Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Well that's fairly sensible and conciliatory so fair enough.
I'd forgotten that I'd mentioned that in another conversation, but if you want to take anything from it, might I suggest consistency ?

Farming to me means hard work and constant frustration since the subject arises and it's the last thing I want to chat about now I don't have to do it, particularly the form filling , grants and ear tagging parts. If you wanted to know about breeds of cattle or sheep or something that'd be different if I were in the right frame of mind, but not as part of an interrogation about whether I'm some big liar.

Now, it's true to say that bananas are a kind of farming / agriculture and in fact I've seen the groves of trees in the West Indies, but it's not anything related to agriculture in this country so of course I know no more about growing them than you do. My comments upon the subject were from a political and economic point of view.

Anyway, I'll take that post as being sensible and well meant , and in that spirit I thank you for it.
No problem. I accept this in the same spirit that you called me a "nutter" in post #52! Anyway back to bananas. You must have been horrified to find out that the devastation of the Jamaican banana industry that you care for so passionately was mostly down to America First big business interests (give or take the odd hurricane) rather than the evil EU empire ripping up colonial roots. Have facts changed your perspective?