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Thread: OT Smart Phones

  1. #1

    OT Smart Phones

    Good or bad?

    They have their uses obviously.

    When could you so easily accept abuse off the missus while on a night out?
    Checking train times, reading this board etc has never been so easy.

    I find the phone impacts on parts of my life that I don't want it to and believe, as a whole, that they have had a big negative impact on the social aspect of life. You only have to go to your local restaurant or pub and watch a couple sat either side of their table heads down looking at their phones in silence.

    The Gomorrah thread set me off thinking about it as I have had the same problems of picking up a phone almost involuntarily during a game or programme I want to watch and find it very frustrating at times and a habit that I want to stop or at least reduce a lot.

    I'm sure this affects a lot on here and society in general with phones being so widespread.

    Would we benefit if these phones were recalled en masse and replaced with some reissue Nokia brick from pre 2000?

  2. #2

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    Good or bad?

    They have their uses obviously.

    When could you so easily accept abuse off the missus while on a night out?
    Checking train times, reading this board etc has never been so easy.

    I find the phone impacts on parts of my life that I don't want it to and believe, as a whole, that they have had a big negative impact on the social aspect of life. You only have to go to your local restaurant or pub and watch a couple sat either side of their table heads down looking at their phones in silence.

    The Gomorrah thread set me off thinking about it as I have had the same problems of picking up a phone almost involuntarily during a game or programme I want to watch and find it very frustrating at times and a habit that I want to stop or at least reduce a lot.

    I'm sure this affects a lot on here and society in general with phones being so widespread.

    Would we benefit if these phones were recalled en masse and replaced with some reissue Nokia brick from pre 2000?
    I've started to notice that in restuarants too. Bizarre. I was always told that it was rude to look at your phone while at the table so god knows how it has becom so normal. I'm in my 30s and so remember a time and a social life before phones so maybe it is easier for me than a younger generation but is it really that much of an ask to put it away for an hour and speak to your friends/family?! I'd actually be in favour of pubs and restaurants that could block the signal. Some do ban their use, but don't physically prevent it: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...-a8846316.html.

    As regards being nagged - simple fix. Just don't look at it. My wife wants me to install an app so she knows where I am because once I've had a pint or two, I tend to turn my phone off and she has no idea when I'll be home. Which is obviously a bit bad, but no way am I installing a tracker app. I've nothing to hide, but don't like the idea at all.

    The other biggie is that cameras are everywhere now. Great in many ways, but thank god they weren't around when I was a student.

  3. #3

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    I've started to notice that in restuarants too. Bizarre. I was always told that it was rude to look at your phone while at the table so god knows how it has becom so normal. I'm in my 30s and so remember a time and a social life before phones so maybe it is easier for me than a younger generation but is it really that much of an ask to put it away for an hour and speak to your friends/family?! I'd actually be in favour of pubs and restaurants that could block the signal. Some do ban their use, but don't physically prevent it: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...-a8846316.html.

    As regards being nagged - simple fix. Just don't look at it. My wife wants me to install an app so she knows where I am because once I've had a pint or two, I tend to turn my phone off and she has no idea when I'll be home. Which is obviously a bit bad, but no way am I installing a tracker app. I've nothing to hide, but don't like the idea at all.

    The other biggie is that cameras are everywhere now. Great in many ways, but thank god they weren't around when I was a student.

  4. #4

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    We've taken to leaving our phones in another room in the evening. We may have a quick look when popping to the toilet etc but generally they off limits.

  5. #5

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    I've just come back from a week in Majorca. (Pleased to say I didn't spot a certain message board owner over there!)

    Me and my missus were as usual sat in a bar the one evening. There was a bloke with his missus on the next table, and for the best part of an hour he didn't say a word to her as he played something like Candy Crush on his phone the whole time.

    I think we all have times on holiday when you've run out of things to say to the other half, but once I pointed it out to my old dear, she seemed quite happy with my couple of words every ten minutes or so.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Shot Hamish. View Post
    I've just come back from a week in Majorca. (Pleased to say I didn't spot a certain message board owner over there!)

    Me and my missus were as usual sat in a bar the one evening. There was a bloke with his missus on the next table, and for the best part of an hour he didn't say a word to her as he played something like Candy Crush on his phone the whole time.

    I think we all have times on holiday when you've run out of things to say to the other half, but once I pointed it out to my old dear, she seemed quite happy with my couple of words every ten minutes or so.
    "call the waiter for some more beer love."

  7. #7

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    They are undoubtedly and amazing innovation. However they are also prone to abuse and have certainly had an effect on a whole generation of young people. Many seem disinterested in doing anything in the physical world anymore.

  8. #8

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    They are undoubtedly and amazing innovation. However they are also prone to abuse and have certainly had an effect on a whole generation of young people. Many seem disinterested in doing anything in the physical world anymore.

    i think it should be illegal to cross a road whilst using a mobile phone, how would people manage then, a whole 7 seconds (give or take) before they could be glued to their virtual world once more.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    They have simply changed the world in my view .

  10. #10

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    They are undoubtedly and amazing innovation. However they are also prone to abuse and have certainly had an effect on a whole generation of young people. Many seem disinterested in doing anything in the physical world anymore.
    This is my main worry really. Adults can make their own choices and mistakes as they wish but kids could be causing irreparable damage and the consequences could be a lot worse for future generations.

    Kids seem to love any tablet, iPad and later on smart phones. With it comes a new age of bullying etc along with the health implications of sitting on their @rse all day not exercising and wasting their free time.

    That's not to mention the annoying fact that at a young age they seem to like to watch yanks with high pitched voices playing with toys that they own themselves in a cupboard 10 yards away. Unfathomable.

  11. #11

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Philbccfc View Post
    i think it should be illegal to cross a road whilst using a mobile phone, how would people manage then, a whole 7 seconds (give or take) before they could be glued to their virtual world once more.
    I agree. I think it should also be illegal to walk whilst looking at your phone at certain times and places. .

  12. #12

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Used the right way, there are undoubtedly lots of benefits to having a smart phone.

    It's great being able to watch some porn on the train. Great for passing away the time if you have to stand in a busy carriage for any length of time.

  13. #13

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    When in a pub I refuse to watch videos that people want me to see on their phones.

  14. #14

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    I seem to have accidentally turned on the grumpy old bastard setting on this site, does anyone know how to reset it?

  15. #15

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I seem to have accidentally turned on the grumpy old bastard setting on this site, does anyone know how to reset it?
    Text and drive. Fun for all the family.

  16. #16
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    Good or bad?

    They have their uses obviously.

    When could you so easily accept abuse off the missus while on a night out?
    Checking train times, reading this board etc has never been so easy.

    I find the phone impacts on parts of my life that I don't want it to and believe, as a whole, that they have had a big negative impact on the social aspect of life. You only have to go to your local restaurant or pub and watch a couple sat either side of their table heads down looking at their phones in silence.

    The Gomorrah thread set me off thinking about it as I have had the same problems of picking up a phone almost involuntarily during a game or programme I want to watch and find it very frustrating at times and a habit that I want to stop or at least reduce a lot.

    I'm sure this affects a lot on here and society in general with phones being so widespread.

    Would we benefit if these phones were recalled en masse and replaced with some reissue Nokia brick from pre 2000?
    They have made a generation of youngsters incapable of being able to speak to strangers, all I hear now is, I'll send an email when being requested to speak to a customer or a supplier. Email each other in an office when sat a few feet away from the person being emailed.

  17. #17
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Smart Phones in a picture

  18. #18

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Smart Phones in a picture
    Caught a train into Cardiff a fortnight ago at around half three. Instead of it being mostly empty, as per usual, it was so packed no seats were available, and I spent the 20 minutes observing dozens of females aged 14-30 who were heading to some concert by Pink and every one of them spent time gazing at or clutching their personal tracking devices. Few if any of them can recall a time when gawping at a screen of some description at every available opportunity wasn't the norm. In a generation or two secondary school pupils will be Zombified blobs.

    Huxley's vision of the future in Brave New World is closer to today's reality than Orwell's 1984 foresaw.

  19. #19

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    They are undoubtedly and amazing innovation. However they are also prone to abuse and have certainly had an effect on a whole generation of young people. Many seem disinterested in doing anything in the physical world anymore.
    A number of years ago I posted comments on here about the likes of Facebook being hacked and young people having a significant part of their life's history being held by parties unknown - and some parents post the scans of the embryo and everything that follows. You wouldn't believe the number of posters who thought I was being alarmist and/or who had complete faith in security systems..........

  20. #20

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Caught a train into Cardiff a fortnight ago at around half three. Instead of it being mostly empty, as per usual, it was so packed no seats were available, and I spent the 20 minutes observing dozens of females aged 14-30 who were heading to some concert by Pink and every one of them spent time gazing at or clutching their personal tracking devices. Few if any of them can recall a time when gawping at a screen of some description at every available opportunity wasn't the norm. In a generation or two secondary school pupils will be Zombified blobs.

    Huxley's vision of the future in Brave New World is closer to today's reality than Orwell's 1984 foresaw.
    And The Truman Show is not that far off.

  21. #21

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    I work at a children’s summer camp in Maine and it is a technology free camp. So kids go 3-6 weeks without looking at a screen. This years us staff have collectively agreed to ban our own phones as us adults are just as bad as the kids so we keep them in lockers and only use them on time off and It has been very successful.

    I had Started policing my social media use anyway the last year or so after all the articles and similar concerns raised above. I have removed myself from and deleted Twitter and snapchat, also My two main hobbies are golf and the cinema so whenever I do either I turn my mobile hard power off until I’m done and back in the car.

  22. #22

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Yesterday I drove into Cardiff and, yet again, I only realised when I had got there that I had left my phone at home - I do it all the time. The funny thing is that, although it can be a little inconvenient at times, deep down I'm pleased because it's conclusive evidence that I haven't become a slave to the bloody thing.

  23. #23

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Caught a train into Cardiff a fortnight ago at around half three. Instead of it being mostly empty, as per usual, it was so packed no seats were available, and I spent the 20 minutes observing dozens of females aged 14-30 who were heading to some concert by Pink and every one of them spent time gazing at or clutching their personal tracking devices. Few if any of them can recall a time when gawping at a screen of some description at every available opportunity wasn't the norm. In a generation or two secondary school pupils will be Zombified blobs.

    Huxley's vision of the future in Brave New World is closer to today's reality than Orwell's 1984 foresaw.
    At least you're honest about your perving. Maybe just gawp at the ones of legal age in future, though, eh?

  24. #24

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    I work at a children’s summer camp in Maine and it is a technology free camp. So kids go 3-6 weeks without looking at a screen. This years us staff have collectively agreed to ban our own phones as us adults are just as bad as the kids so we keep them in lockers and only use them on time off and It has been very successful.

    I had Started policing my social media use anyway the last year or so after all the articles and similar concerns raised above. I have removed myself from and deleted Twitter and snapchat, also My two main hobbies are golf and the cinema so whenever I do either I turn my mobile hard power off until I’m done and back in the car.
    This is a very good approach. Could do with trying it myself.

  25. #25

    Re: OT Smart Phones

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    Good or bad?

    They have their uses obviously.

    When could you so easily accept abuse off the missus while on a night out?
    Checking train times, reading this board etc has never been so easy.

    I find the phone impacts on parts of my life that I don't want it to and believe, as a whole, that they have had a big negative impact on the social aspect of life. You only have to go to your local restaurant or pub and watch a couple sat either side of their table heads down looking at their phones in silence.

    The Gomorrah thread set me off thinking about it as I have had the same problems of picking up a phone almost involuntarily during a game or programme I want to watch and find it very frustrating at times and a habit that I want to stop or at least reduce a lot.

    I'm sure this affects a lot on here and society in general with phones being so widespread.

    Would we benefit if these phones were recalled en masse and replaced with some reissue Nokia brick from pre 2000?
    I still use a 'Nokia Brick' i have no use for a smartphone. I go to work and get my job done, if i have to take a call or a text then i'll reply when i'm ready, sometimes the next day. None of it is important.

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