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Just not into fantasy and sci fi ,give me real life dramas / war films any day , been meaning to watch shrek just haven’t got round to it lol
Just watched GoT again, in a dark room.
Have to say it was 100 times better, though the clouds were still a bit of a cop-out.
Yes, I watched it for a second time in the early hours of this morning with the lights out and it was definitely easier to make things out.
As so often happens with Game of Thrones, a second watch also helps as far as understanding plot development goes - I picked up quite a few things I missed the first time when it came to Arya's part in how things develop especially.
Must say as well, that, although I don't think this episode was as good as Battle of the Bastards (the best example of what a battle must have really been like I've ever seen), I think some of the criticism in this thread is a bit harsh because, surely, the best time to judge the final series is when all six episodes have been aired - hopefully some of the "gaping holes" in the plot will have been filled in by then.
I just think they missed a trick and should’ve had an epic one on one with Jon boy and the NK and still could’ve kept the ending, I was just disappointed that we’ve had this build up of the NK but only ever had glimpses then they end him just like that, I’m still confused how he can take that shot of dragon fire but a little dagger smashes him in to a 1000 pieces, I do think there’s a big twist left to come with Bran
Perhaps it was all Samwell's dream and the battle hasn't started yet.
Maybe because Arya killed the NK she now 'owns' him and the dead (who all come back to life) and March on Cersi together!
(She appeared out of nowhere past all the NK's bodyguards)
Loads of let downs and 'false plots' for me in this episode.
They could have been much cuter with the death of the NK. Arya posing as his henchman with a white walker's face on?
I thought it was a brilliant piece of TV. I didn’t see Arya killing him which made it even better.
There had to be an ending to this storyline in this episode, the NK wasn’t going to take prisoners so he had to die.
I’m glad as it wast getting a bit dawn of the the dead, Zombie apocalypse etc. I’m looking forward to the resumption of the political intrigue based on history and historical characters.
Was just a weird ending to that particular story, years of build up and that's it. Still hoping the rest will be brilliant.
It must be tough though, years of brilliant TV, you have to end it somehow.
One thing I don't get, how did John manage to get out alive when surrounded?
The problem I find is since the book material has run out I’m not sure what influences GRRM has had on the last 2 because it has come across like they’re not sure how to finish the story and they’ve probably paid the price of omitting some big characters in the book I just fear the series has been so amazing it would be such a shame to end it on a whimper
I still can not believe how the Main Character John Snow was left to do basically nothing, he was brought back from the dead.. for what?
he might as well had not been there, for 8 seasons he has been the only person who actually cared about the dead, the only one who raised concerns, the person who was literally the prophecies.
The Benidoff dude, has come out and said we chose Arya because she was the least expected...
So you just shat over years of character development and story Arc for a cheap surprise?
I dont mind the fact that Arya killed the NK, but it was just cheap and easy, to not even give John his showdown?
(I would have had john die, providing the opening for Arya to finish the job)
Hopefully the only way out of this mess, is if they are smarter than we gave them credit for and the next episode or two provides background and filler moments for the battle of Winterfell, but if they do move on and let that be the end of the NK without providing any character development, or explained motives then they have made one of the biggest cock ups goings.
the immune to dragon fire, but not Valerian Steel is Arse backwards too, would make much more sense logically the other way round,