Quote Originally Posted by Once U shop, U can't stop View Post
I understand that weather forecasting is not an exact science (ever since I read Hammond Innes books ) but I just don't get how the BBC can make such a mess of their forecasting.

They have input from weather stations all round the UK; a history of weather trends to factor in; latest computers and software and still they often get the prediction either totally wrong - or change their forecasts.

Take today. At 07.20, they were forecasting a high of 29C and sunny intervals. At 09.20 they have changed the forecast to a high of 26C and a chance of rain this afternoon. (Thank the Lord!). When I say 'a chance of rain', the likelihood is 19%,21%,21%,22%,20% and 13% eash hour between 12.00 and 17.00.

And this illustrates my point. Weather forecasting is not an exact science, but they make these incredibly small increments of rainfall every hour!

So, do I need to water the garden or not???????? Or take a brolly to town???????

Why not just say - "Sunny, temperatures up to 26C with a chance of rain this afternoon."

(Glad I got that off my sweaty chest )
They get their weather information from MetroGroup. They're also saying there's this chance of rain, I literally don't understand what your issue is? They're putting the likelihood of the chance, which is more accurate than what you want.