Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
Wow those are some unbiased sources! Take a close look at the graphs in the first article, on Slate, and you can see the uptick on every measure during the Trump presidency. The way they have presented the graphs makes it hard to spot but zoom in and the evidence is clear.
I will grant you that the failed businessman and con artist hasn't completely screwed up the American capitalist economy. It has mostly carried on the course that it was on for years before he arrived in the White House. However he has increased debt, reduced spending, given tax breaks to his business buddies and the other rich, thrown endless tantrums around trade deals (Not 'The Art Of..'), threatened, backed off, chucked his toys, twitter stormed, claimed credit for things he didn't do and denied any responsibility for the things he did.... Somehow despite the infantile clown's performance he still gets MAGA groupies to declare that he 'is causing an economic miracle'!

He's not interested in economic growth or sustainability (choose one or the other - not both!) or jobs - he is interested in ratings and sycophancy.

Like Wales-Bales, my total neutrality on the question of Trump may be shifting just a little bit.