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Thread: Theresa May

  1. #76

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Second election to elect a Prime Minister.

    The one before Theresa May was Cameron in 2005!!

    They were happy enough with him for over 10 years and he wasn't pushed but went himself.

    I'm not a great fan of a second referendum but if it was just to confirm the way we leave I could accept it.

    I would not support one if remain was one of the choices

    We've done that.
    He didn't so much go himself as made a quick exit so not to deal with the incredible mess he had made. Like throwing up all over a friend's living room and making a dash for it rather than owning up.

    There is an argument that the first referendum had one side breaking electoral law and our system being open to misinformation spread by foreign countries. If you have any time for that then I'm not sure how you could want a second referendum until that has been properly investigated and any massive holes in the system closed.

  2. #77

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    You are correct though, this board’s Jeremy’s Corbyn resorts to insults at the drop of a hat. I’ve been insulted and sworn at by him. Luckily for us we are not snowflakes and sticks and stones etc etc. Still he does lose the debate each time he swears at and insults other posters.
    Both of you share abhorrent views you deserve to be insulted. This board is a cesspit of backwards old men and losers who think their backwards opinion deserve to be respected.

  3. #78

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    There you go again with your totally unnecessary and offensive language. Who the feck are you to call anyone a prick or a scumbag you keyboard warrior toss pot?

    You must have wasted some time trawling to find that post mind. It was in the Saudi murder thread ages ago. Couldn't you find anything later?
    And what I said was neither left nor right wing, but a simple fact. The man knew the Saudi's didn't like him (to put it mildly) and he knew that when he entered the Embassy he would be on Saudi sovereign territory, so by extension he knew the risk he was taking. you must have a very twisted view of things to turn that into something you are suggesting.
    you're just an insulting arsehole.
    It’s on the first page of your posts pal. You are a scumbag and I stick to that.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    He didn't so much go himself as made a quick exit so not to deal with the incredible mess he had made. Like throwing up all over a friend's living room and making a dash for it rather than owning up.

    There is an argument that the first referendum had one side breaking electoral law and our system being open to misinformation spread by foreign countries. If you have any time for that then I'm not sure how you could want a second referendum until that has been properly investigated and any massive holes in the system closed.
    I understand you and many others have a point of view regarding the referendum but to keep rehash the same comments and arguments is a little pointless don't you think? It has happened, it is done. Finished. Dead. I do believe it has been looked at by those in some power who wanted to find a reason to nullify it, but it stands. Talk about having another by all means but why waste our energy on the last one?
    If Tony Blair hadn't changed the referendum rules in order to get his Wales Assembly referendum through then the Brexit referendum would have resoundingly returned a 'remain' result, but what is is.
    Just for a little clarity on my own position before I am attacked by all the usual pro remain warriors. I was a pro remain voter but I believe that having voted to go we should do it. so if there were another I would vote to leave.

    Further, regarding hard or soft exit, I have been taught in and by life that as a general rule no decision is right or wrong until after it is made. It is what is done or not done after the decision, in consequence of it, that normally brings about a satisfactory or unsatisfactory result. So no one can tell which course is best until it is taken and in this case there is no previous situation to give guidance. so lets just make a decision and then all work together as a nation to make it right for all of us!! All this inability to make a decision is helping no one and only making this country look weak and stupid. If those in a position to see that cannot see it then lets get rid of them all.

  5. #80
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Theresa May

    God, I must be bored this morning.

  6. #81

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Both of you share abhorrent views you deserve to be insulted. This board is a cesspit of backwards old men and losers who think their backwards opinion deserve to be respected.
    What abhorrent views do I hold?

  7. #82
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    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    What abhorrent views do I hold?
    I hope you feel better for saying that. I assume by 'abhorrent views' you mean views that you think we hold that you do not personally agree with.
    So by extension do you think that we should not be allowed to hold or voice views that you disagree with? That sounds very much like old school Soviet 'conservative' thinking to me. Where people were afraid to be heard voicing contrary opinions for fear of having a visit by people they wouldn't like.
    But perhaps that is the kind of society you want this to be?
    On a side note, are you a member of momentum?

  8. #83

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I hope you feel better for saying that. I assume by 'abhorrent views' you mean views that you think we hold that you do not personally agree with.
    So by extension do you think that we should not be allowed to hold or voice views that you disagree with? That sounds very much like old school Soviet 'conservative' thinking to me. Where people were afraid to be heard voicing contrary opinions for fear of having a visit by people they wouldn't like.
    But perhaps that is the kind of society you want this to be?
    On a side note, are you a member of momentum?
    I was replying to rudy gestede

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I was replying to rudy gestede
    So was I. He was referring to both of us

  10. #85

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I hope you feel better for saying that. I assume by 'abhorrent views' you mean views that you think we hold that you do not personally agree with.
    So by extension do you think that we should not be allowed to hold or voice views that you disagree with? That sounds very much like old school Soviet 'conservative' thinking to me. Where people were afraid to be heard voicing contrary opinions for fear of having a visit by people they wouldn't like.
    But perhaps that is the kind of society you want this to be?
    On a side note, are you a member of momentum?
    He's probably the owner of a very old record shop in Cardiff

  11. #86
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But these last comments demonstrate that the problem isn't May, it is really the deal that the EU wanted to foist on us in the first place . (Or should that be foist place??? )
    Changing the PM isn't going to make the problem go away.
    I wonder how the remainers will feel about forcing another referendum after they see how the brexit party did in these elections?
    I'd said the same a while back it's Barnier's deal as usual shouted down.

    It all makes me laugh .

    Tories say new PM new deal .
    Labour General Election will sort it

    The one constant us Europe's stance .

    Yes we will have revised deal if we stay in the customs union , unfortunately that does not deliver a lot of core components of why we had Brexit .

    Control of borders free movement comes with the custom union .

    Nationalisation plans would be effected under the EU competition rules .

    Happy days .

  12. #87
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I think this rather proves the point about the BBC's alleged bias


    It seems that, surprise, surprise the bias is nearly always seen as being in favour of the side that is opposite your own politics - something which may well suggest that the BBC is, broadly, neutral.
    I would agree that the BBC is and tries to be neutreal sometimes too hard .

    Over the decades goverments of all accused the BBC of bias .

    Recently Corbyn has suggested as much and I clearly remember Osborne saying the same .

    I suppose I'm old fashioned but I've always seen the BBC as a great institution to be proud of , it gave me things like football , John Peel , Top 40 , winderful ground breaking television , now in later life we have radio 4 extra ,6 music ,BBC 3 .

    Its recognised all around the globe though the world service, and internet .

    ( not perfect ,but better than most media outlets )

    Typically British though , we love to knock the very institutions that many from afar admire .

    Good old Auntie.

  13. #88
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    It’s on the first page of your posts pal. You are a scumbag and I stick to that.
    Thanks for visiting. come again soon!

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Theresa May

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Thanks for visiting. come again soon!
    That chap Gestede has been awfully "rude'y" to you and other older board members .

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