Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
It's got everything to do with what you posted. Specifically you mentioned Weatherspoons I think, but my reply covered the wider view, that's all.

I know you mean well and you probably think remain would be best - it's just a matter of judgement really.

Unfortunately of course, we must consider how wide of the mark you are on the Wales Bales thing in weighing your ability to make judgements mustn't we ?

Think of it like this, W-B and Ronnie B must -ipso facto - half NOT be....... You see ?
There's only two posters on here who know for certain whether you and Wales Bales are the same person, but most sane, "normal" people would conclude when reading a post in the name of Wales Bales that reads like it was posted by you that you are. That's the evidence that brought about these claims and so, in a matter which, let's face it, is not very important in the grand scheme of things, when it comes to cock up v conspiracy, people, hardly surprisingly, opt for a pretty funny versio of the former.

Aha! Poor, deluded fools that they are, they have fallen into your trap! According to the one or two of you, the whole thing is some sort of experiment designed to prove how gullible people are when faced with a subtle ploy laid by the master puppeteer (at least that's how he sees himself) that is Wales Bales, while you, who, as a great conjurer would say, have never met this man in my life, are perfectly happy to be his stooge.

Those are the two possibilities then - seems to me that either one of them amount to distinctly odd behaviour.