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Thread: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

  1. #1

    Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Up till about the early 1970s ordinary blokes with blue collar jobs could afford a family home while 'Er indoors cared for the sprogs. Then a typical home cost between 3 to 3.5 times the average wage while today it's between 8 and 9 times and is why a couple must both work to afford one then have to pay an arm and a leg for strangers to care for the kids. Britain's regressing at an alarming rate.

    Chiara Giordano
    The Independent18 August 2019

    In a new report, the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) has proposed an increase of the pension age to 70 by 2028 and 75 by 2035.

    The pension age is already set to increase to 67 by 2028 and to 68 by 2046 – but the organisation, co-founded by former Conservative leader and work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan-Smith, wants to see a faster increase.

    The CSJ’s latest report said evidence suggested the UK was “not responding to the needs and potential” of an ageing workforce, with hundreds of thousands of people aged 50 to 64 seen as “economically inactive”.

    More: https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/pe...7orskYkavBMAqD

  2. #2

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Time to get rid of NI, it's basically a confidence scam at this stage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Time to get rid of NI, it's basically a confidence scam at this stage.
    Yes do agree, integrate it into one tax based on what one earns .

    Its all well in good , as people are more fit and bale now , but we need to do something about how folk can earn a state pension , works pension and a wage ??

    The keeping folk in work to a very later age, is impacting on young peoples job opportunities , I am aware of a few folks with this triple whammy earning of state /works pension plus still in work wages ?

  4. #4

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Yes do agree, integrate it into one tax based on what one earns .

    Its all well in good , as people are more fit than bale now , but we need to do something about how folk can earn a state pension , works pension and a wage ??

    The keeping folk in work to a very later age, is impacting on young peoples job opportunities , I am aware of a few folks with this triple whammy earning of state /works pension plus still in work wages ?
    Bale is always injured these days

  5. #5

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    I'm afraid that all this simply proves that a comprehensive welfare state of the sort politicians have promised in the U.K doesn't work.

  6. #6

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I'm afraid that all this simply proves that a comprehensive welfare state of the sort politicians have promised in the U.K doesn't work.
    What proves that? A report by a right wing think tank?

  7. #7

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I'm afraid that all this simply proves that a comprehensive welfare state of the sort politicians have promised in the U.K doesn't work.
    I think it's more of a case that we are still bankrupt from the last banking crash, and nothing has been done to remedy the situation as it suits the globalist agenda. They can then tell us that we need the EU otherwise we fall into oblivion!

  8. #8

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    What proves that? A report by a right wing think tank?

    The facts and the arithmetic speak for themselves surely ?

    It's hard to think of any public service which is operating efficiently and isn't constantly complaining of under funding and overstretched resources.

    Reports by think tanks, left, right or centre are of little value , but of course there's a reason why they're even talking about the options mentioned in this one.

  9. #9

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The facts and the arithmetic speak for themselves surely ?

    It's hard to think of any public service which is operating efficiently and isn't constantly complaining of under funding and overstretched resources.

    Reports by think tanks, left, right or centre are of little value , but of course there's a reason why they're even talking about the options mentioned in this one.
    Brexiteers : 'we are the xth largest economy in the world, of course we can make our own way'

    Also brexiteers : 'sorry sir you must working or dead, country can't afford to carry you'

    It's about priorities and unfortunately the ordinary guy is never the priority.

  10. #10

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Brexiteers : 'we are the xth largest economy in the world, of course we can make our own way'

    Also brexiteers : 'sorry sir you must working or dead, country can't afford to carry you'

    It's about priorities and unfortunately the ordinary guy is never the priority.
    We are also subsidising the EU welfare system.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    We are always subsidising someone or something, it does make me chuckle when you here this stuff , you'd think on occasions there was no benefts or subsidies going on at all .

  12. #12

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Brexiteers : 'we are the xth largest economy in the world, of course we can make our own way'

    Also brexiteers : 'sorry sir you must working or dead, country can't afford to carry you'

    It's about priorities and unfortunately the ordinary guy is never the priority.

    The 'ordinary guy' should be his own priority because despite the empty promises of politicians there's no such thing as a free lunch in the real world.

    Better to rely on yourself than wait for any state institution to do what they promised, because you'll wait a long long time !

    It's a huge mistake to bracket supporters of Brexit in that way. It's simply not true that they're all right wing, left wing, anti Polish, pro American or anything else . It's certainly incorrect that they are all thick or don't understand the issues.

  13. #13

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The 'ordinary guy' should be his own priority because despite the empty promises of politicians there's no such thing as a free lunch in the real world.

    Better to rely on yourself than wait for any state institution to do what they promised, because you'll wait a long long time !

    It's a huge mistake to bracket supporters of Brexit in that way. It's simply not true that they're all right wing, left wing, anti Polish, pro American or anything else . It's certainly incorrect that they are all thick or don't understand the issues.
    Nice straw man you built there.

    The ordinary guy doesn't get to chose whether he pays NI or not, this kind of policy amounts to pulling the rug out from underneath some of the poorest people in society. Saying people should sort it themselves is just empty nonsense.

    Today I learnt though that you are expecting a 'free lunch' if you want dignity in retirement after directly contributing to the system for 45+ years.

    Maybe we should have a referendum on it?

  14. #14

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    You make some incorrect assumptions about my position . Sadly it's come to a state of affairs where if you critisise the left or its policies then you will be viewed as right wing. It's impossible to imagine that anyone could have political views which aren't in line with one of the two fake parties and their ideologies.

    These dishonest politicians have made promises they can't keep and in the process created a population which relies upon hand outs of one sort or another, and now they ' pull the rug" as you put it, which is the evil fruit of the evil tree. That's just as bad - worse in fact - than having led them up the garden path in the first place.

    At this stage someone needs to reduce benefits and increase opportunity over at least a decade rather than suddenly just take them away or provide public services which don't work. It's a massive project , but one in which we don't have a choice because they're rapidly running out of other people's money to fund their madness.

    Stuff like pensions and genuine unemployment payments for temporary periods, and support for people with genuine health problems needn't be effected. In fact , in a more sensible system they could be increased.

  15. #15

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Further to that, and whilst you're not going to accept it, that's one very good reason why we must rid ourselves of the EU which is a grand example of a political cartel establishing a rentier economy in which only they control the money supply and individuals must beg them for a tiny share

  16. #16

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You make some incorrect assumptions about my position . Sadly it's come to a state of affairs where if you critisise the left or its policies then you will be viewed as right wing. It's impossible to imagine that anyone could have political views which aren't in line with one of the two fake parties and their ideologies.

    These dishonest politicians have made promises they can't keep and in the process created a population which relies upon hand outs of one sort or another, and now they ' pull the rug" as you put it, which is the evil fruit of the evil tree. That's just as bad - worse in fact - than having led them up the garden path in the first place.

    At this stage someone needs to reduce benefits and increase opportunity over at least a decade rather than suddenly just take them away or provide public services which don't work. It's a massive project , but one in which we don't have a choice because they're rapidly running out of other people's money to fund their madness.

    Stuff like pensions and genuine unemployment payments for temporary periods, and support for people with genuine health problems needn't be effected. In fact , in a more sensible system they could be increased.
    Bit baffled because my post made no assumptions about your position whatsoever.

    If you think pensions shouldn't be affected you should have probably said that since this is a thread about (drumroll please) pensions.

  17. #17

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    I did say that. Perhaps I should have been clearer.

    Point is that the unfulfillable promises of successive governments and their dishonest attempts to give the impression that they're doing all this stuff is the reason why they're trying to penny pinch on legitimate expenditure such as pensions.

    If you spend the tax money on mad projects you can't also spend it on important things

  18. #18

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    With people living longer and the age demographic increasing, the percentage of over 65's (18% now and projecting to rise to 24% in 2036) it's difficult for a government of any colour to resist raising the pension age.

  19. #19

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    In an ideal future British workers would die of exhaustion holding their shovel, or pen for public sector layabouts, less than a year before collecting their State Pension. Better they expire that way than after lingering in a hospital bed while consuming valuable resources.

    UN world population stats (Here: https://www.worldometers.info/world-...ation-by-year/) is a real eye-opener. In 1919 estimated total was 1.7 billion. 30 years later, 2.5 billion. Today, 7.7 billion.

  20. #20

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    In an ideal future British people would look to start businesses and create new income streams against a background of low taxes and without stupid bureaucratic interference from abroad. Only those who are unable to do this need be workers at all, but they'd get a much better deal in a free economy which is open to all and not just a few government supported foreign multinationals.
    In such a future a realistic State pension would be available at the age of 55 because there'd be enough money in the economy to provide it.

  21. #21

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You make some incorrect assumptions about my position . Sadly it's come to a state of affairs where if you critisise the left or its policies then you will be viewed as right wing. It's impossible to imagine that anyone could have political views which aren't in line with one of the two fake parties and their ideologies.

    These dishonest politicians have made promises they can't keep and in the process created a population which relies upon hand outs of one sort or another, and now they ' pull the rug" as you put it, which is the evil fruit of the evil tree. That's just as bad - worse in fact - than having led them up the garden path in the first place.

    At this stage someone needs to reduce benefits and increase opportunity over at least a decade rather than suddenly just take them away or provide public services which don't work. It's a massive project , but one in which we don't have a choice because they're rapidly running out of other people's money to fund their madness.

    Stuff like pensions and genuine unemployment payments for temporary periods, and support for people with genuine health problems needn't be effected. In fact , in a more sensible system they could be increased.

  22. #22

    Re: Work until you drop - State Pension age should rise to 75, Tory think tank says

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    In an ideal future British people would look to start businesses and create new income streams against a background of low taxes and without stupid bureaucratic interference from abroad. Only those who are unable to do this need be workers at all, but they'd get a much better deal in a free economy which is open to all and not just a few government supported foreign multinationals.
    In such a future a realistic State pension would be available at the age of 55 because there'd be enough money in the economy to provide it.
    Oh goody

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