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Thread: Brexit Party Smashing It!

  1. #1

    Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Who'd have thought it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Who'd have thought it!
    Vote up on last time as well .

    I do wonder though if you add up all the remain what you get as an opposition.

    I see Lady Emily (I hate white van man) is saying we were not clear as a party ( hope Jezzie sorts out his parties divisions ,before thier cull happens ).

    Which way do Tories jump ? If they lean out ,were out and they win next GE .

  3. #3

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Emily is overbearing, she won't let anybody talk

  4. #4
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Emily is overbearing, she won't let anybody talk
    That's the leadership in her .

    I have to say I find it hard to like her (I've tried ) it's like she's telling you off or dictating at pace her mantra to you .

    Bit like Diana of the Abbot , where she also becomes very dictorial , and has that strange eyes rolling upward movement , as if too say what now you silly chaps , let me tell you my position or else I call the political correctness police .

    God what's bunch , what happened to the slick Tony brigade .

  5. #5

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    I'd like to congratulate the Lib Dems and Greens for completely splitting the remain vote in Wales. Idiots.

  6. #6
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Emily is overbearing, she won't let anybody talk
    Nor will you, your inbox is full

  7. #7
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I'd like to congratulate the Lib Dems and Greens for completely splitting the remain vote in Wales. Idiots.
    I think a lot of Labour voters drifted towards them, come the election I wonder if you might see a tactical coalition election ,bit like last election where Britain's Communist party didn't field candidates for the obvious reason of the existance of the comrade Corbyn party.

  8. #8

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Plaid beating Labour is historic regardless of low turnout

  9. #9

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Vote up on last time as well .

    I do wonder though if you add up all the remain what you get as an opposition.

    I see Lady Emily (I hate white van man) is saying we were not clear as a party ( hope Jezzie sorts out his parties divisions ,before thier cull happens ).

    Which way do Tories jump ? If they lean out ,were out and they win next GE .
    It's laughable that some of the spokespeople are using this argument. And those that got their arses kicked trying to say something positive.

    If you applied the same logic in a general election we'd never have a government! even Blair's landslide in 1997 got less % vote than the BRX party tonight (yesterday... whatever)

  10. #10

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Plaid beating Labour is historic regardless of low turnout
    It sure is. I think if they allow McEvoy to return Plaid will have a good chance of being top dog in 2021 especially as I have a feeling Drakeford will reject the M4 Relief road. Plaid had HUGE numbers in Gwynedd, if they can convert some of the South Wales seats they will have a real chance.

  11. #11

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    It's laughable that some of the spokespeople are using this argument. And those that got their arses kicked trying to say something positive.

    If you applied the same logic in a general election we'd never have a government! even Blair's landslide in 1997 got less % vote than the BRX party tonight (yesterday... whatever)
    At a UK level Brexit Party has so far 33.2% of the vote.
    Lib Dems and Greens so far have 33.4% of the vote.

    In Wales, Brexit Party got 32.5% of the vote.
    Plaid Cymru and Lib Dems got 33.2% of the vote.

    Things seem just as split as ever. All we know is that the Tories, the party falling apart realising an effective Brexit is impossible to deliver, and Labour, sitting on the fence, got a kicking.

    BBC reporting that pro-Brexit parties got 34.9% of the vote so far.
    Anti-Brexit parties got 40.4% of the vote so far.

  12. #12

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    What a fantastic result go Ann Widd I Combe. A true bastion of womanhood and modern thinking

  13. #13

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    At a UK level Brexit Party has so far 33.2% of the vote.
    Lib Dems and Greens so far have 33.4% of the vote.

    In Wales, Brexit Party got 32.5% of the vote.
    Plaid Cymru and Lib Dems got 33.2% of the vote.

    Things seem just as split as ever. All we know is that the Tories, the party falling apart realising an effective Brexit is impossible to deliver, and Labour, sitting on the fence, got a kicking.

    BBC reporting that pro-Brexit parties got 34.9% of the vote so far.
    Anti-Brexit parties got 40.4% of the vote so far.
    Whilst watching the results come through I couldn't stop myself mentally adding up the votes for the Brexit parties and comparing them with the total votes of the "Remain" parties and yes, over and over again they seemed to roughly balance out, so I think if there was another referendum then the situation might be the same again. However there are two important factors - one, the turnout this time was far less than in the referendum and two, as some of the pundits pointed out, there may be other reasons why people voted Lib Dem or Green Party. I could agree with that for the Green Party but for the Lib Dems....?

    If there is to be another referendum then whoever calls it must have the courage to demand a minimum 67% of the vote in favour one way or the other. If this is not achieved, then scrap the whole thing and maybe revisit in 10 years time if opinion polls suggest the mood has shifted, a la SNP independence vote.

  14. #14
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Whilst watching the results come through I couldn't stop myself mentally adding up the votes for the Brexit parties and comparing them with the total votes of the "Remain" parties and yes, over and over again they seemed to roughly balance out, so I think if there was another referendum then the situation might be the same again. However there are two important factors - one, the turnout this time was far less than in the referendum and two, as some of the pundits pointed out, there may be other reasons why people voted Lib Dem or Green Party. I could agree with that for the Green Party but for the Lib Dems....?

    If there is to be another referendum then whoever calls it must have the courage to demand a minimum 67% of the vote in favour one way or the other. If this is not achieved, then scrap the whole thing and maybe revisit in 10 years time if opinion polls suggest the mood has shifted, a la SNP independence vote.
    The historical rule for referenda was that whatever change was being voted on had to have 50+ of the available vote.
    This meant for example that if 10,000,000 million people had a vote then the actual numbers for change had to be 5,000,001. It was irrelevant how many actually voted. Any non-cast vote was assumed to be a vote to maintain the status-quo, what ever that may have been.
    Then there was the rule of 60% of the actual vote, which still makes sense but TB changed that to 50%for the welsh assembly vote because he had promised it to welsh labour and knew that it was the only way he had a cat in hell's chance of getting it past, and he only just managed it then. The end result we see today is Wales by a cabal elected by about 11% of the .
    The dithering and opposition to the M4 relief road is a perfect example of idealists running a country and completely ignoring the need for something to keep the country prosperous and in a position to grow. Not building it will be a disaster but those opposing it won't care, they wont even think about the damage it may do to the economy as long as their own opinions prevail.
    If the decision had been up to the westminster government it would be built by now.

  15. #15

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    The Brexit party basically took the UKIP vote and the most no deal voters from the tories.

    If you look at the split Brexit and agreement/Libdem as the remain/leave it’s still pretty even.

    For me though anyone voting labour or Tory in this election must be pro leave because they’ve both been so clear on wanting to leave.

  16. #16

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The Brexit party basically took the UKIP vote and the most no deal voters from the tories.

    If you look at the split Brexit and agreement/Libdem as the remain/leave it’s still pretty even.

    For me though anyone voting labour or Tory in this election must be pro leave because they’ve both been so clear on wanting to leave.
    Not sure you can describe the Lib Dems as "agreement" considering their slogan was "bollocks to Brexit".

    The Labour vote is still the most complex to unpick. I know two who voted labour who would describe themselves as pro-remain and two who voted labour who want to leave the EU - admittedly a very small sample size.

  17. #17

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Not sure you can describe the Lib Dems as "agreement" considering their slogan was "bollocks to Brexit".

    The Labour vote is still the most complex to unpick. I know two who voted labour who would describe themselves as pro-remain and two who voted labour who want to leave the EU - admittedly a very small sample size.
    Sort that autocorrected from greens. Green/libdem anti Brexit was what I meant to say.

    I think the whole thing is more complex than just being able to add up the percentages too. Brexit party clear mandate for no deal but there will be plenty voting labour and Tory who are pro Brexit but not no deal.

  18. #18

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The Brexit party basically took the UKIP vote and the most no deal voters from the tories.

    If you look at the split Brexit and green/Libdem as the remain/leave it’s still pretty even.

    For me though anyone voting labour or Tory in this election must be pro leave because they’ve both been so clear on wanting to leave.

  19. #19

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    This result doesn't do much to dissuade me that Brexit isn't simply a one man personality cult. An alternate reality where farage suddenly pivots to EFTA would be very interesting...

  20. #20
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The Brexit party basically took the UKIP vote and the most no deal voters from the tories.

    If you look at the split Brexit and agreement/Libdem as the remain/leave it’s still pretty even.

    For me though anyone voting labour or Tory in this election must be pro leave because they’ve both been so clear on wanting to leave.

    I voted Labour (Yorkshire & The Humber) and I am definitely pro-Remain. I know a lot of others the same. I also know a lot of Labour voters (usually) who went Green, and I suspect some of them won't come back to Labour.

    Overall this feels like the last warning shot before the electoral map is torn up. The turnout was down - so just over a third of voters bothered (unlike the rest of Europe) and the outcome is massively affected by abstentions and tactical votes. In some ways it was like a free shot. But at the same time Labour and (even more so) the Tories have been hammered - partly because of what they have done or not done in the last 3 years but mainly because they are as split as the electorate as a whole. I don't see this election as a template for a general election, but the 2 party system may not recover.

  21. #21

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Important to remember the low turnout before making any projections

  22. #22

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    At a UK level Brexit Party has so far 33.2% of the vote.
    Lib Dems and Greens so far have 33.4% of the vote.

    In Wales, Brexit Party got 32.5% of the vote.
    Plaid Cymru and Lib Dems got 33.2% of the vote.

    Things seem just as split as ever. All we know is that the Tories, the party falling apart realising an effective Brexit is impossible to deliver, and Labour, sitting on the fence, got a kicking.

    BBC reporting that pro-Brexit parties got 34.9% of the vote so far.
    Anti-Brexit parties got 40.4% of the vote so far.
    The Brexit Party would romp home in a first past the post general election, which is what Farage is promising if we don't leave on Oct 31st.

  23. #23
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The Brexit Party would romp home in a first past the post general election, which is what Farage is promising if we don't leave on Oct 31st.
    I tend to agree, if only because the vote against them is so fractured.

  24. #24

    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    I voted the remain.Voted Labour this time.
    However, I have come to the conclusion I want to see a No Deal asap.
    It's the only way to see whose right and whose wrong.

  25. #25
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    Re: Brexit Party Smashing It!

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I voted the remain.Voted Labour this time.
    However, I have come to the conclusion I want to see a No Deal asap.
    It's the only way to see whose right and whose wrong.
    I've said before no decision is ever right or wrong until after it is made. It's what you do after you make it that matters. Either way is a leap in the dark.
    The worst possible result would be to have to go begging to the EU to change our minds and stay in. The French would simply love it!!!!

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