Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
Would anyone expect a compete scum bag who has opinions like this about the suadi
Embassy murder to think the bbc was left leaning though? This prick would think farage was a lefty.
There you go again with your totally unnecessary and offensive language. Who the feck are you to call anyone a prick or a scumbag you keyboard warrior toss pot?

You must have wasted some time trawling to find that post mind. It was in the Saudi murder thread ages ago. Couldn't you find anything later?
And what I said was neither left nor right wing, but a simple fact. The man knew the Saudi's didn't like him (to put it mildly) and he knew that when he entered the Embassy he would be on Saudi sovereign territory, so by extension he knew the risk he was taking. you must have a very twisted view of things to turn that into something you are suggesting.
you're just an insulting arsehole.