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Thread: so Spillers bans Morrissey

  1. #51

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Some interesting comments on the Breitbart article.

    Liberals used to say they'll defend with their lives the freedom for you to say what you will. Now they say they will fight you if you don't shut up when they disagree with you.
    Liberals used to say the likes of Abu Hamza and Anjem Choudary must have the freedom of speech!!!

    Liberal politics. Today's liberals have become yesterday's fascists.. not exactly progress.

    When a record shop tells me what I can or cannot buy, because of THEIR politics, it is time for me to find a new record shop.

    PC gone crazy in Europe. Better wake up before it's too late. Banning free speech is communist and Hitler-esque.
    Once you lose freedom, all else is lost. Pray for them for they know not what they do.

    Just a few comments there...

    I'd be interested in people's thoughts.
    Sounds like a bag of old bollocks, doesn't it?

    Morrissey records are still available to buy in other places, the government haven't censored him or banned his records from being sold anywhere and he hasn't been prosecuted for his political views.

    He has every right to say what he wants about his beliefs... Just as people are equally entitled to say his views are archaic and he's a massive c**t.

    It astounds me that so many people don't understand the basic principles of what "free speech" actually is. In fact, Spillers are essentially utilising their right to free speech by banning something from their shop.

    Never fear, right wing snowflakes of Breitbart... This story just proves that freedom of speech is alive and well.

  2. #52

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Some interesting comments on the Breitbart article.

    Liberals used to say they'll defend with their lives the freedom for you to say what you will. Now they say they will fight you if you don't shut up when they disagree with you.
    Liberals used to say the likes of Abu Hamza and Anjem Choudary must have the freedom of speech!!!

    Liberal politics. Today's liberals have become yesterday's fascists.. not exactly progress.

    When a record shop tells me what I can or cannot buy, because of THEIR politics, it is time for me to find a new record shop.

    PC gone crazy in Europe. Better wake up before it's too late. Banning free speech is communist and Hitler-esque.
    Once you lose freedom, all else is lost. Pray for them for they know not what they do.

    Just a few comments there...

    I'd be interested in people's thoughts.
    I don't visit breitbart but as you do, perhaps you could leave a comment to teach them what freedom of speech is because they seem pretty confused.

  3. #53

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Some interesting comments on the Breitbart article.

    Liberals used to say they'll defend with their lives the freedom for you to say what you will. Now they say they will fight you if you don't shut up when they disagree with you.
    Liberals used to say the likes of Abu Hamza and Anjem Choudary must have the freedom of speech!!!

    Liberal politics. Today's liberals have become yesterday's fascists.. not exactly progress.

    When a record shop tells me what I can or cannot buy, because of THEIR politics, it is time for me to find a new record shop.

    PC gone crazy in Europe. Better wake up before it's too late. Banning free speech is communist and Hitler-esque.
    Once you lose freedom, all else is lost. Pray for them for they know not what they do.

    Just a few comments there...

    I'd be interested in people's thoughts.
    You can't say anything anymore, say numerous amounts of people on a multitude of forums that can reach more people than ever before.

  4. #54

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    No one is telling you what you can and cannot do. Spillers is choosing not to sell Morissey records. As is their right. If I had a bakery and refused to sell custard tarts you could still buy them at Greggs. And I wouldn't stop you.

    How many on here actually buy records anyway?

  5. #55

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post

    How many on here actually buy records anyway?
    Me - around 4000+. Usually from Spillers.

  6. #56

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Me - around 4000+. Usually from Spillers.
    OK, so that's two of us. I'm not buying the Morrissey record anyway.

  7. #57

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    I'm a Smiths and Morrisey fan (well, his earlier stuff anyway) but I absolutely defend Spillers to stock whatever they like.

  8. #58

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    they.re all at it now . in Liverpool


    democracy is dead
    Protest is part of democracy.

  9. #59

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Mersey Rail and THAT Record Store, pull up a chair
    Can we talk about free speech for a moment? by Fiona Dodwell


  10. #60

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Mersey Rail and THAT Record Store, pull up a chair
    Can we talk about free speech for a moment? by Fiona Dodwell

    This is so one sided, you're only defending Him because you love him, what about 'Freedom of speech' in general? What about people like Tommy Robinson, what would your reaction be if a private business refused to entertain him because of his beliefs? This isn't about free speech, it's about some bloke with an inflated ego acting like a cock.

  11. #61

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Mersey Rail and THAT Record Store, pull up a chair
    Can we talk about free speech for a moment? by Fiona Dodwell

    Yep, and as has already been said on this thread Spillers are exercising their freedom of speech by choosing not to stock his records. Get over it.

  12. #62

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….

  13. #63

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….
    Don’t forget the Royal Family. An album called The Queen Is Dead no less.

  14. #64

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….

  15. #65

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….
    Why aren't the left lapping it up now he's being aligned with some dodgy right wing group? Well, I wonder.

  16. #66

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….
    You're talking like his album's been banned from sale in the UK - one private record store who's owner disagrees with his pretty extreme views has decided she doesn't want to sell his album. That's it. Stop being so dramatic and turning it into a state of the nation address.

    Also if you can't understand why the left wing were on his side when he was making comments against right wing Thatcher, and have now turned against him because of his extremely right wing views then I suggest you go back to primary school and start again.

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    No one is telling you what you can and cannot do. Spillers is choosing not to sell Morissey records. As is their right. If I had a bakery and refused to sell custard tarts you could still buy them at Greggs. And I wouldn't stop you.

    How many on here actually buy records anyway?
    Is it as many people as buy custard tarts? It may be a good guide to a new project or business.

  18. #68

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance
    I think modern Britain is nicely encapsulated in the way you have constructed your opening paragraph.

    It's embarrassing.

  19. #69

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    theres something far more deep rooted than this . I,m just using Morrissey as a prime example of modern UK in this instance

    in the 80/s he was making comments against Thatcher , The Meat industry , Band Aid etc when the so called left wing were lapping it up but not now .

    what a strange world we live in now

    in the words of the legend

    has the world changed or have I changed …………….
    The thing that is deep rooted is his racism, take another look at some Smiths lyrics, its always been there

  20. #70

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    You're talking like his album's been banned from sale in the UK - one private record store who's owner disagrees with his pretty extreme views has decided she doesn't want to sell his album. That's it. Stop being so dramatic and turning it into a state of the nation address.

    Also if you can't understand why the left wing were on his side when he was making comments against right wing Thatcher, and have now turned against him because of his extremely right wing views then I suggest you go back to primary school and start again.
    And I've decided to boycott Spillers, not because I support the views of Morrissey, I just don't think any retailer should become a self-appointed chief of the thought police. If Morrissey is going to be banned, it should be by proper authority, and not some jacked-up shop owner.

  21. #71

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    And I've decided to boycott Spillers, not because I support the views of Morrissey, I just don't think any retailer should become a self-appointed chief of the thought police. If Morrissey is going to be banned, it should be by proper authority, and not some jacked-up shop owner.
    Morrissey is not banned. You just can't buy his record in Spillers.

    Do you think that someone else should have the right to tell a "jacked-up shop owner" (whatever that is) what they can and cannot sell?

  22. #72

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Morrissey is not banned. You just can't buy his record in Spillers.

    Do you think that someone else should have the right to tell a "jacked-up shop owner" (whatever that is) what they can and cannot sell?
    Morrissey is banned in THAT shop, now do you think you have the right to tell me how to spend my money?

  23. #73

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Morrissey is banned in THAT shop, now do you think you have the right to tell me to spend my money in Spillers?
    Of course not. How on earth do arrive at that conclusion?

  24. #74

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Of course not. How on earth do arrive at that conclusion?
    In that case I fail to see the point of your interjection, as I haven't said he can't sell whatever he wants. The point I was making is if he wants to define what freed speech is acceptable, then I can vote with my wallet not to support that business. I support freedom of speech for everybody, even if I don't agree with some of it. When you start interfering with who can say what, you are on the slippery slope to Marxism. That's why I say let the proper authority decide what is acceptable, not a shop keeper here and a coffee shop owner there. Society will soon decend into chaos if you go down that road.

  25. #75

    Re: so Spillers bans Morrissey

    All this fuss about a nobody who has achieved a small little cult following.

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