The funny thing is this article describes a lot of posters to a tee

All good news, then, presumably matched by universal support? Behave. Out came the cynics, boors and bores in their droves. Some opted for social media patronising. Others resorted to dismal chauvinism or sexism. Many more boasted that they hold no interest in watching women’s football. Thanks for keeping us informed, fellas; we’ll update the database. People used to recommend things they like. Now they consider it their duty to tell the world what they don’t like.
Imagine genuinley typing this opinion out:

If the men went at it full throttle each tackle would likely dislocate joints and/or break limbs. Speed is crucial in football and given that men are 15% quicker than women the men would run rings round the women, both figuratively and literally.

I would love it, LOVE IT if such a match could be played.
Everyone knows men are faster and stronger than women already mate, well done for pointing it out