Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Hey Rudey !
If anyone can do new levels of anything ,you can do new levels of rude !
You read it, so even if your nutty theory about multi ids were true, your statement above isn't.

..But, come on Rudey, you've created a huge big fuss with your conspiracy theories about multi I.D s which turned out to be complete bollocks, so why don't you drop it now ?

It's been a useful excersise in gauging your levels of judgement, which you've shown are rather poor, but if anyone is "sad", it's the person who spends so much time profiling other chatters that they form half arsed theories that two or more of them are the same person.
The likely reason for that is that you find it impossible to imagine that two people could say something which is at odds with your own belief system , which is a sign of either a brainwashed individual or a religious maniac by the way.

Being so new I hesitate to take sides, but I must say that Wales Bales played you like a fish on this and drew you further and further into your own public display of baseless paranoia. Of course , he put me in a very strange position in the process , but I must forgive him for this because it was a master class in encouraging your own confirmation bias, and worth watching for that reason alone .

In short, he kicked your arse Rudey !
"Played you like a fish"?