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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #4851

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    In the days preceding yesterday's 'are hereby ordered to' tweet, Trump proclaimed himself to be 'the chosen one' and also the 'king of Israel'. What's next? 'I have the greatest fake tan and dodgy comb-over the world has ever been privileged to witness'?

  2. #4852

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    This is par for the course (excuse the pun) for Trump surely:


    Remember the way he treated people in Aberdeenshire when he built his golf courses there. Undoubtedly he has an eye on Greenland so as to build more bases there giving handy access to the Middle East to bomb Iran or wherever.

  3. #4853

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So what's todays bombshell news? Is Trump wearing odd socks, or perhaps he left the light on in the bathroom? Let us know as soon as you have the scoop!

    Meanwhile, I do believe that Trump's ratings may have climbed slightly, so that now only 71% of what he says is considered to be mostly false, false or pants on fire;-


    The way you faithfully repeat this serial liars words as the gospel truth is almost touching in its naivety and unquestioning loyalty.

  4. #4854

  5. #4855

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    What do scientists and experts know? Trump is making America great again by nuking unwanted visitors to the USA!
    Yeee haaaww!!

  6. #4856

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    And this is someone who is actually in control of nooklur weapons. I'm sure he could be talked out of nuking a cloud, but a country? We can't rely on that.

  7. #4857

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    And this is someone who is actually in control of nooklur weapons. I'm sure he could be talked out of nuking a cloud, but a country? We can't rely on that.
    It all depends on whether any directly attributed quotes exist, or if it's yet more BS from the folks who gave us The Great Trump Russia Collusion Delusion™

  8. #4858

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Who remember Carter Page?

  9. #4859

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    What do scientists and experts know? Trump is making America great again by nuking unwanted visitors to the USA!
    Yeee haaaww!!
    Experts and scientists were convinced for 500 years that metals changed from one sort to another in time and that lead would eventually become gold. They spent this time unsuccessfully trying to accelerate that process .
    Experts and scientists in Germany and other places in the 1930s were convinced that Jews and others were subhuman.
    Experts and scientists in the 1940s were convinced that if you split the hydrogen atom it'd start a chain reaction which would change all the water in the world into heavy water.

    I could go on.... Be cautious of scientists and experts till you see their theories work .

  10. #4860

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  11. #4861

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Experts and scientists were convinced for 500 years that metals changed from one sort to another in time and that lead would eventually become gold. They spent this time unsuccessfully trying to accelerate that process .
    Experts and scientists in Germany and other places in the 1930s were convinced that Jews and others were subhuman.
    Experts and scientists in the 1940s were convinced that if you split the hydrogen atom it'd start a chain reaction which would change all the water in the world into heavy water.

    I could go on.... Be cautious of scientists and experts till you see their theories work .
    Why are you deploying this argument now? Save it for something that's not so blindingly obviously stupid as launching nuclear weapons into a hurricane.

  12. #4862

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Experts and scientists were convinced for 500 years that metals changed from one sort to another in time and that lead would eventually become gold. They spent this time unsuccessfully trying to accelerate that process .
    Experts and scientists in Germany and other places in the 1930s were convinced that Jews and others were subhuman.
    Experts and scientists in the 1940s were convinced that if you split the hydrogen atom it'd start a chain reaction which would change all the water in the world into heavy water.

    I could go on.... Be cautious of scientists and experts till you see their theories work .

    Thanks for the slightly condescending advice.
    You’re right I will spend my time on message boards listening to those who share alt right viewpoints as opposed to respected experts👍

  13. #4863

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Thanks for the slightly condescending advice.
    You’re right I will spend my time on message boards listening to those who share alt right viewpoints as opposed to respected experts👍
    You would have thought that a self-confessed/self obsessed font of all knowledge would value expertise but I presume it's only other people's that he is advising you to be wary of!

  14. #4864

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Why are you deploying this argument now? Save it for something that's not so blindingly obviously stupid as launching nuclear weapons into a hurricane.
    It's similar to Pavlov's dog in many ways, no matter what lies and lunacy Trump comes out with the I know everything about everything crew on here have to defend his actions - it's as if they can't stop themselves from doing it.

  15. #4865

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's similar to Pavlov's dog in many ways, no matter what lies and lunacy Trump comes out with the I know everything about everything crew on here have to defend his actions - it's as if they can't stop themselves from doing it.
    What are the chances that they both defend absolutely anything Trump says, eh? But then, these two are so similar in so many ways, not least their obsession with posting on ccmb, that perhaps it's not a surprise.

  16. #4866

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    What are the chances that they both defend absolutely anything Trump says, eh? But then, these two are so similar in so many ways, not least their obsession with posting on ccmb, that perhaps it's not a surprise.
    It would not shock me if they both got back from a lovely day out at Barry Island/Hunstanton* (delete as appropriate) and backslapped themselves to sleep.

  17. #4867

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Why are you deploying this argument now? Save it for something that's not so blindingly obviously stupid as launching nuclear weapons into a hurricane.
    I'm still waiting the name of the source, as all we know at the moment is that he is "some bloke".

  18. #4868

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Max Keiser, of The Keiser Report show on RT fame, was once an ardent Trumpkin but during the latest episode broadcast on Saturday (embedded below) he said Trump's "completely out of his mind" at the 3' mark. Whether he is or is merely role-playing the part of an economic madman is moot because either way he's going to be the patsy for sinking the globe's financial system to ensure a horrible future for everyone bar for those who have access to remote boltholes and private armies to protect them.

    The first half of this show, which is 15 minutes or so, discusses the ramifications of worldwide negative interest rates. It will mark the near end of the debt game before its implosion.

  19. #4869
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So what's todays bombshell news? Is Trump wearing odd socks, or perhaps he left the light on in the bathroom? Let us know as soon as you have the scoop!
    I have to say it does appear some watch every fart he makes and say how much they despise him , a therapist would suggest a dark room and try not listen to the mention of his name .

    It could be though the Trump haters have a hard on for od Hillary and are very unforgiving , after she was beaten by this Trump chap, bitterness is not a nice thing ??

  20. #4870

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I have to say it does appear some watch every fart he makes and say how much they despise him , a therapist would suggest a dark room and try not listen to the mention of his name .

    It could be though the Trump haters have a hard on for od Hillary and are very unforgiving , after she was beaten by this Trump chap, bitterness is not a nice thing ??
    Almost erudite for you. Trump has risen by "farting" (as you so eloquently put it) 140/280 characters at a time. Some of his slavish followers on here openly testify that the Twitter limit as they surf justifying his latest puerile outpouring is all they can absorb. It is a little amusing that they ape the "Chosen One's" MO without a hint of recognition that they are a duped follower rather than a left field opinion leader.

    The pathetic thing is this is the behaviour of the supposed Leader of the Free World. He diminishes a great country and encourages apes like Johnson, Salvini and Bolsonaro to act in the same way.

  21. #4871

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Sneak preview: All 4 anti-Trump FISA warrants were illegal. Awaiting comment from lardy & cyril!

  22. #4872

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Andrew McCabe sweating on indictment:

  23. #4873

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Almost erudite for you. Trump has risen by "farting" (as you so eloquently put it) 140/280 characters at a time. Some of his slavish followers on here openly testify that the Twitter limit as they surf justifying his latest puerile outpouring is all they can absorb. It is a little amusing that they ape the "Chosen One's" MO without a hint of recognition that they are a duped follower rather than a left field opinion leader.

    The pathetic thing is this is the behaviour of the supposed Leader of the Free World. He diminishes a great country and encourages apes like Johnson, Salvini and Bolsonaro to act in the same way.
    Haha, you and lardy and going to go down in CCMB history as two of the most ridiculous posters ever, and to be fair to Trump he made you guys look like a pair of idiots with your Russia Collusion Delusion nightmare!

  24. #4874
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    This Trump post must be the most popular contrubtion ever on CCMB, and folk still say were Trump fans , bloody barmpots if you ask me ,or becoming very bitter about the wrong accusations levelled at Trump and the fact it nevers sticks .

    I have lost count on the number or wars, prostitutes and impeachments he should have had , never mind the countless accusations of Russian collision conspiracies .

    Where's the evidence ,where's the war ,where's old stormy pants and the naughty girls (well richer now I guess).

    Why don't the anti Trump lefties, take a breath and have a go at the nasty Democrats , who are having a go at a decent man in Bernie Sanders and his socialist views.

  25. #4875

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    This Trump post must be the most popular contrubtion ever on CCMB, and folk still say were Trump fans , bloody barmpots if you ask me ,or becoming very bitter about the wrong accusations levelled at Trump and the fact it nevers sticks .

    I have lost count on the number or wars, prostitutes and impeachments he should have had , never mind the countless accusations of Russian collision conspiracies .

    Where's the evidence ,where's the war ,where's old stormy pants and the naughty girls (well richer now I guess).

    Why don't the anti Trump lefties, take a breath and have a go at the nasty Democrats , who are having a go at a decent man in Bernie Sanders and his socialist views.
    You'd have though some of the posters would have would have wound their necks in after being done like a kipper by the mainstream media over the Trump Russia Dellusion, but no chance of that they just double down and carry on blurting out a constant stream of BS from the same sources. In some people's books this is the definition of insanity, and it is quite amusing to watch. There is no such thing as self-appraisal with these kids!

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