Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
Well whoever the commentator was he went overboard with his praise.

Virtue signalling means pretending to be more enthusiastic about a (progessive) cause/event than you really are to gain kudos from like-minded people. Many people do it and it betrays a certain mindset that I find rather sad. It is actually quite dishonest.

I remember watching the 2011 World Cup and being elated that the incredibly skilful play of the Japanese team was rewarded with the ultimate prize. I had no one to discuss the matches with as nobody I knew watched the tournament. However I had no desire to tell all and sundry about it on social media/the WWW because, in the final analysis, women's football just isn't very good compared to the men's game.

If anyone of the posters who disagree with my opinion think that they are affecting me in any way by piling on, please understand that I find your viewpoints and debating styles utterly laughable.
Everyone knows what virtue signalling means, it's more the fact that only one type of person uses that phrase ever.

No one is piling on you people are just questioning your opinion and you haven't answered anyone with a straight answer.