Quote Originally Posted by Freitag 4.17 View Post
I'm sorry. You've driven me to the 'No, I will not debate you' stage. If you really wish to challenge your own way of thinking, then have a good read of this link below. It's me copying and pasting again I'm afraid, but you'll have to excuse me as this details what I'm trying to impart to you far more eloquently than I'm able to. Go on, do yourself a favour and read it, I'm not trying to impose 'cultural marxism' on you I promise. Would be good to hear what you think about the arguments therein.
I will read it, thank you The difference between us, is I have a slghtly different view regarding the role of the media, and the way the political system works behind the scenes. Hopefully everyone will get to see this view shortly, as I don't think it is going to remain hidden for much longer. Maybe then people will start to question things and begin to think for themselves. I don't blame others for being stuck in a bubble, as my entire worldview used to consist of what I read in the Guardian or watched on Newsnight, so I know it's not easy to accept anything that happens outside of that.