Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I think China and, maybe, America are the only places where he would be paid what he and his agent think he is still worth. Sadly, his recent form has probably meant that none of the big European clubs believe he is worth the huge expense of having him on their books - Bale has always been a dynamic, instinctive player who would find it hard to cope with declining physical standards.

I remember sitting in a bar here in China a few years ago. The bar was quite crowded, they had football on the big screen but no sound. I had no idea who was playing and not much interest to be honest. Then I caught sight of a player who absolutely tore through the opposition defence as if they were going backwards! I hadn't seen anyone move so fast with a ball at their feet (Ronaldo being an honourable exception!).. it was a young Gareth Bale almost singlehandedly destroying Inter Milan!

At his peak, he was explosive and almost unplayable.