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Thread: Why is this happening?

  1. #1

    Why is this happening?

  2. #2

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Bad drugs? Looking on the map Estonia, Sweden, Norway and Scotland are all connected by sea, so setting up a smuggling route would be relatively straight forward.

  3. #3

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Surely everywhere is connected by sea ?

  4. #4

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Surely everywhere is connected by sea ?
    I meant convenient routes, check the map, they are all next to each other

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I dont think you pin everything at austerity it's such an easy out , I here Sadiq Khan saying that in relation to knife crime,and he has the ability to divert other funds to other areas ,wonder why he doesnt ?? .

    Scotland spend a lot of its develoved funds on social services, and other such key areas and still they suffer.

    My gut feeling is drugs are the main player in knife crime and what's happening in Scotland ,you see drugs now openly used in modern social life it's almost trivialised now .

    For me high society cocaine users play as big a roll in knife crime than reduced police numbers .

    To be fair Scotland and its coastline has always been a haven for drugs in particular the big cities of Glasgow, Edinbourgh and Aberdeen (as a port ) perhaps its it's more accountable as a statistic , and effectively reported on.

    Let's be fair for decades this Cities have harboured some tough gangs and criminals who may have in the past concentrated on different revenue streams ,now drugs is the better earner .

  6. #6

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    In an unequal society some people have **** all going for them. Austerity means less money in play to give people a leg up (usually they are given a kick off the ladder instead and yes this country voted for that approach!). Add in mental health problems and unmanageable debt (which impairs decision making) and you have yourself a nice little warm Petri dish to grow drug addicts in.

  7. #7

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I meant convenient routes, check the map, they are all next to each other

    I already saw the map so I know where these places are. In fact there was a chap in the nineteenth century , ( Irish name but can't remember it off hand), who planned a set of free trade ports in all these places which would be linked.
    You're quite right though that smuggling drugs into Scroteland is a piece of cake because you can land a boat at any one of hundreds of Orkney and Shetland islands without going through customs providing you arrive at night. After that you're in the UK and you can take it on anywhere you like.

  8. #8

    Re: Why is this happening?

    I see every one is concentrating solely on the Scottish drugs deaths increase, but I did post another link and my original question was asked from the perspective of why are these things happening and are they related? I appreciate that it's awkward when using one set of figures relating to Scotland and another concerning England and Wales, but, having done some more checking, here are two BBC stories which show that the life expectancy trend in England and Wales is being repeated north of the border.



    Here are two trends which you would expect not to be happening given the sort of country and society we claim to be and, yet within this decade, they have started to and, seemingly, the situation is getting worse.

    I asked are the two related? Well, given that they are both happening at the same time, I tend to feel they are. As for why, I suppose there might be some undiscovered as yet medical reason behind it, but the obvious answer that comes through to me is the increase of poverty levels brought on by a decade of austerity - even if there is a medical reason for it as mentioned earlier, austerity could still be a factor in terms of cuts in research and health funding etc.

    I accept that some people are going to think that I'm bound to come to the conclusion I have because of my politics, but I'm genuinely interested to hear of possible alternative causes.

  9. #9

    Re: Why is this happening?

    I notice 6 of the bottom 7 countries for drug-related deaths at the BBC link in the opening post are East European. The one which isn't, Portugal, has a more liberated approach which has proved wildly successful. Bottom of all is Romania. It's definitely the poorest too and a certainty their citizens have less disposable income and suffer greater levels of deprivation than Scotland's population. I think we can safely discount the possibility of taking solace in mind-altering substances as relief from misery to explain why one's top and the other is bottom. Perhaps it's cultural reasons or that heroin and the like is less easily available. Another possibility is Scots, for whatever reasons, have a difficult to pinpoint weakness for prohibited drugs (and for grog too) compared to the rest of the UK.

  10. #10

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I notice 6 of the bottom 7 countries for drug-related deaths at the BBC link in the opening post are East European. The one which isn't, Portugal, has a more liberated approach which has proved wildly successful. Bottom of all is Romania. It's definitely the poorest too and a certainty their citizens have less disposable income and suffer greater levels of deprivation than Scotland's population. I think we can safely discount the possibility of taking solace in mind-altering substances as relief from misery to explain why one's top and the other is bottom. Perhaps it's cultural reasons or that heroin and the like is less easily available. Another possibility is Scots, for whatever reasons, have a difficult to pinpoint weakness for prohibited drugs (and for grog too) compared to the rest of the UK.
    I noticed that as well and I agree that it is something that does suggest that poverty alone is not the cause of these worrying trends in this country - here's another life expectancy story from last year which asks plenty of questions about the UK;-


  11. #11

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I notice 6 of the bottom 7 countries for drug-related deaths at the BBC link in the opening post are East European. The one which isn't, Portugal, has a more liberated approach which has proved wildly successful. Bottom of all is Romania. It's definitely the poorest too and a certainty their citizens have less disposable income and suffer greater levels of deprivation than Scotland's population. I think we can safely discount the possibility of taking solace in mind-altering substances as relief from misery to explain why one's top and the other is bottom. Perhaps it's cultural reasons or that heroin and the like is less easily available. Another possibility is Scots, for whatever reasons, have a difficult to pinpoint weakness for prohibited drugs (and for grog too) compared to the rest of the UK.
    Wasn't really talking about poverty itself, clearly we are well off in the context of the rest of the world and also historically. More referring to the levels of wealth/income income inequality, personal debt and the effect this has on mental health.

  12. #12

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I notice 6 of the bottom 7 countries for drug-related deaths at the BBC link in the opening post are East European. The one which isn't, Portugal, has a more liberated approach which has proved wildly successful. Bottom of all is Romania. It's definitely the poorest too and a certainty their citizens have less disposable income and suffer greater levels of deprivation than Scotland's population. I think we can safely discount the possibility of taking solace in mind-altering substances as relief from misery to explain why one's top and the other is bottom. Perhaps it's cultural reasons or that heroin and the like is less easily available. Another possibility is Scots, for whatever reasons, have a difficult to pinpoint weakness for prohibited drugs (and for grog too) compared to the rest of the UK.

    Well I find that I increasingly have to employ East Europeans for the very reason that they're not as drug infested as young English blokes. It's hard to find anyone in the native population who's not at it to some degree. Therefore I don't think it's to do with conditions in their countries as much as the fact that they're from a Christian country and retain some of the values which made us successful in the past .
    I also notice that those who speak English the least are the best because they don't get infected by the media so much.
    There's also the thing that they come from countries where they've suffered the effects of socialism being practised for a few generations and so they understand how evil it is and reject it's various destructive dogmas .

  13. #13

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Well I find that I increasingly have to employ East Europeans for the very reason that they're not as drug infested as young English blokes. It's hard to find anyone in the native population who's not at it to some degree. Therefore I don't think it's to do with conditions in their countries as much as the fact that they're from a Christian country and retain some of the values which made us successful in the past .
    I also notice that those who speak English the least are the best because they don't get infected by the media so much.
    There's also the thing that they come from countries where they've suffered the effects of socialism being practised for a few generations and so they understand how evil it is and reject it's various destructive dogmas .
    What an elaborate dream

  14. #14
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Why is this happening?

    What about self respect , as you stand over someone and then stab them 18 times , its not all about mental health or austerity , its about moral fiber and responsibility , as well ,and bloody decent parenting , its not as if they are not given free health and education and even religion is free .

    I think there is a real danger of just making excuse after excuse for them ,and providing them with a cradle to sit in and not do anything themselves .

  15. #15

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What about self respect , as you stand over someone and then stab them 18 times , its not all about mental health or austerity , its about moral fiber and responsibility , as well ,and bloody decent parenting , its not as if they are not given free health and education and even religion is free .

    I think there is a real danger of just making excuse after excuse for them ,and providing them with a cradle to sit in and not do anything themselves .
    What is your solution to increase their moral fibre?

  16. #16
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    What is your solution to increase their moral fibre?
    Stop treating them as victims .

  17. #17

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Stop treating them as victims .
    Tell them off for being bad?

    Do you believe in addiction?

  18. #18

    Re: Why is this happening?

    I'd go down a draconian path to influence behaviour so that potential future crims would choose a different path because they'd fear the consequences of their criminality to a much greater degree than they do presently. First up would be to make the prison experience for convicted felons akin to what it was in the early Victorian era which would elbow the concept of rehabilitation to concentrate on punishment. That would include all single cells, no association with one another and absolute silence at all times. There'd me no work activities other than that of mindless grind designed to break their spirit... shovelling tons of sand back and forth from A to B for 8 hours per day and the like. Only those of State Pension age and others adjudged unfit by a doctor would be excused.

    Introduce whole life sentences for all murderers and minimum term tariffs for a long and wide variety of serious offences. That way a home burglar, for example, with 5 years to serve had better behave impeccably lest he'd have no prospect of release after serving the minimum. Each establishment would have a dedicated wing for remand inmates where they'd have to comply with a far more relaxed regime. Mental defectives would be placed in secure hospitals as they are today.

    A far cheaper option would be the Saudi route. Murder, peddle drugs or commit rape there and it's goodnight Vienna. Thieves lose a hand. Unsurprisingly those crimes are ultra rare.

  19. #19

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Are we still talking about life expectancy and deaths caused by drug addiction here?

  20. #20

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Are we still talking about life expectancy and deaths caused by drug addiction here?
    Nah, I'm not sure we ever were.

  21. #21

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Nah, I'm not sure we ever were.
    Cut off their arms I say

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Why is this happening?

    They are cold calculated youngsters, who are very switched on criminals, who kill for drugs or protection. A lot of the crime committed is clever pre meditated stuff .

    I'm sure a few loan attacks are via vulnerable people with mental social care issues.

    The majority are calculated young criminals, and you would not like to know them , or rub up against them in any shape or form.

    Yes some have been exploited .

    What we mustn't do is think or blame society for all evil acts, they were probaly always going to be criminals its just society has created this drug filled lousy demand and supply world , that has allowed them to fester in .

  23. #23

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    They are cold calculated youngsters, who are very switched on criminals, who kill for drugs or protection. A lot of the crime committed is clever pre meditated stuff .

    I'm sure a few loan attacks are via vulnerable people with mental social care issues.

    The majority are calculated young criminals, and you would not like to know them , or rub up against them in any shape or form.

    Yes some have been exploited .

    What we mustn't do is think or blame society for all evil acts, they were probaly always going to be criminals its just society has created this drug filled lousy demand and supply world , that has allowed them to fester in .
    Who/What are you talking about? The links in the OP are about deaths from drug addiction and a reduction in life expectancy.

  24. #24
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Who/What are you talking about? The links in the OP are about deaths from drug addiction and a reduction in life expectancy.
    Phew ,I got carried away then , yeh my advise don't take drugs or buy them from criminals , who kill people over the right to sell them .

  25. #25

    Re: Why is this happening?

    Well, four days after I started this thread, a thank you to Organ Morgan for giving his take on the links I posted and to Eric for trying to keep the thread on topic. I just think it should be a huge concern and a cause of debate at the highest levels, that the death from drugs rate in a part of our country is outrageously high and that we are the only country in Europe where life expectancy is declining.

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