Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Tea View Post
Almost without exception, the media is a mind conditioning tool of the globalist elite. Once upon a time in school, in the11Plus days, we had verbal reasoning papers daily to promote our thinking and reasoning skills. Today, society had been so dummed down that most just accept what is fed them as ability to question has long since evaporated. Questions are not required in the workhouse of today's Zero-hours' employment landscape. What a tragic waste of a nation's resources and potential.

I am no advocate of Blair; he just happened to be in power for what the elite had next on the agenda to roll out. Society was brainwashed into thinking he was radically different from what went before; in fact he was more of the globalist agenda simply in a different coat.

The events in Sri Lanka are appalling sad.

I'd say people are questioning the world and the view they're given of it more than they ever have before.