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Thread: Jeffrey Has Gone

  1. #26

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    This message board consists of two posters (considered to be the same one by many posters) who are original thinkers, incredibly intelligent, extremely well educated (and this can't be stressed enough), highly analytical, devoid of bias and with the ability to be fair-minded.......

    And the rest of us mere mortals who are incapable of having an original thought enter our feeble mulch-filled brains.

    Attachment 3211

    It's obvious that intelligent people are going to be a minority. That's a fact of nature.

    I didn't ever claim to be unbiased though. It was quite famously said of me that I'm very clear which side of the street I'm on, and so no one need think that I'm going to be fair minded to areseholes who wish my people harm or steal their liberties.

    The reason I challenge some of the corrosive bullshit here is twofold. Yes I can see WB fighting on his own with great intentions against the odds and it's therefore my natural instinct to stand beside him, but more importantly it's possible that some of the youngsters reading this will think again. I want them to see that they have wonderful opportunities to think for themselves and achieve fantastic things instead of listening to the desolate philosophy of despair and mediocrity which is prevalent in those who have believed the bullshit and taken their ranks in the army of quietly desperate people.

    I'm speaking to them and if only one of them reconsiders the idea of keeping his mouth shut for the sake of not standing out from the herd, it'd be worth writing a book. So fine - try and motivate a crowd reaction. It's not a new idea and it often seems to work in the short term, but it usually leaves behind a few ideas after the stoning.

    You continue to tell the kids to wear their own stupidity like a badge of honour and I'll continue to tell them the truth. You tell them to do what they're told according to some entrenched false dogma and I'll continue to tell them to claim their birthright, which belongs to them alone.

  2. #27

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    This message board consists of two posters (considered to be the same one by many posters) who are original thinkers, incredibly intelligent, extremely well educated (and this can't be stressed enough), highly analytical, devoid of bias and with the ability to be fair-minded.......

    And the rest of us mere mortals who are incapable of having an original thought enter our feeble mulch-filled brains.

    Attachment 3211

  3. #28
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    It's obvious that intelligent people are going to be a minority. That's a fact of nature.

    I didn't ever claim to be unbiased though. It was quite famously said of me that I'm very clear which side of the street I'm on, and so no one need think that I'm going to be fair minded to areseholes who wish my people harm or steal their liberties.

    The reason I challenge some of the corrosive bullshit here is twofold. Yes I can see WB fighting on his own with great intentions against the odds and it's therefore my natural instinct to stand beside him, but more importantly it's possible that some of the youngsters reading this will think again. I want them to see that they have wonderful opportunities to think for themselves and achieve fantastic things instead of listening to the desolate philosophy of despair and mediocrity which is prevalent in those who have believed the bullshit and taken their ranks in the army of quietly desperate people.

    I'm speaking to them and if only one of them reconsiders the idea of keeping his mouth shut for the sake of not standing out from the herd, it'd be worth writing a book. So fine - try and motivate a crowd reaction. It's not a new idea and it often seems to work in the short term, but it usually leaves behind a few ideas after the stoning.

    You continue to tell the kids to wear their own stupidity like a badge of honour and I'll continue to tell them the truth. You tell them to do what they're told according to some entrenched false dogma and I'll continue to tell them to claim their birthright, which belongs to them alone.
    Don't bite those who struggle with intellectual free thought debate ,free always struggle and result to digs ,snide comments , for evidence read above posts .

    Because one has a different view, it doesn't make them a sheep , far from it , just makes them interested individuals .

    One of the faults of the Politcs board is it's lack of alternative views , however disagreeable or alternative it maybe to your view.

    We are all god's children.

  4. #29
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You see, when documents like this are available so freely, ( as is lots of other stuff from Al Gore's investments in fossil fuels and the Nazi origins of the EU), it's baffling that so many people can reject the possibility that the general public is routinely and deliberately misinformed.

    My only reservation about posting that here is that some of the fluoride generation will use the email address to sign up as "stalwarts".
    What amazes me is the way you keep repeating this crap - liberally dosed with other alt-right lies and distortions, rank conspiracy theories, Trump-love and edited highlights from Infowars, vintage Breitbart and (for Light relief) Fox & Friends. You then have the gall to lambast and abuse other posters who have their heads screwed on. You don't even do it with humour (unlike Organ who occupies a similar place to you with his world-view - but he has more than a few saving graces). And then you adopt the victim role and whine about gangs of 'children' bullying you on a football messageboard when the one who needs to grow up (and think critically for once) is you. The plans for a Nazi Europe under Hitler has no similarity with the European Union of today, and were not the source idea for it.

    And wtf is a 'fluoride generation'? If there's any problem with what's in the water I suspect it is in Anglia East!

  5. #30
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post

    The key question is whether he/they think it's one or two nil to the sheepshaggers!
    That should be the only question.

  6. #31
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    It's obvious that intelligent people are going to be a minority. That's a fact of nature.

    I didn't ever claim to be unbiased though. It was quite famously said of me that I'm very clear which side of the street I'm on, and so no one need think that I'm going to be fair minded to areseholes who wish my people harm or steal their liberties.
    Famously said? Famously? Wow!

  7. #32
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Anyway - on Jeffrey.

    Are we all agreed it was murder not suicide? Surely not suicide.... where would be the story in that?

    Where is the finger pointing? Obviously Trump or Clinton (aka the pointy hats or the deep state), but is Andrew's butler in the frame?

  8. #33
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    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Anyway - on Jeffrey.

    Are we all agreed it was murder not suicide? Surely not suicide.... where would be the story in that?

    Where is the finger pointing? Obviously Trump or Clinton (aka the pointy hats or the deep state), but is Andrew's butler in the frame?
    Or some offshore state , or high end money man ,he had enemies.

    Horrible little turd of a man, we can hope he suffered at the end .

  9. #34

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    * Alt-right lies and distortions

    * Rank conspiracy theories

    * Trump-love

    * Edited highlights from Infowars

    * Vintage Breitbart

    * Fox & Friends
    You forgot racist!

    If you want to be a leftist stooge, then you must stick to the talking points

  10. #35

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    What amazes me is the way you keep repeating this crap - liberally dosed with other alt-right lies and distortions, rank conspiracy theories, Trump-love and edited highlights from Infowars, vintage Breitbart and (for Light relief) Fox & Friends. You then have the gall to lambast and abuse other posters who have their heads screwed on. You don't even do it with humour (unlike Organ who occupies a similar place to you with his world-view - but he has more than a few saving graces). And then you adopt the victim role and whine about gangs of 'children' bullying you on a football messageboard when the one who needs to grow up (and think critically for once) is you. The plans for a Nazi Europe under Hitler has no similarity with the European Union of today, and were not the source idea for it.

    And wtf is a 'fluoride generation'? If there's any problem with what's in the water I suspect it is in Anglia East!

    You have absolutely no idea what my world view is, and I'm sure you wouldn't understand it if you did.
    What do I think about Aristotle or Thales ? Which historical events do I regard as the causes of the French Revolution ? What are the experiences and influences which formed my view of war , and what is that view ?

  11. #36

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You have absolutely no idea what my world view is, and I'm sure you wouldn't understand it if you did. What do I think about Aristotle or Thales ? Which historical events do I regard as the causes of the French Revolution ? What are the experiences and influences which formed my view of war , and what is that view ?
    You may even have a perfectly honest view of the world, but unfortunately it doesn't chime with leftist rhetoric, so this view must be destroyed at all costs. Lardy & Cyril have proved beyond doubt that the truth doesn't matter to the left. It's all make-believe in the world of fairytales that they inhabit. They still think that Trump Russia Collusion is an actual thing, and it is going to bring down the current President of the USA. Just imagine how nuts you would have to be to believe that crock of shyte

  12. #37

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Famously said? Famously? Wow!

    Just noticed that. Yeah, it was quite famously said by quite a famous person actually. Can't imagine that, can you ?

  13. #38

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You may even have a perfectly honest view of the world, but unfortunately it doesn't chime with leftist rhetoric, so this view must be destroyed at all costs. Lardy & Cyril have proved beyond doubt that the truth doesn't matter to the left. It's all make-believe in the world of fairytales that they inhabit. They still think that Trump Russia Collusion is an actual thing, and it is going to bring down the current President of the USA. Just imagine how nuts you would have to be to believe that crock of shyte
    Although they're not actually being dishonest . As I said earlier, they've received a subliminal message that Trump is bad and they're subliminally rewarded by being told they're intelligent for thinking that by means of people who are put up as highly intelligent by the media reinforcing the idea 24/7.

    There's nothing really that can be done to re introduce them to logic or reason, so the most helpful thing is to expose them in the hope that those who haven't already been "bitten" might escape their fate.
    It's much much harder to brainwash a subject who's aware of what you're doing, and the best we can hope for is that uncommitted individuals will ask themselves , " why are they telling me that ?" . After that , it's up to them to decide on the issues.

  14. #39

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Although they're not actually being dishonest . As I said earlier, they've received a subliminal message that Trump is bad and they're subliminally rewarded by being told they're intelligent for thinking that by means of people who are put up as highly intelligent by the media reinforcing the idea 24/7.

    There's nothing really that can be done to re introduce them to logic or reason, so the most helpful thing is to expose them in the hope that those who haven't already been "bitten" might escape their fate.
    It's much much harder to brainwash a subject who's aware of what you're doing, and the best we can hope for is that uncommitted individuals will ask themselves , " why are they telling me that ?" . After that , it's up to them to decide on the issues.
    I presented them with a mountain of evidence, so it took a substantial amount of effort on their part to disregard it. Or maybe they just enjoy living in a leftist world of continual manufactured chaos, where there is always something going wrong and people to be blamed

  15. #40

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    One of the faults of the Politcs board is it's lack of alternative views , however disagreeable or alternative it maybe to your view.

    We are all god's children.
    Now you're quite right there, lifeonmars. Your good self, wallybales and Ronnie dominate the politics board. Mike has even set up a third board for you all to use!

    Would be nice to leave some breathing space for others, eh?

  16. #41

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Now you're quite right there, lifeonmars. Your good self, wallybales and Ronnie dominate the politics board. Mike has even set up a third board for you all to use!

    Would be nice to leave some breathing space for others, eh?
    I'm all ears, please tell us something that is even remotely close to the truth, i.e. no more made-up stuff!

  17. #42

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Although they're not actually being dishonest . As I said earlier, they've received a subliminal message that Trump is bad and they're subliminally rewarded by being told they're intelligent for thinking that by means of people who are put up as highly intelligent by the media reinforcing the idea 24/7.

    There's nothing really that can be done to re introduce them to logic or reason, so the most helpful thing is to expose them in the hope that those who haven't already been "bitten" might escape their fate.
    It's much much harder to brainwash a subject who's aware of what you're doing, and the best we can hope for is that uncommitted individuals will ask themselves , " why are they telling me that ?" . After that , it's up to them to decide on the issues.
    I learned from the way you imperiously swatted away what I thought was a pertinent question I had asked yesterday with an answer which doesn't really stand up to any close examination (I note gluey has mastered this technique as well), but I know full well that I could never hope to make it into the I know everything about everything club, so I'm going to need more guidance from you I'm afraid.

    If you know that a subliminal message has been sent to us. then to be able to avoid falling prey to it, you must know what it said and when it was sent, so could you let us have that information please so that we can try to regain our capacity for "independent thinking"?

    Speaking for myself, I've despised Donald Trump for thirty years or more, so I assume I received the subliminal message sometime in the mid to late eighties? Hang on though, why would the forces you are so nobly fighting on our behalf be sending out such a message about Donald Trump then? Unless, of course, they knew he was going to be President in thirty years time.

    I've got to say mind, that's pretty impressive if they did isn't it - you don't think our subliminal voices might be worth listening to after all do you?

  18. #43

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    If you know that a subliminal message has been sent to us. then to be able to avoid falling prey to it, you must know what it said and when it was sent, so could you let us have that information please so that we can try to regain our capacity for "independent thinking"?
    Is this a cry for help, Bob?

  19. #44

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I learned from the way you imperiously swatted away what I thought was a pertinent question I had asked yesterday with an answer which doesn't really stand up to any close examination (I note gluey has mastered this technique as well), but I know full well that I could never hope to make it into the I know everything about everything club, so I'm going to need more guidance from you I'm afraid.

    If you know that a subliminal message has been sent to us. then to be able to avoid falling prey to it, you must know what it said and when it was sent, so could you let us have that information please so that we can try to regain our capacity for "independent thinking"?

    Speaking for myself, I've despised Donald Trump for thirty years or more, so I assume I received the subliminal message sometime in the mid to late eighties? Hang on though, why would the forces you are so nobly fighting on our behalf be sending out such a message about Donald Trump then? Unless, of course, they knew he was going to be President in thirty years time.

    I've got to say mind, that's pretty impressive if they did isn't it - you don't think our subliminal voices might be worth listening to after all do you?

    This requires a more detailed answer than I've got the time or willpower for right now. I'll try and post something later about brainwashing techniques, but in the mean time there are a couple of things you seem to have misunderstood.

    Those who have used these techniques are certainly neither noble nor on your side. Also, it pretty obviously doesn't mean that subliminal messages are the sole source of a particular opinion such as your apparent personal dislike of Donald Trump. I'd say that 30 years ago few people would have expected him to have opposed those who follow a sinister agenda.

    It's also possible for individuals to willingly follow this sinister agenda, but that requires a hatred of humanity which I'm sure not many people really have.

    Of course it's hardly as simple as one single subliminal message during a cornflakes advert or something. It involves a long process which I mentioned briefly elsewhere on these threads.
    Once someone is effected it's too late to change in most cases, as we learned in the 1950's with pow's from the Korean War who'd been repatriated, so some people can't "avoid falling prey" to it unfortunately.

  20. #45

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

  21. #46

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    This requires a more detailed answer than I've got the time or willpower for right now. I'll try and post something later about brainwashing techniques, but in the mean time there are a couple of things you seem to have misunderstood.

    Those who have used these techniques are certainly neither noble nor on your side. Also, it pretty obviously doesn't mean that subliminal messages are the sole source of a particular opinion such as your apparent personal dislike of Donald Trump. I'd say that 30 years ago few people would have expected him to have opposed those who follow a sinister agenda.

    It's also possible for individuals to willingly follow this sinister agenda, but that requires a hatred of humanity which I'm sure not many people really have.

    Of course it's hardly as simple as one single subliminal message during a cornflakes advert or something. It involves a long process which I mentioned briefly elsewhere on these threads.
    Once someone is effected it's too late to change in most cases, as we learned in the 1950's with pow's from the Korean War who'd been repatriated, so some people can't "avoid falling prey" to it unfortunately.
    Nope, I need more help here because, I'm sorry, but that just comes across, like so many of your messages do to this particular sheep, as a load of words without anything of note actually being said.

    As for noble and on my side, you seem unable to take a compliment because I was talking about you - although I may have been being sarcastic at the time.

    I'll try again, what did the subliminal message that I asked about say and when did it occur? You must know the answers to these questions because it didn't effect you.

    I don't think it could have been, because I could have sworn I saw it as clear as day on here, but perhaps the messages Lardy posted about the Trump family exploiting that baby whose parents were killed at El Paso were the sort of subliminal message you're talking about because, as I recall, none of the I know everything about everything brigade had anything to say about them whatsoever.

  22. #47

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Nobility is another question, but I'm certainly on your side , Bob.

    I did explain in another post that it's very hard to brainwash certain groups of people, and one of these groups is those who understand the process and can therefore recognise the steps in it. I set these steps out much more fully than I'd ordinarily do here recently, although that itself was an over simplification of what is a complicated business. I repeat that it's far from one simple subliminal message during a commercial break.

    I don't think I read the particular posting by Lardy which you mention, although I did post myself in that thread about the objective logic of gun control and it's detrimental consequences if adopted.

    This whole thing about Trump as a person is symptomatic of what I'm trying to explain actually. You don't have to love him or think he's a perfect human being to know that what he's trying to achieve is to the benefit of humanity. Conversely, if you disagree with his politics you don't have to hate him or obsess about every tiny thing he does which you might be able to critisise.

    As I said earlier, I'll try and post something later on the subject which might make it clearer without my having to try and set down 50 years of reading, study and experience in a message board thread.

  23. #48

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Is it Trump's fault that he can't live up to the very high standards in office set by the Bush, Clinton & Obama families? Just remember there were zero instances of any wrongdoing under 44, which may be a world record of innocence.

  24. #49

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Now you're quite right there, lifeonmars. Your good self, wallybales and Ronnie dominate the politics board. Mike has even set up a third board for you all to use!

    Would be nice to leave some breathing space for others, eh?

    If some people contribute more than you, how does that interfere with your "breathing space " ????

    It doesn't stop you posting

  25. #50
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Jeffrey Has Gone

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    If some people contribute more than you, how does that interfere with your "breathing space " ????

    It doesn't stop you posting
    Post away Lardy , fill the spaces I do really enjoy these moments , In fact its very therapeutic, my doctor advised me to buy a puncbag ,to help with my anger , I find this board and its contributors much more helpful in dealing with one's anger . ( as Mr Lydon famously advised 'anger is an energy ')

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