Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
I think Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it. (He described Venezuela as a perfect example ofv rue socialism at owrk. god help us!)

But on a serious note this attitude of Mcclusky and momentum is what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want. Like the old soviet states where no one gave an opinion in case someone was listening. It could be quite injurious to a persons health and well-being.
Yes I've noticed the difference in the new socialist stance from the older ones of many moons ago.

You can definitely see a more aggressive social media tact ,they are more pronounce and personal ,perhaps it's was always there and social media had just exposed that vitriolic conversation .

With regards to anti semtism I can distinctly remember it existing at political/ union conferences I attended in the 80s ,it was though at fringe events ,many would wear the black and white Arab scarf as a badge . Militant Tendency was about a lot on picket lines and at conferences, perhaps these old boys are looking for a last bite of glory , let's prey they don't destroy jobs and towns in thier quest , as they did in the 80's , hate to see Hatton delivering redundancy notices in a posh car in his sheepskin coat again.

I've even seen it on this board where some resort to one line insults , I get the feeling face to face, we'd see a softer conversation.

Welcome to the new nasty party.