Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Your analogy is complete shit, other countries have cut down massively. We’ve got elected officials who could plan a huge reduction easily. I don’t know because it isn’t my ****ing job to lower our emissions by 80%

At a high level it’s easy to say how to do it, it’s how you implement it that’s tricky and that’s why we have elected officials. It isn’t impossible at all.
You don't like my analogy, but your opinion and attitude is shit.

Someone disagrees with you or has a different opinion to you, you become a typical abusive keyboard warrior. It's quite humorous 🙄😉

Britain and USA have cut down more than most.
I wasn't talking about 'just' reducing emissions, but by 80% or to net zero in 5 years is unrealistic and even if we did somehow reduce it as much as that, then as severncity has shown China, Russia and India emit ridiculous amounts.

It's like someone trying to put out a raging fire with a glass of water.

We do our bit and feel good about ourselves, while the big players destroy the planet.