Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
My Santander reg saver is showing 5% linked to 123 account
Has anybody ever won big on the premium bond? I know people who keep winning 25 quid
Current mean average return on Premium Bonds is 1.25%. Investment wise it's a handy way to become poorer in real terms each year.

I've only ever had faith in hard assets by way of occasional property purchases and converting fiat to what's been money for thousands of years as an insurance policy to safeguard against hyperinflation in readiness for when the humongous global debt bubble implodes.

Mention of which, Deutsche Bank was pinpointed in 2016 by the International Monetary Fund as the world's most dangerous financial institution whose demise could trigger a crisis that would make Lehman's death in 2008 appear a minor hiccup in comparison. Deutsche Bank: World's most dangerous bank?: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36723034

Its end came several steps closer today. Deutsche Bank’s day of despair: as it happened: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business...-faces-record/