Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Slaves aren't property now are they ? No they're not, which is the point that I've been making all along that you seem to be purposely avoiding. Slaves are no longer property because enough people believed that it wasn't a fundamental right for people to own that particular property.

I'm not sure how you can compare holding a human being captive with owning a gun. You know exactly how I can compare them as at some point in the not too distant past, both slaves and guns have been considered a form of property and one of your pro-gun arguments is that it's a fundamental right to own property, which means that you either condone owning all forms of property or you get to pick and choose like the rest of us what we deem to be appropriate. Hence, the emancipation proclamation and slavery being abolished.

I own guns and in the past I've handled and used very heavy duty weaponry but I've never committed a crime with them or been irresponsible with them. The guns don't harm anyone unless used to do so by a human being, and that is who is responsible if anyone is harmed. Well done for not harming anyone with one of your guns. If only there was a way of possibly controlling which human beings cab get a hold of these guns to possibly lower the chances of them being used to commit a crime or be "irresponsible with them" (irresponsible, like committing mass murder, irresponsible

As far as what anyone might have said about slavery at the time when it was questioned, none of us can say if we're truthful.
It might seem obvious to us now that it's wrong, but you can't apply modern thinking to a different age, or vice versa. Congratulations, this is exactly the point that I'm trying to make. At some point in time it was deemed appropriate to be able to own another human being by a large proportion of people. In present day, a large proportion of people deem it appropriate to be able to own automatic rifles.... it doesn't make it right and perhaps in the future, it may seem obvious to everyone how wrong it was to think that way too.

Remember, being pro slavery was the default position of the establishment at the time and that the idea of abolishen was a controversial one at first. You mean, like the idea of gun control now?

If you want me to guess, I'd expect that the people here who get angry about individualists or people questioning the State would be throwing similar stones at abolishenists as they do now at " climate change deniers ". I haven't got a clue what you're talking about, sorry.