Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
I’m horrified like everyone else.

The BBC and our news media show us pictures of blood on the church walls.
There are pictures that show the horror that those first on the scene saw.

Unless we are shown the real horror of what these bloody vicious Jihadists are doing we just go off to work tomorrow and move on.

I am sick of the way we are given a sanitised view of this foul human behaviour.

I don’t want to see it and hope I never do but surely the media should make the clear horror of what these horrendous terrorists are doing available. For adults that need education.

I am certain by Thursday the BBC will be leading their news with Brexit which is just total nonsense whatever your position.

The world is inhabited with nasty individuals that must be stopped.

Lardy just back off please. You only like to start an attack on posters here.

Politically Blair has a lot to answer for now.
Will he ever be challenged?
Yes. I’m right wing but the boy Hague has been hidden away in the House of Lords because of the unrest he started in Libya.

You need to see a psychiatrist ASAP. Islamaphobia dressed up as concern, pathetic.