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Thread: This Stormzy bloke

  1. #76

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Not here, I’m on your side

    Women can survive without men, men can’t survive without women, FACT

    Now that’ll set the pack off Andrea
    I always knew you were a feminist at heart

  2. #77

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    All the straight middle aged white men fuming about the Women’s World Cup and Stormzy at Glastonbury are just mad because it wasn't speaking directly to them.

    They're so used to culture and sport being made for them, they have a meltdown when it isn't. The world has changed, for the better. Get over it FFS.

    I await the misogynistic replies to prove my point.
    Not all middle aged white men, you really should stop doing that, although generally, i agree. There's a few old racists in this thread and the usual 'BBC have got an agenda' bollocks through diversity. I suppose if woman and ethnic groups hadn't been so badly treated over the past 50 years or so then it wouldn't be so much of a shock to see them playing football on the TV or headlining Glastonbury. This MB has gone downhill over recent years, a few old racists, misogynists and one absolute crackpot are spoiling it.

  3. #78

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dargavel View Post
    What is wrong with people? Pop music was named because it was popular. Stormzy is presently massive. I don’t like his music but love old hip hop from the 80s. At 41 I discovered it 10-15 years too late and never got into it from Snoop Dogg, Nate Dog era. Loved Oasis, Manics, Stereos but nothing today appeals so I really don’t listen to much. But Who am I to say who should headline Glastonbury? A festival should evolve along with the industry it supports. If a lot of people love Stormzy and want to hear him then let it be and good luck to the guy. I hate the attitude that as you age you know best. Christ, listening to half the people on this MB is why I rarely tune in. I’d rather know what my 10 year old nephew is doing and thinks.
    As an “aged” person I don’t pretend to know best, I am at that age where I don’t have to pretend that I like something just to go along with what is perceived to be popular wisdom. That applies to many aspects of life not just musical tastes. Check out the emperor’s clothes story if you are not familiar with it.

  4. #79

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Johnny Marr, Liam Gallagher and The Killers were all awesome I thought.

    Marr in particular was outstanding, he really is one cool dude compared to that colossal 🛎 end Morrissey.

  5. #80

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Johnny Marr, Liam Gallagher and The Killers were all awesome I thought.

    Marr in particular was outstanding, he really is one cool dude compared to that colossal �� end Morrissey.
    I enjoyed Sheryl Crow. Accomplished songwriter and band knocking out the hits and working the crowd with consummate ease.

  6. #81

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    As an “aged” person I don’t pretend to know best, I am at that age where I don’t have to pretend that I like something just to go along with what is perceived to be popular wisdom. That applies to many aspects of life not just musical tastes. Check out the emperor’s clothes story if you are not familiar with it.
    It’s not really a case of going along with what you don’t like. It’s accepting that people have different tastes without assuming they don’t agree with you just because they’re not able to think independently.

  7. #82

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    I enjoyed Sheryl Crow. Accomplished songwriter and band knocking out the hits and working the crowd with consummate ease.
    Yeah I saw her too. She was very good. A phenomenally good looking woman as well.

  8. #83

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    I don't like rap, grime, house, grunge, or whatever they call it (it's all the same to me anyway).

    i don't like it, so I don't listen to it.

    My formative music years were the 60s and 70s (Prog rock RULES!) but I also listen to early blues and especially Gershwin.

    Like someone said earlier - will this (C)rap stuff be nostalgic music in 20/30+ years? I doubt it.

    Let's just say that we've all turned into our parents.

  9. #84

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I like to listen to people with talent meaning they can either sing in tune, play an instrument well or both. Of course it takes all sorts and I guess I'm too old to enjoy Stormzy who can't fulfill either of the criterion I have mentioned. It seems to me that he filled his performance with visual effects and other people such as the choir, loads of dancers and even BMX bike riders to distract from the fact he had no talent all in my opinion of course. Glastonbury is not only for young people so I was surprised to see so many older people watching Stormzy in the crowd. Not for me though although I did watch it.
    I agree with all your observations. I suppose if you, I and other critics, judged his performance from the perspective of his ability to front a visual spectacle instead of from a musical standpoint then we'd be more forgiving. I saw some of Pink's Cardiff concert a week or so ago and though it was another 'big hat, no cattle' show to mask the fact she's a second-rate singer, at least she could hold a note.

  10. #85

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Not all middle aged white men, you really should stop doing that, although generally, i agree. There's a few old racists in this thread and the usual 'BBC have got an agenda' bollocks through diversity. I suppose if woman and ethnic groups hadn't been so badly treated over the past 50 years or so then it wouldn't be so much of a shock to see them playing football on the TV or headlining Glastonbury. This MB has gone downhill over recent years, a few old racists, misogynists and one absolute crackpot are spoiling it.
    I said “all the straight middle aged white men who are fuming” not all men. I don’t for one minute think every man is like this. Racism and misogyny is definitely on the rise, particularly on social media platforms. I blame Brexit

  11. #86

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    I don't like rap, grime, house, grunge, or whatever they call it (it's all the same to me anyway).

    i don't like it, so I don't listen to it.

    My formative music years were the 60s and 70s (Prog rock RULES!) but I also listen to early blues and especially Gershwin.

    Like someone said earlier - will this (C)rap stuff be nostalgic music in 20/30+ years? I doubt it.

    Let's just say that we've all turned into our parents.

    Punk bands were not generally known for their musicianship and perhaps many would say the same thing of rap.
    On the other hand many prog-rock musicians were influenced by classical music and/or could master their musical instruments.
    I'm putting on my hard hat as I think I'll need it.

  12. #87

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    I said “all the straight middle aged white men who are fuming” not all men. I don’t for one minute think every man is like this. Racism and misogyny is definitely on the rise, particularly on social media platforms. I blame Brexit
    One of the few people who talk sense on here

    The furious old white men of ccmb should try and remember not everything is aimed at everyone and people enjoy different things and have different tastes.

  13. #88

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    It’s crazy how every generation grows up with their dad’s saying “I wouldn’t listen to this shit music was better in my day” then when they’re old start saying the exact same thing.

    Tastes change and music evolves, just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s shit.

  14. #89

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Bollux!! Justin Bieber was Popular. Should he have headlined? Spice Girls were popular. Should they have headlined? Stormsy came on with a Union Jack Stab proof vest on. I’d have horsed him off straight away just for wearing that.
    The post of yours I quoted said popularity shouldn't be a qualification to headlining a music venue. So if you do mean headlining a music venue then the answer is obviously yes.

    If you mean headline Glastonbury, then it's a question of their style of music not popularity. The headliners of Glastonbury have always been, above all else, popular.

    I don't know if you've ever done gig promotion, but I have. Like lots of others, I started by thinking I'd be different, it would get successful because of quality music not number of punters. I very quickly realised that this was the way to lose money.

  15. #90

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    One of the few people who talk sense on here

    The furious old white men of ccmb should try and remember not everything is aimed at everyone and people enjoy different things and have different tastes.
    Who are these “furious old white men” you talk about?

  16. #91

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    I find that the ‘off’ facility on my remote helps if I’m not keen on something. Why get worked up over something that you can control?

  17. #92

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Punk bands were not generally known for their musicianship and perhaps many would say the same thing of rap.
    On the other hand many prog-rock musicians were influenced by classical music and/or could master their musical instruments.
    I'm putting on my hard hat as I think I'll need it.
    And they bored me to distraction while doing so - dodges for cover!

    Seriously, punk's arrival restored my faith in music - it's always been classic three minute songs over pompous "epics" for me.

  18. #93

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    A big deal to who?
    I’d say it’s a big deal to anyone who’s interested in the disappearance of discrimination.

  19. #94

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Who are these “furious old white men” you talk about?
    They aren’t hard to spot read the comments section or twitter comments relating to stormzy at Glastonbury.

  20. #95

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    think the fact stormzy was here to make it more diverse severncity as we know it's the BBC agenda these days . onto the music looking forward to the cure tomorrow . last saw them in 1991 in Toronto !
    Do you think the bbc decides on who plays Glastonbury?

  21. #96

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    It’s not really a case of going along with what you don’t like. It’s accepting that people have different tastes without assuming they don’t agree with you just because they’re not able to think independently.
    Exactly, the arrogance of that reply sums the attitude of a certain generation... "I don't like this so those other people who seem like they do must be lying"

  22. #97

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    I enjoyed Sheryl Crow. Accomplished songwriter and band knocking out the hits and working the crowd with consummate ease.

  23. #98
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    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    There is a very interesting debate regarding this performance on LBC right now.

  24. #99

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I’d say it’s a big deal to anyone who’s interested in the disappearance of discrimination.
    Take it you didn’t read my post further up the thread?

  25. #100

    Re: This Stormzy bloke

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And they bored me to distraction while doing so - dodges for cover!

    Seriously, punk's arrival restored my faith in music - it's always been classic three minute songs over pompous "epics" for me.
    We are all God's children, TOBW. Even us atheists

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