Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
That's the scary bit. Him, and more worrying, the people who pull his strings
This fear of the "Marxist" Corbyn as a possible Prime Minister would carry far more weight if it wasn't for the fact that, almost always, the person expressing it is someone who seems perfectly happy for the current bunch of clowns who are judged to have made such a balls up of running the country over the past nine years by nearly all objective analysts. I'm biased, so I'm never going to praise a Conservative Government, but I think history will judge the ones led by David Cameron and Theresa May very harshly compared to other Tory ones and is there anyone in the list of contenders to become the new leader who has the gravitas to make people believe they can turn around the fortunes of a country, and party, that is seen by so many as a laughing stock now?