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Thread: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

  1. #1

    Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Hi lads,

    Bit of advice it I may.

    I've not long moved house and we love it and the area/house/school. We love it apart from a guy in our street who appears to be the village idiot. He's a dick with parking etc. but I can live with that. The main issue with him is his car alarm has been activating periodically throughout the day and night for the past fortnight.

    When i'm sleeping I'm out like a light but it disturbs my daughter and she's got school exams. My Missus ain't too happy about it either, which causes me grief.

    I've been round to his house but he wont answer the door to me.

    I've tried to speak to him but he doesn't even bother to reply.

    I spoke with environmental health and they actually have to witness it to take any action. They said they've been to the property but it didn't go off (sods law)

    My first response to this was to give the guy a dig but i know he's got cameras and I cant afford a court case.

    It only impacts on one other neighbour but he claims he can't hear it (i don't believe this)

    Anyone been in a similar situation as i'm running out of options.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    You’re not going to like this, but, to avoid arguments and confrontation, get some earplugs for your daughter, otherwise it’ll get nasty and remember, you’re the newbie

  3. #3

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Steal his car.

    On a more serious note, don’t let environmental health fob you off. The alternative is to call the police each time it happens- legitimate that you would expect a theft to be going on so you are just playing the role of concerned neighbour. Obviously a waste of police time and they may not do it but that’s what I did in the end when the burglar alarm on a petrol station near me kept going off.

  4. #4

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    You’re not going to like this, but, to avoid arguments and confrontation, get some earplugs for your daughter, otherwise it’ll get nasty and remember, you’re the newbie
    You're right i don't like the reply (but thanks anyway) mainly because if we all have ear plugs in we won't be able to hear a possible intruder. I'm not looking for it to get nasty but i will stand up for what I believe is right whether i'm a Newbie or not.

  5. #5

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Its a case for environmrntal health.
    They dont say whose reported the problem.

  6. #6

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by 1/2man1/2horse View Post
    You're right i don't like the reply (but thanks anyway) mainly because if we all have ear plugs in we won't be able to hear a possible intruder. I'm not looking for it to get nasty but i will stand up for what I believe is right whether i'm a Newbie or not.
    It must be annoying other people? If he won’t do anything about it have a word with certain people and make the car disappear. Life’s too short to put up with bollocks

  7. #7

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    4 screws one in each tyre

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Record the noise and submit hat as evidence ,then punch him .

    What are other neighbours doing about the noise?

  9. #9

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Record the noise and submit hat as evidence ,then punch him .
    Yes, evidence is needed in case they say he's telling a Pork Pie.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    Yes, evidence is needed in case they say he's telling a Pork Pie.
    very sharp,this is a serous matter concerning one of our own ,unless his neighbor is a City fan .

    I know invite him to a barbecue , get him well oiled , then ????????????

  11. #11

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Write down when it happens and look for a pattern. Then invite environmental health when you are sure it'll be going off.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    If the alarm is always going of nick it anyways.

  13. #13

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    It is difficult for the Environmental Health people as they do have to witness it, and if there is no pattern it can be difficult for them. I would do as advised above, make a note of each time the alarm goes off, and for how long it is sounding. Ring the council everytime it goes off - even when it's out of hours. Note the position of the car - how far is it from your property? (gives an idea of how loud it is). If you can, take some video footage on your mobile. Ask toher neighbours to provide similar evidence (Be careful as they may be his mates, so use casual conversation to canvass their view on the problem).

    Once you've done this, send the evidence to the EHO and copy in your local councillor and local Neighbour Police.

    If none of this works, seek the advice of a solicitor and take an injunction out against the owner.

  14. #14

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by 1/2man1/2horse View Post
    Hi lads,

    Bit of advice it I may.

    I've not long moved house and we love it and the area/house/school. We love it apart from a guy in our street who appears to be the village idiot. He's a dick with parking etc. but I can live with that. The main issue with him is his car alarm has been activating periodically throughout the day and night for the past fortnight.

    When i'm sleeping I'm out like a light but it disturbs my daughter and she's got school exams. My Missus ain't too happy about it either, which causes me grief.

    I've been round to his house but he wont answer the door to me.

    I've tried to speak to him but he doesn't even bother to reply.

    I spoke with environmental health and they actually have to witness it to take any action. They said they've been to the property but it didn't go off (sods law)

    My first response to this was to give the guy a dig but i know he's got cameras and I cant afford a court case.

    It only impacts on one other neighbour but he claims he can't hear it (i don't believe this)

    Anyone been in a similar situation as i'm running out of options.

    Thanks in advance
    I know this is going to to be a revelation, but you have a video function on your phone! it might be an idea to record the alarm going off a few times and send that to the environmental agency. Simples

  15. #15

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    It's probably annoying the guy himself as well, maybe offer some advice on how to disable the alarm for that make and model of car

  16. #16

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    It's probably annoying the guy himself as well, maybe offer some advice on how to disable the alarm for that make and model of car

    Whilst holding a sledgehammer.

  17. #17

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Start to keep a diary of all the times and durations that the alarm is going off. You'll need evidence to back up your case.

  18. #18

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Drop a polite notice through the door and only step up action if that doesn't have any effect. Don't escalate matters unless you have to.

  19. #19

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    U should of nocked him out. I would of nocked him out.

  20. #20

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Possible reason the alarm is going off is that he has left one of the windows down a little. Go and check this out next time the alarm goes off as I reckon this is going to be the likely reason it is going to go off, either that or he has a car battery that is on the way out. You could then eliminate if this is the reason its going off. If it is slightly open then you can post a note and ask him to politely put up his window as its driving you bezerk. Even if it's not the window then just post a note saying that your wife works for the environment health and she doesn't want to escalate this problem but can you sort it out and do the decent thing before she gets her colleagues to take over and serve him with a nuisance notice whatever it is. Just make it sound like your in the loop of her working at environmental health noise pollution department.

  21. #21

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Or write him a letter stating how upset you are but sign it from old man jack, who lives 4 doors down. One of the older residents in the street. Chances are he will act on that if it's polite and from an elderly chap or lady. Just find out the oldest person in your streets 1st name and blag its from them.

  22. #22

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    I used to (and sometimes still do) go to local community police meetings.

    People would complain about all sorts of nonsense and the police's answer was always the same - and as others have rightly said - to keep a diary of events (from just noting when the alarm goes off, to recordings, videos etc - the more the better) so you can build up a body of evidence to present to them. The same applies here with your situation.

    Then - when you go back to environmental health you have a whole load of evidence to back your claims up - and best case scenario a pattern then emerges of when the alarm goes off, and then EH can turn up at that time to witness it in person.

    But if they (EH) don't do anything you keep collecting evidence and keep pushing them. Then - say if it got a bit heated further down the line, for whatever reason - you've got all 'I told you so' evidence to put the blame on them for not doing anything.

    You just have to play the game a little bit - a longer game admittedly, but this is how these things tend to work unfortunately.

    In the short term...get your daughter some ear plugs.

  23. #23

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Don't know how confrontational you want to be, but I'm sure if he sees you filming his car while it's going off then he's going to get the message that he needs to do something about it.

  24. #24

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by uncle bob View Post
    Or write him a letter stating how upset you are but sign it from old man jack, who lives 4 doors down. One of the older residents in the street. Chances are he will act on that if it's polite and from an elderly chap or lady. Just find out the oldest person in your streets 1st name and blag its from them.
    You're not serious, surely?

    The OP did say this guy was like the village idiot, he's also said he's tried to speak to him but he doesn't reply, so I doubt that he's polite.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Problem with Neighbour - Advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by Rock_Flock_of_Five View Post
    You're not serious, surely?

    The OP did say this guy was like the village idiot, he's also said he's tried to speak to him but he doesn't reply, so I doubt that he's polite.
    He may be polite but he may be deaf. Or dunb, or maybe both.

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