rather than believing Trump's employee's summary.

  9. #59

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    Climate change is the biggest threat to the world, brexit is feck all, yet countries are playing lip service, including ours.
    Good luck to the protesters.
    You're totally wrong. The UK's record on the environment is as good as any Western economy. Go to China [not by plane though], where the are building a coal-fired power station every month. India, Pakistan, etc.

    These people do f*ck all, just tell others how to live - dont' fly, don't eat meat, don't drive. Yet they're nearly all privileged, with the time and money to go round screwing everybody else before they go back to Mummy and Daddy and their ponies..

  10. #60

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    You're totally wrong. The UK's record on the environment is as good as any Western economy. Go to China [not by plane though], where the are building a coal-fired power station every month. India, Pakistan, etc.

    These people do f*ck all, just tell others how to live - dont' fly, don't eat meat, don't drive. Yet they're nearly all privileged, with the time and money to go round screwing everybody else before they go back to Mummy and Daddy and their ponies..
    We might be better than China but all countries can do better, a lot more in fact. In that respect, he's not "totally wrong".

    I think I can detect a real generational difference of opinion, between those worried about the future and those who couldn't care less and just think they're being hassled.

  11. #61

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Very serious subject, but a bit of humour is ok sometimes too. Quote from a mate's mum: "those climate change protesters have been very lucky with the weather".

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Monk View Post
    Poorly thought out demo if you ask me. What's the point of demonstrating outside and around Parliament when the MP's are all busy using the extra time agreed to plan for brexit so effectively?

    Oh no, wait a minute, I meant while all the MP's are on their easter holidays.
    they ain't got the bollocks to protest in the real villains back-gardens, like China ,Russia .

    Lets hop there is no public service employees there ,and were not paying their wages to block road , airports, and disrupt those who do have to work,hopefully not one of them drove or took transport to get there ,adding the London's already burdened pollution.

    If they got so much time on their hands ,why dont they decamp to one of the desperate poverty stricken places on earth who want there help now .

  13. #63

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    We might be better than China but all countries can do better, a lot more in fact. In that respect, he's not "totally wrong".

    I think I can detect a real generational difference of opinion, between those worried about the future and those who couldn't care less and just think they're being hassled.
    I'm sure it seems like that but I think it's more a question of not like being told by everyone and his dog how to live their lives, what to eat, etc, etc. Personally I do what I can to look after the environment around me...

  14. #64

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Buffoons led by hypocrites


    Dame Emma, who joined the protests after flying from Los Angeles on Thursday

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Incredible yes she may have played many a tree ,how many will have been affected by her career road and air use.
    Joke .

  16. #66

  17. #67

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    We might be better than China but all countries can do better, a lot more in fact. In that respect, he's not "totally wrong".

    I think I can detect a real generational difference of opinion, between those worried about the future and those who couldn't care less and just think they're being hassled.
    Blame the older generation again, when it's today's throwaway society, must have with immediacy, must have anything from anywhere in the world, on their plate now.

    We used to repair virtually all electrical goods. Now if it's more than 3 years old. Throw it away and get a new one.

    The proliferation of plastic bags is as a direct result of growth in supermarkets. The same supermarkets that feed the gullible that they are doing their bit for the planet. The same supermarkets that will get cheaper and cheaper produce from aroubd the world, often creating the deforestation and replacement with palm trees for all of the crap that we eat in the West. The same supermarkets that have helped increase a lot of our societal problems by selling cheap booze. All of the packaging for multi packs or anything, when they dupe people into buying so much food that we throw a large percentage of it away.
    Disposable nappies because mum's are far too busy now. Yet somehow mum's managed with towelling nappies in the past when having a washing machine was a luxury.
    A generation or two ago, people would buy from their local grocers who would get most of their produce locally, same with butchers.
    People would buy the quantity they needed, not what some faceless Tesco computer generated knowledge of every purchase you ever bought, tells you to buy.

    There are so many more cars on the roads than ever before, there are more flights anywhere in the world than ever before.

    There are so many great things with what is happening today, but sometimes more than a little introspection will go a long way.

  18. #68

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Blame the older generation again, when it's today's throwaway society, must have with immediacy, must have anything from anywhere in the world, on their plate now.

    We used to repair virtually all electrical goods. Now if it's more than 3 years old. Throw it away and get a new one.

    The proliferation of plastic bags is as a direct result of growth in supermarkets. The same supermarkets that feed the gullible that they are doing their bit for the planet. The same supermarkets that will get cheaper and cheaper produce from aroubd the world, often creating the deforestation and replacement with palm trees for all of the crap that we eat in the West. The same supermarkets that have helped increase a lot of our societal problems by selling cheap booze. All of the packaging for multi packs or anything, when they dupe people into buying so much food that we throw a large percentage of it away.
    Disposable nappies because mum's are far too busy now. Yet somehow mum's managed with towelling nappies in the past when having a washing machine was a luxury.
    A generation or two ago, people would buy from their local grocers who would get most of their produce locally, same with butchers.
    People would buy the quantity they needed, not what some faceless Tesco computer generated knowledge of every purchase you ever bought, tells you to buy.

    There are so many more cars on the roads than ever before, there are more flights anywhere in the world than ever before.

    There are so many great things with what is happening today, but sometimes more than a little introspection will go a long way.
    Haven't you just proved his original point for him?

  19. #69

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    they ain't got the bollocks to protest in the real villains back-gardens, like China ,Russia .

    Lets hop there is no public service employees there ,and were not paying their wages to block road , airports, and disrupt those who do have to work,hopefully not one of them drove or took transport to get there ,adding the London's already burdened pollution.

    If they got so much time on their hands ,why dont they decamp to one of the desperate poverty stricken places on earth who want there help now .
    You realise these are British people, why would they go and protest in China?

  20. #70
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You realise these are British people, why would they go and protest in China?
    you think that these people protesting here will change the opinion of the chinese government????

  21. #71

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    you think that these people protesting here will change the opinion of the chinese government????
    Eh? No.

  22. #72

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Blame the older generation again, when it's today's throwaway society, must have with immediacy, must have anything from anywhere in the world, on their plate now.

    We used to repair virtually all electrical goods. Now if it's more than 3 years old. Throw it away and get a new one.

    The proliferation of plastic bags is as a direct result of growth in supermarkets. The same supermarkets that feed the gullible that they are doing their bit for the planet. The same supermarkets that will get cheaper and cheaper produce from aroubd the world, often creating the deforestation and replacement with palm trees for all of the crap that we eat in the West. The same supermarkets that have helped increase a lot of our societal problems by selling cheap booze. All of the packaging for multi packs or anything, when they dupe people into buying so much food that we throw a large percentage of it away.
    Disposable nappies because mum's are far too busy now. Yet somehow mum's managed with towelling nappies in the past when having a washing machine was a luxury.
    A generation or two ago, people would buy from their local grocers who would get most of their produce locally, same with butchers.
    People would buy the quantity they needed, not what some faceless Tesco computer generated knowledge of every purchase you ever bought, tells you to buy.

    There are so many more cars on the roads than ever before, there are more flights anywhere in the world than ever before.

    There are so many great things with what is happening today, but sometimes more than a little introspection will go a long way.
    You're quite correct with your list - but the people who actually did all those things are not the ones in their 20s now.

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You realise these are British people, why would they go and protest in China?
    Because they're the real polluters.

    My point is, if they want to make a noise, take on the real polluting countries not ours , fly into China, Russia or India ,they won't though as they know what they will get (and it won't be softly, softly policing )

  24. #74

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Because they're the real polluters.

    My point is, if they want to make a noise, take on the real polluting countries not ours , fly into China, Russia or India ,they won't though as they know what they will get (and it won't be softly, softly policing )
    How many public protests in China by foreign nationals have changed their government policies, mate?

  25. #75

    Re: Climate protesting tossers

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Blame the older generation again, when it's today's throwaway society, must have with immediacy, must have anything from anywhere in the world, on their plate now.

    We used to repair virtually all electrical goods. Now if it's more than 3 years old. Throw it away and get a new one.

    The proliferation of plastic bags is as a direct result of growth in supermarkets. The same supermarkets that feed the gullible that they are doing their bit for the planet. The same supermarkets that will get cheaper and cheaper produce from aroubd the world, often creating the deforestation and replacement with palm trees for all of the crap that we eat in the West. The same supermarkets that have helped increase a lot of our societal problems by selling cheap booze. All of the packaging for multi packs or anything, when they dupe people into buying so much food that we throw a large percentage of it away.
    Disposable nappies because mum's are far too busy now. Yet somehow mum's managed with towelling nappies in the past when having a washing machine was a luxury.
    A generation or two ago, people would buy from their local grocers who would get most of their produce locally, same with butchers.
    People would buy the quantity they needed, not what some faceless Tesco computer generated knowledge of every purchase you ever bought, tells you to buy.

    There are so many more cars on the roads than ever before, there are more flights anywhere in the world than ever before.

    There are so many great things with what is happening today, but sometimes more than a little introspection will go a long way.
    You start with the words "Blame the older generation again" and then set out a very convincing argument as to why you should do precisely that - the words "There are none so blind as those who will not see" spring to mind for some reason.

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