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Thread: Len McCluskey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Len McCluskey

    Most Sunday mornings I listen to John Pienaar politics show on radio 5 and Len McCluskey has had a lot of slots of this year , instead of an actual Labour MP spokesperson .

    Is the Unite Party that embed into the new party is it now a representative of it ? ( I know their money is ) .

    Is Len potentially its eventual leader .

    He's mentioned Jeremy's name over and over again , in almost every sentence in a type of campaign rant , its clear he doesn't like Tom Watson for having a different view or position on politics, its mine or Jeremy' s I hear him think or perhaps its just his ??.

  2. #2
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Most Sunday mornings I listen to John Pienaar politics show on radio 5 and Len McCluskey has had a lot of slots of this year , instead of an actual Labour MP spokesperson .

    Is the Unite Party that embed into the new party is it now a representative of it ? ( I know their money is ) .

    Is Len potentially its eventual leader .

    He's mentioned Jeremy's name over and over again , in almost every sentence in a type of campaign rant , its clear he doesn't like Tom Watson for having a different view or position on politics, its mine or Jeremy' s I hear him think or perhaps its just his ??.
    I think Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it. (He described Venezuela as a perfect example ofv rue socialism at owrk. god help us!)

    But on a serious note this attitude of Mcclusky and momentum is what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want. Like the old soviet states where no one gave an opinion in case someone was listening. It could be quite injurious to a persons health and well-being.

  3. #3

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it. (He described Venezuela as a perfect example ofv rue socialism at owrk. god help us!)

    But on a serious note this attitude of Mcclusky and momentum is what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want. Like the old soviet states where no one gave an opinion in case someone was listening. It could be quite injurious to a persons health and well-being.
    "what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want."

    "Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it."

    But how does he eat a bacon sandwich?

  4. #4
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it. (He described Venezuela as a perfect example ofv rue socialism at owrk. god help us!)

    But on a serious note this attitude of Mcclusky and momentum is what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want. Like the old soviet states where no one gave an opinion in case someone was listening. It could be quite injurious to a persons health and well-being.
    Yes I've noticed the difference in the new socialist stance from the older ones of many moons ago.

    You can definitely see a more aggressive social media tact ,they are more pronounce and personal ,perhaps it's was always there and social media had just exposed that vitriolic conversation .

    With regards to anti semtism I can distinctly remember it existing at political/ union conferences I attended in the 80s ,it was though at fringe events ,many would wear the black and white Arab scarf as a badge . Militant Tendency was about a lot on picket lines and at conferences, perhaps these old boys are looking for a last bite of glory , let's prey they don't destroy jobs and towns in thier quest , as they did in the 80's , hate to see Hatton delivering redundancy notices in a posh car in his sheepskin coat again.

    I've even seen it on this board where some resort to one line insults , I get the feeling face to face, we'd see a softer conversation.

    Welcome to the new nasty party.

  5. #5
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Yes I've noticed the difference in the new socialist stance from the older ones of many moons ago.

    You can definitely see a more aggressive social media tact ,they are more pronounce and personal ,perhaps it's was always there and social media had just exposed that vitriolic conversation .

    With regards to anti semtism I can distinctly remember it existing at political/ union conferences I attended in the 80s ,it was though at fringe events ,many would wear the black and white Arab scarf as a badge . Militant Tendency was about a lot on picket lines and at conferences, perhaps these old boys are looking for a last bite of glory , let's prey they don't destroy jobs and towns in thier quest , as they did in the 80's , hate to see Hatton delivering redundancy notices in a posh car in his sheepskin coat again.

    I've even seen it on this board where some resort to one line insults , I get the feeling face to face, we'd see a softer conversation.

    Welcome to the new nasty party.
    What does wearing an Arab scarf have to do with anti-semitism? There has been a long tradition on the left in Europe of support for Palestinian rights (against 70 years of ethnic cleansing, systematic discrimination, exploitation by neighbouring regimes and a total lack of concern by Western governments). Sometimes that was shown in fashion choices.

    I also remember many events, marches, conferences etc. from the 1980s. I don't recall any anti-semitism (although I'm sure it was around somewhere) but I do have a strong recollection of the most vociferous and committed members of the Palestine solidarity movement being Jewish. There are more voices around today on that side of the argument, but orthodox Jews, Jewish socialists and Jewish opponents of political Zionism are still there and very visible.

  6. #6

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think Jeremy's view is whatever momentum tells him it is, although the further left and the more pro terrorist anti-jewish it is the more he likes it. (He described Venezuela as a perfect example ofv rue socialism at owrk. god help us!)

    But on a serious note this attitude of Mcclusky and momentum is what I referred to in a previous thread/post about them trying to silence and/or remove anyone who does not say what they want. Like the old soviet states where no one gave an opinion in case someone was listening. It could be quite injurious to a persons health and well-being.
    Who has been silenced and/or removed?

  7. #7
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    I'm not entirely sure they have actually managed to do it yet (because it hasn't been reported in the press) but there is enough evidence in the press of them trying to do it. The clamour against Margaret Hodge was an eye-opener with regard to it, and reports of Momentum loading local party meetings to force through left wing agenda that the rank and file would normally not countenance together with attempts to deselect local constituency party committee member, not to mention sitting and hopeful MPs are some evidence of it. They also attend meetings and talk out debates to avoid any adoption of things they don't like.
    Which ever way you want to paint it, it is bullying and a tactic used by others in other places at other times, to cow the population.

  8. #8
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I'm not entirely sure they have actually managed to do it yet (because it hasn't been reported in the press) but there is enough evidence in the press of them trying to do it. The clamour against Margaret Hodge was an eye-opener with regard to it, and reports of Momentum loading local party meetings to force through left wing agenda that the rank and file would normally not countenance together with attempts to deselect local constituency party committee member, not to mention sitting and hopeful MPs are some evidence of it. They also attend meetings and talk out debates to avoid any adoption of things they don't like.
    Which ever way you want to paint it, it is bullying and a tactic used by others in other places at other times, to cow the population.
    No - it is an attempt to assert member democracy in the party and make clear that MPs that are elected on a party ticket need to perform and to represent the party - not freelance or sabotage. It's easy really. Not bullying at all.

    Incidentally, it is the stick that can legitimately be used to beat Corbyn over Brexit fence-sitting. He may be following party policy but he isn't listening to the majority view of members (who otherwise support him).

    If Margaret Hodge wasn't an anti-Corbyn MP and the darling of the 'liberal press' she would have been expelled for her public abuse of a fellow MP, her media manipulation of (often false) allegations against her party, and her call for Labour supporters to vote for other parties (belatedly and half-heartedly retracted)

  9. #9

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I'm not entirely sure they have actually managed to do it yet (because it hasn't been reported in the press) but there is enough evidence in the press of them trying to do it. The clamour against Margaret Hodge was an eye-opener with regard to it, and reports of Momentum loading local party meetings to force through left wing agenda that the rank and file would normally not countenance together with attempts to deselect local constituency party committee member, not to mention sitting and hopeful MPs are some evidence of it. They also attend meetings and talk out debates to avoid any adoption of things they don't like.
    Which ever way you want to paint it, it is bullying and a tactic used by others in other places at other times, to cow the population.
    Do you regret the comparison with Soviet era Russia?

  10. #10
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Why should I and how does it alter the point?

  11. #11
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Actually I don't think I mentioned Russia directly but their attempts (probably successful) to completely control the internet is a good example of the mindset. I was thinking more of the soviet satellite states.

  12. #12

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why should I and how does it alter the point?
    Because it's massively out of proportion and makes you look silly.

    Alter the point? You did that yourself when you were forced to concede that there isn't any evidence of your claims.

  13. #13
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Because it's massively out of proportion and makes you look silly.

    Alter the point? You did that yourself when you were forced to concede that there isn't any evidence of your claims.
    There is evidence of attempts and the suspicion that this may have happened without being reported. Why are you getting do heated about it? Is momentum so important to you? It isn't out of proportion at all. That is how it starts.

  14. #14

    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    There is evidence of attempts and the suspicion that this may have happened without being reported. Why are you getting do heated about it? Is momentum so important to you? It isn't out of proportion at all. That is how it starts.
    I am not getting heated, you just don't like anybody challenging your opinions or asking you to back them up with evidence.

  15. #15
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    I don't mind anyone challenging me, they are only my person opinions after all, but you are getting heated. demanding 'evidence' etc. I'm sure you are quite capable of finding evidence on the web for any argument you want to, and to find something to refute anything I may post, so what is the point? We will never agree and that will not change anything in this world.
    I just worry that Moment is too much like Militant tendency to be good for the vast majority of people, specially if the remember what happened in Liverpool.
    But again, just my opinion.

  16. #16
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    No - it is an attempt to assert member democracy in the party and make clear that MPs that are elected on a party ticket need to perform and to represent the party - not freelance or sabotage. It's easy really. Not bullying at all.

    Incidentally, it is the stick that can legitimately be used to beat Corbyn over Brexit fence-sitting. He may be following party policy but he isn't listening to the majority view of members (who otherwise support him).

    If Margaret Hodge wasn't an anti-Corbyn MP and the darling of the 'liberal press' she would have been expelled for her public abuse of a fellow MP, her media manipulation of (often false) allegations against her party, and her call for Labour supporters to vote for other parties (belatedly and half-heartedly retracted)
    Jon, I appreciate all that, but what springs to my mind is that this group who want to make sure that MPs that are elected on a party ticket need to perform and to represent the party - not freelance or sabotage, are the support for a man who throughout his political career has consistently voted against the party whip and against party guidance, which all seems a bit contradictory. His supporters are trying to make party MPs do precisely what their leader has never done before he was leader. Don't you see that as just a little odd? I do and others do too.

  17. #17
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    Re: Len McCluskey

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Jon, I appreciate all that, but what springs to my mind is that this group who want to make sure that MPs that are elected on a party ticket need to perform and to represent the party - not freelance or sabotage, are the support for a man who throughout his political career has consistently voted against the party whip and against party guidance, which all seems a bit contradictory. His supporters are trying to make party MPs do precisely what their leader has never done before he was leader. Don't you see that as just a little odd? I do and others do too.
    Yes the irony is overwhelming, we have a man who was highly principled and defied his party over and over again , and rightly felt it was truly democratic to do so , then he became leader and imposed his regime , isn't that pure hypocrisy ??

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