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Thread: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

  1. #1

    U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    The pretext to bomb Iran has been made.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    As Marvin Gaye famously sang "lets get it on "

  3. #3

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    We are supposed to believe that while the Iranian government was hosting a visit by the Japanese Prime Minister in Tehran it decided to attack a Japanese tanker.

    Iran's Foreign Minister is quoted as saying: "suspicious doesn't begin to describe attack on Japanese tanker during Abe's state visit." Even the rabid warmongers at CNN were forced to concede he made "an indisputably obvious good point."

    For Pompeo to state publicly the evidence is compelling then the Orange dotard must be in agreement.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2016

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    We are supposed to believe that while the Iranian government was hosting a visit by the Japanese Prime Minister in Tehran it decided to attack a Japanese tanker.

    Iran's Foreign Minister is quoted as saying: "suspicious doesn't begin to describe attack on Japanese tanker during Abe's state visit." Even the rabid warmongers at CNN were forced to concede he made "an indisputably obvious good point."

    For Pompeo to state publicly the evidence is compelling then the Orange dotard must be in agreement.
    I'm guessing you know who fired an alledged torpedo , very close too Irans naval base .

    I'm sure someone has some sonar readings and they will be released .

    Gotta a feeling were heading to the "Russians weren't in Salisbury " white helmets in Syria are naughty chaps, and Isreal/ America are controlling the world ,moment .

  5. #5

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Outside of Pompeo, Trump and his hardcore slack-jawed hillbilly fanbase it's been difficult finding anyone who doesn't believe this was an amateurish false flag operation.

  6. #6

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    We are supposed to believe that while the Iranian government was hosting a visit by the Japanese Prime Minister in Tehran it decided to attack a Japanese tanker.

    Iran's Foreign Minister is quoted as saying: "suspicious doesn't begin to describe attack on Japanese tanker during Abe's state visit." Even the rabid warmongers at CNN were forced to concede he made "an indisputably obvious good point."

    For Pompeo to state publicly the evidence is compelling then the Orange dotard must be in agreement.
    Instantly disbelieving is as bad as instantly believing. Best wait and see....

  7. #7

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Instantly disbelieving is as bad as instantly believing. Best wait and see....
    I made a similar thread a few weeks ago about Saudi ships being attacked. I started it on the main board because I knew the story was going to get bigger. In fact, I knew exactly what was going to come next. This post is actually just an extension of the thread I made, so it's not exactly "instantly disbelieving".

  8. #8

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I made a similar thread a few weeks ago about Saudi ships being attacked. I started it on the main board because I knew the story was going to get bigger. In fact, I knew exactly what was going to come next. This post is actually just an extension of the thread I made, so it's not exactly "instantly disbelieving".
    My comment was not aimed at you. I don't find you someone who can debate with any maturity and you know that I don't interact with you on here as a result.

  9. #9

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    My comment was not aimed at you. I don't find you someone who can debate with any maturity and you know that I don't interact with you on here as a result.
    Is this because I predicted the outcome of the Kavanaugh stitch-up? I seem to recall you were not very receptive to the truth, and it was frustrating to see your preference for the biased media version of events. It was like watching a replay of lardy and his Trump Russia Collusion Delusion saga. The truth is brutal, and sometimes people have to be hit over the head with it. Don't take offence old fruit, I have your best interests at heart, and you are usually a good sport

  10. #10

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Is this because I predicted the outcome of the Kavanaugh stitch-up? I seem to recall you were not very receptive to the truth, and it was frustrating to see your preference for the biased media version of events. It was like watching a replay of lardy and his Trump Russia Collusion Delusion saga. The truth is brutal, and sometimes people have to be hit over the head with it. Don't take offence old fruit, I have your best interests at heart, and you are usually a good sport
    Your ego prevented you and continues to prevent you correctly representing others people's views. If you are as clever as you think you are you would realise how often you do it. Don't expect any further replies.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The pretext to bomb Iran has been made.
    Wesley Clark said it was coming.

  12. #12

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Your ego prevented you and continues to prevent you correctly representing others people's views. If you are as clever as you think you are you would realise how often you do it. Don't expect any further replies.
    The moment 18 Democrat senators signed a letter on the strength of Avanatti's new star witness, stating that Kavanaugh was a sexual preditor, is the moment everybody should have called it BS on the entire farce. However, many continued with the hoax, unable to turn away due to long-term media conditioning. Those are the facts whether you like them or not, and nothing you say is going to change that.

    And you can forget the ego and being clever nonsense because I used to be just like you, so I know how you feel

  13. #13

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Wesley Clark said it was coming.
    Some people said the Trump Russia Collusion was a hoax, but nobody would listen. Instead they responded with ridicule, derogatory comments, and character assignations. And then somebody called out Avenatti, and TBG refuses to talk to them. What a world we live in, hey? It seems that two rights do make a wrong for those wearing blinkers

  14. #14
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    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

  15. #15

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The moment 18 Democrat senators signed a letter on the strength of Avanatti's new star witness, stating that Kavanaugh was a sexual preditor, is the moment everybody should have called it BS on the entire farce. However, many continued with the hoax, unable to turn away due to long-term media conditioning. Those are the facts whether you like them or not, and nothing you say is going to change that.

    And you can forget the ego and being clever nonsense because I used to be just like you, so I know how you feel

  16. #16

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I realise you're always desperate to keep believing that your goodies are not in reality the baddies in spite of the mountains of evidence to the contrary. The image I posted further up the thread lists all the dirty deeds the Yanks have perpetrated over the past 75 years, often with UK support, that have killed and/or ruined the lives of millions.

    Jurors would have to stifle laughter if that murky video at your link was presented as smoking gun evidence in a court case. The figures in it are more likely to be recently laid off White Helmets who are now on zero hour contracts.

    Tanker owner seems to dispute U.S. account of Gulf of Oman attack - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oil-tan...ay-2019-06-14/

    Trump said today that the attacks had “Iran written all over it” and dismissed Iran as “a nation of terror.” It would be funny if not so serious.

  17. #17

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I realise you're always desperate to keep believing that your goodies are not in reality the baddies in spite of the mountains of evidence to the contrary. The image I posted further up the thread lists all the dirty deeds the Yanks have perpetrated over the past 75 years, often with UK support, that have killed and/or ruined the lives of millions.

    Jurors would have to stifle laughter if that murky video at your link was presented as smoking gun evidence in a court case. The figures in it are more likely to be recently laid off White Helmets who are now on zero hour contracts.

    Tanker owner seems to dispute U.S. account of Gulf of Oman attack - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oil-tan...ay-2019-06-14/

    Trump said today that the attacks had “Iran written all over it” and dismissed Iran as “a nation of terror.” It would be funny if not so serious.
    You aren't always a bundle of laughs, but that did make me chuckle

  18. #18
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    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Outside of Pompeo, Trump and his hardcore slack-jawed hillbilly fanbase it's been difficult finding anyone who doesn't believe this was an amateurish false flag operation.

    Glad someone is policing the world and delivering freedom and democracy , just imagine that lot managing themselves , a lot of them should say thanks , as they are now thriving economies .

    Can' t believe the Iran lean slate ,surely they have killed someone, or paid someone to do it, or bought arms ,or invaded some land or ,sent troops into another country .

    You sure they are that clean ???

  19. #19

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    As it happens, I believe Iran along with Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba (the baddies) are controlled at their highest levels by the same interests who run all the goodies. An easy tell with regard to Iran is that any ordinary person involving themselves in Masonic activities would be executed by the state, while their Parliament building which was opened this century is a homage to Freemasonry. All it's missing is the Eye of Horus. I posted an image of it in another thread not so long back, it's a pyramid shape that has 33 windows. A pyramid and the number 33 are the most important Masonic symbols.

    I also quite recently made mention of Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason, and his 1871 letter in which he envisaged three world wars to accomplish a New World Order, AKA absolute control of the entire planet. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/showthread.php...=1#post4973959

  20. #20
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Some people said the Trump Russia Collusion was a hoax, but nobody would listen. Instead they responded with ridicule, derogatory comments, and character assignations. And then somebody called out Avenatti, and TBG refuses to talk to them. What a world we live in, hey? It seems that two rights do make a wrong for those wearing blinkers
    I used to get the same for slagging off the BBC

  21. #21

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    BBC fanatics with debating skills have removed themselves from this forum. The few that remain sometimes weigh in with an inane comment.

  22. #22
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    BBC fanatics with debating skills have removed themselves from this forum. The few that remain sometimes weigh in with an inane comment.

  23. #23

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    BBC fanatics with debating skills have removed themselves from this forum. The few that remain sometimes weigh in with an inane comment.
    What are the minimum number of hours required to qualify as a fanatic? 28 hours a week? Or maybe 20 hours + 10 hours on the Guardian website?

  24. #24

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What are the minimum number of hours required to qualify as a fanatic? 28 hours a week? Or maybe 20 hours + 10 hours on the Guardian website?
    About ten less than you put in on alt right sites I'd guess.

  25. #25

    Re: U.S. accuses Iran of attacking tankers in the Gulf of Oman

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    About ten less than you put in on alt right sites I'd guess.
    I get all my info from Twitter in 5 minutes a day. If I want to double check ,I look at what lardy posts and assume the opposite. It works well

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