Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Something else that you - and the BBC - won't be interested in is this year's Bilderberg meeting which begins in two days time in Switzerland according to its official site - https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/p...e/participants

Stand out British names amongst the attendees is the boss of the Bank of England and the top dog at GCHQ who are both on the taxpayers' payroll, of course. Perhaps the most surprising guest though is Trump's son-in-law who's also one of his appointed adviser's.

I miss sparring with Cyril, who has been AWOL for yonks, because, like you, he was utterly determined to reside in la-la land, with life on mars and quite a few others here, where he felt safe, warm and fuzzy. He stoically maintained there was nothing suspicious about the UK's public broadcaster finding absolutely sod all newsworthy to report concerning 120+ of the world's most powerful and influential people meeting in secret while simultaneously arguing the miles of puerile shite that organisation finds is deserving of their viewers and listeners attention (such as Simon Cowell's new hairstyle or the colour of Holly Willoughby's latest frock) was justified.
A good decision to change the subject to one you're comfortable with. The Tilbrook one was really going nowhere, wasn't it?