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Thread: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

  1. #26

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Lol I read all sources matey, and I know exactly what is going on
    Thought you only read Twitter?

  2. #27

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Perhaps they are issuing their readers with recording and listening devices as part of their subscription services ??

    Is the paper left leaning,middling left liberal , lite Tory, social democrat ,need to set that social democrat , ex Labour Part card carrying member , Rod Liddle on them.
    If you own a smartphone you have a recording and listening device.

  3. #28

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    I've just read that Boris's girlfriend was a victim of John Warboys, and he was found guilty at the Old Bailey on Thursday of 4 more rapes. The poor lady must have been very stressed that day. I can't imagine why the press would decide to do a political hitjob on that very same day.


  4. #29

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Sonia Purnell has history with him though

    Churchill had a terrible temper , a lot of high profile leaders do , Its pressure release, part of there ambition drive ,born form frustration
    Oh that excuses him then I assume? I'd honestly like to know what positive qualities Johnson brings to the highest levels of Government? This isn't an old lefty just indulging in a bit of tory bashing because I can see why people might support the likes of Gove, Hunt, Javid and Stewart, but what on earth is there that Boris brings to the table that could benefit Britain in its present parlous state? People bleat on about his charisma. I don't see it myself, that might down to a blind spot on my behalf I suppose, but, given the mess we're in, do we really want charisma at the moment? Seems to me, someone with an eye for detail, a very good work ethic and the ability to listen to other viewpoints is what we need, not a highly ambitious blusterer.

  5. #30

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Thought you only read Twitter?
    Every single journalist in the world is on Twitter!

  6. #31

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Every single journalist in the world is on Twitter!
    It's only one source though.

  7. #32
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Oh that excuses him then I assume? I'd honestly like to know what positive qualities Johnson brings to the highest levels of Government? This isn't an old lefty just indulging in a bit of tory bashing because I can see why people might support the likes of Gove, Hunt, Javid and Stewart, but what on earth is there that Boris brings to the table that could benefit Britain in its present parlous state? People bleat on about his charisma. I don't see it myself, that might down to a blind spot on my behalf I suppose, but, given the mess we're in, do we really want charisma at the moment? Seems to me, someone with an eye for detail, a very good work ethic and the ability to listen to other viewpoints is what we need, not a highly ambitious blusterer.
    Not excusing him or even liking him???? Just pointing out many leaders over the years , have had awful tempers .

    Lets hope Mr Hunt beats him ,which won't shock me as the next four weeks will put this buffoon and Liz Truss his spokesperson under great pressure and scrutiny , she was on radio five this morning trying to deflect crashing out , but would not be drawn on his domestics .

    I wouldn't be shocked old Boris likes two many of the reds leaving him not in control of himself .

    If Boris does becomes leader , it will be a big contest of partner counts between him and Jezzie

    Or will clean Mr Hunt appear in a late run ?

  8. #33

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not excusing him or even liking him???? Just pointing out many leaders over the years , have had awful tempers .

    Lets hope Mr Hunt beats him ,which won't shock me as the next four weeks will put this buffoon and Liz Truss his spokesperson under great pressure and scrutiny , she was on radio five this morning trying to deflect crashing out , but would not be drawn on his domestics .

    I wouldn't be shocked old Boris likes two many of the reds leaving him not in control of himself .

    If Boris does becomes leader , it will be a big contest of partner counts between him and Jezzie

    Or will clean Mr Hunt appear in a late run ?
    The members of the conservative associations who will be doing the voting will have probably already made up their minds, and that is why May avoided a similar vote cos she knew she would lose.

  9. #34
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not excusing him or even liking him???? Just pointing out many leaders over the years , have had awful tempers .

    Lets hope Mr Hunt beats him ,which won't shock me as the next four weeks will put this buffoon and Liz Truss his spokesperson under great pressure and scrutiny , she was on radio five this morning trying to deflect crashing out , but would not be drawn on his domestics .

    I wouldn't be shocked old Boris likes two many of the reds leaving him not in control of himself .

    If Boris does becomes leader , it will be a big contest of partner counts between him and Jezzie

    Or will clean Mr Hunt appear in a late run ?

    Imagine how big our police force would have to be if every neighbour called them whilst having the tumbler to the wall listening out for arguments of the next door neighbours

  10. #35
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The members of the conservative associations who will be doing the voting will have probably already made up their minds, and that is why May avoided a similar vote cos she knew she would lose.
    Of course she was , anointed, wasnt Gordon Brown of the same ilk ??

    Intresting article on this subject :

  11. #36
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    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Or they spotted an opportunity for a bit of political mischievousness perhaps?

    It sounds like the woman was being violent/unruly, while Boris was trying to calm her down.
    I found it a strange liason from the start ,considering her awful experince with the cab driver John Worboys, and Boris's alleged appetite for the ladys ,unless it's a careers opportunity ??

  12. #37

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's only one source though.
    I follow 100 on the left and 100 on the right. Every journalist and media company provides links to their articles. I also include independent open source researchers, in order to widen the knowledge base.

  13. #38
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Boris is finished,
    Carole Codswallop is on his case!!.

  14. #39

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Imagine how big our police force would have to be if every neighbour called them whilst having the tumbler to the wall listening out for arguments of the next door neighbours
    The house I moved out of in Fairwater last year was in a terraced block of six and, for the first twenty years or so after it was built in 1963 our neighbours on one side were a young family where the father would come home drunk on a Saturday night quite often and I can remember being awoken quite often around midnight as a child by the shouting, arguing and general commotion coming from next door. The issue was something of a standing joke among the other families living nearby with the line "it must have been a full moon again on Saturday" often being trotted out.

    My mother was probably the best friend of the wife and the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, my parents never rang the police when he was playing up can probably be put down to my mum being told by the wife that her husband never resorted to physical violence (she also told her that she would leave him as soon as her kids grew up and she was as good as her word). However, some of the other neighbours obviously felt concerned enough on a few occasions by what they were hearing to dial 999 because I can remember the police coming to calm things down.

    Similarly, when I was living in the house alone after it had been left to my siblings and I when my mother died in 1999, my neighbours on the other side for about seven years would often argue loudly first thing in the morning using dreadful and threatening language from both husband and wife. These arguments would sometimes spill outside their house and, again, I can remember the police being needed on two or three occasions, so, presumably, a neighbour had thought the disturbance worthy of a 999 call.

    I got one with all three of the argumentative individuals pretty well on a personal level. Indeed, I can remember meeting the first man I described after not seeing him for about fifteen years in an odd conversation where I kept on trying to ask him about what his life was like now and getting nowhere because he couldn't stop apologising for his behaviour on those Saturday nights a quarter of a century earlier. It was obvious he was deeply embarrassed by what he had done and this didn't surprise me really because, just like my other noisy neighbours, he was a fundamentally decent human being.

    However, if any of the three were ever to be one of two candidates in a contest to elect our next Prime Minister, my vote (provided I had one!) would go, without hesitation, to their opponent and I would consider it my duty as a UK citizen to let other voters know about their character defects if asked.

    That's why trying to make out that Boris Johnson, at this point in his life, is just like anyone else when it comes to incidents such as the one that happened on Friday morning doesn't wash with me I'm afraid.

  15. #40

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I follow 100 on the left and 100 on the right. Every journalist and media company provides links to their articles. I also include independent open source researchers, in order to widen the knowledge base.
    So, let's say I accept all of that, admit I was wrong, and withdraw my earlier remark saying you only use one source - the obvious next question that arises is why do you waste so much of your time doing all of that work?

    As I've said so many times on here, you, without fail, arrive at the same, anti globalist, viewpoint on virtually every subject you contribute to on the politics forum (and quite a few on the more general one as well), so what is the point in all of the research you say you undertake? Half of it, at the very least, never has any effect on you.

    Most of us know we are biased when it comes to politics, and plenty of other subjects, and argue from that perspective. There are obvious flaws in such an approach which some of us try to counter sometimes with an acceptance that we can be wrong and an acknowledgement of when we are (I did it earlier in this message). Despite all of the research you say you undertake to get a balanced perspective on things, you never accept you could be wrong and always pitch your arguments well towards either one of a subject's extremes - you take great delight it seems in telling others on here that you are different from the rest of us and yet your actions and opinions show you to be the archetypal one eyed social media contributor!

  16. #41

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So, let's say I accept all of that, admit I was wrong, and withdraw my earlier remark saying you only use one source - the obvious next question that arises is why do you waste so much of your time doing all of that work?

    As I've said so many times on here, you, without fail, arrive at the same, anti globalist, viewpoint on virtually every subject you contribute to on the politics forum (and quite a few on the more general one as well), so what is the point in all of the research you say you undertake? Half of it, at the very least, never has any effect on you.

    Most of us know we are biased when it comes to politics, and plenty of other subjects, and argue from that perspective. There are obvious flaws in such an approach which some of us try to counter sometimes with an acceptance that we can be wrong and an acknowledgement of when we are (I did it earlier in this message). Despite all of the research you say you undertake to get a balanced perspective on things, you never accept you could be wrong and always pitch your arguments well towards either one of a subject's extremes - you take great delight it seems in telling others on here that you are different from the rest of us and yet your actions and opinions show you to be the archetypal one eyed social media contributor!
    It’s the ‘hey I’m on the fence’ pitch that always makes me chuckle 😂

  17. #42

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So, let's say I accept all of that, admit I was wrong, and withdraw my earlier remark saying you only use one source - the obvious next question that arises is why do you waste so much of your time doing all of that work?

    As I've said so many times on here, you, without fail, arrive at the same, anti globalist, viewpoint on virtually every subject you contribute to on the politics forum (and quite a few on the more general one as well), so what is the point in all of the research you say you undertake? Half of it, at the very least, never has any effect on you.

    Most of us know we are biased when it comes to politics, and plenty of other subjects, and argue from that perspective. There are obvious flaws in such an approach which some of us try to counter sometimes with an acceptance that we can be wrong and an acknowledgement of when we are (I did it earlier in this message). Despite all of the research you say you undertake to get a balanced perspective on things, you never accept you could be wrong and always pitch your arguments well towards either one of a subject's extremes - you take great delight it seems in telling others on here that you are different from the rest of us and yet your actions and opinions show you to be the archetypal one eyed social media contributor!
    But Boris was calm, and he was trying to cool things down. His partner was probably stressed out after hearing a few hours earlier that her rapist had just admitted drugging and raping 4 more girls. You are making it sound as though it's been going on for years, and that is ludicrous! It's actually very sick turning this into a political matter, and people should be very ashamed of themselves.

  18. #43

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    It’s the ‘hey I’m on the fence’ pitch that always makes me chuckle ��
    You may chuckle, but it's the reason why my take on things is usually the correct one. If you campare what I say with lardy, it should be obvious where a biased and brainwashed mind will lead you

  19. #44

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The house I moved out of in Fairwater last year was in a terraced block of six and, for the first twenty years or so after it was built in 1963 our neighbours on one side were a young family where the father would come home drunk on a Saturday night quite often and I can remember being awoken quite often around midnight as a child by the shouting, arguing and general commotion coming from next door. The issue was something of a standing joke among the other families living nearby with the line "it must have been a full moon again on Saturday" often being trotted out.

    My mother was probably the best friend of the wife and the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, my parents never rang the police when he was playing up can probably be put down to my mum being told by the wife that her husband never resorted to physical violence (she also told her that she would leave him as soon as her kids grew up and she was as good as her word). However, some of the other neighbours obviously felt concerned enough on a few occasions by what they were hearing to dial 999 because I can remember the police coming to calm things down.

    Similarly, when I was living in the house alone after it had been left to my siblings and I when my mother died in 1999, my neighbours on the other side for about seven years would often argue loudly first thing in the morning using dreadful and threatening language from both husband and wife. These arguments would sometimes spill outside their house and, again, I can remember the police being needed on two or three occasions, so, presumably, a neighbour had thought the disturbance worthy of a 999 call.

    I got one with all three of the argumentative individuals pretty well on a personal level. Indeed, I can remember meeting the first man I described after not seeing him for about fifteen years in an odd conversation where I kept on trying to ask him about what his life was like now and getting nowhere because he couldn't stop apologising for his behaviour on those Saturday nights a quarter of a century earlier. It was obvious he was deeply embarrassed by what he had done and this didn't surprise me really because, just like my other noisy neighbours, he was a fundamentally decent human being.

    However, if any of the three were ever to be one of two candidates in a contest to elect our next Prime Minister, my vote (provided I had one!) would go, without hesitation, to their opponent and I would consider it my duty as a UK citizen to let other voters know about their character defects if asked.

    That's why trying to make out that Boris Johnson, at this point in his life, is just like anyone else when it comes to incidents such as the one that happened on Friday morning doesn't wash with me I'm afraid.
    But Boris was calm, and he was trying to cool things down. His partner was probably stressed out after hearing a few hours earlier that her rapist had just admitted drugging and raping 4 more girls. You are making it sound as though it's been going on for years, and that is ludicrous! It's actually very sick turning this into a political matter, and people should be very ashamed of themselves.

  20. #45

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So, let's say I accept all of that, admit I was wrong, and withdraw my earlier remark saying you only use one source - the obvious next question that arises is why do you waste so much of your time doing all of that work?

    As I've said so many times on here, you, without fail, arrive at the same, anti globalist, viewpoint on virtually every subject you contribute to on the politics forum (and quite a few on the more general one as well), so what is the point in all of the research you say you undertake? Half of it, at the very least, never has any effect on you.

    Most of us know we are biased when it comes to politics, and plenty of other subjects, and argue from that perspective. There are obvious flaws in such an approach which some of us try to counter sometimes with an acceptance that we can be wrong and an acknowledgement of when we are (I did it earlier in this message). Despite all of the research you say you undertake to get a balanced perspective on things, you never accept you could be wrong and always pitch your arguments well towards either one of a subject's extremes - you take great delight it seems in telling others on here that you are different from the rest of us and yet your actions and opinions show you to be the archetypal one eyed social media contributor!
    I mostly comment on a single issue which will have a profound effect on the world when the truth is known. Hopefully people will finally start to question things once they realise how screwed up things really are. You need to take the blinkers off as you are in danger of becoming lardy

  21. #46
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    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    But Boris was calm, and he was trying to cool things down. His partner was probably stressed out after hearing a few hours earlier that her rapist had just admitted drugging and raping 4 more girls. You are making it sound as though it's been going on for years, and that is ludicrous! It's actually very sick turning this into a political matter, and people should be very ashamed of themselves.
    I am sorry for posting this I am official shamed , the only rider ,why the silence if as you say it maybe linked to the above highlighted ,just say it , one may see some understanding ??

    Or is it more do with who represents Boris, and who doesn't , and the guardian reading Buddhist neighbours ,and those who targeted him and plastered insulting stickers on his car. ( so many nasties around these days ,not just right wing ones )

    Before I am attacked by the keyboard warriors , no I'm not a Tory , or like Boris, and I don't like Trump >

  22. #47

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I am sorry for posting this I am official shamed , the only rider ,why the silence if as you say it maybe linked to the above highlighted ,just say it , one may see some understanding ??

    Or is it more do with who represents Boris, and who doesn't , and the guardian reading Buddhist neighbours ,and those who targeted him and plastered insulting stickers on his car. ( so many nasties around these days ,not just right wing ones )

    Before I am attacked by the keyboard warriors , no I'm not a Tory , or like Boris, and I don't like Trump >
    It's called collateral damage and nobody really cares about it, as long as you can advance a political agenda.

  23. #48

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I mostly comment on a single issue which will have a profound effect on the world when the truth is known. Hopefully people will finally start to question things once they realise how screwed up things really are. You need to take the blinkers off as you are in danger of becoming lardy
    This message proves all I said about you being a one eyed social media contributor and as for only posting on a single issue, the real truth is that you have a habit of trying to turn posts which were started on other subjects around to your obsession with globalist/non globalist matters.

  24. #49
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I am sorry for posting this I am official shamed , the only rider ,why the silence if as you say it maybe linked to the above highlighted ,just say it , one may see some understanding ??

    Or is it more do with who represents Boris, and who doesn't , and the guardian reading Buddhist neighbours ,and those who targeted him and plastered insulting stickers on his car. ( so many nasties around these days ,not just right wing ones )

    Before I am attacked by the keyboard warriors , no I'm not a Tory , or like Boris, and I don't like Trump >
    You're a nobody if you have never been attacked on ccmb it's a badge of honor, bring on the keyboard warriors

  25. #50

    Re: Boris is human just bagged a load of man votes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    But Boris was calm, and he was trying to cool things down. His partner was probably stressed out after hearing a few hours earlier that her rapist had just admitted drugging and raping 4 more girls. You are making it sound as though it's been going on for years, and that is ludicrous! It's actually very sick turning this into a political matter, and people should be very ashamed of themselves.
    1. How do you know Boris was calm and trying to cool things down?
    2. You're right, there is history between Carrie Symonds and Worboys;-


    3. However, you appear to be taking a couple of massive leaps of faith in , firstly, saying that what happened with Worboys "probably" stressed her out to the extent that she was entirely responsible for the row and, secondly and more seriously, when you say as a statement of fact that Worboys had raped her - she says “The worst thing is not having peace of mind. I’m 99.9 per cent sure that nothing happened to me but I will never know.” in this piece;-


    4. In this, generally supportive piece, it's claimed that there have been frequent rows between Carrie Symonds and Boris Johnson in recent weeks;-


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