Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Before the internet, the only source of up to date information on current affairs was the media, so it wasn't commonly known that they manipulated events. I already had the research skills, but there was no access to raw data to discover these things independently. When I saw what was happening with the WOMD story, I took note of it, and I changed my strategy. So yes, it is an educational thing when you are able to modify your own behaviour when confronted with new knowledge. In the piece above I am mostly talking the post-internet age, where there really are no excuses if you get hoodwinked by the media. I have cleaned up my information game, whereas you clearly haven't. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just take a good took at yourself and see what you are doing wrong today. Life is a journey for everybody, and it's never too late to change your ways.
None of which addresses the point I make in my message which, to put it another way, for all of your self proclaimed qualities and research, I know for a fact how you will react to any story about Donald Trump that appears in this thread. Who knows, perhaps it was one of the twenty nine per cent (actually, I see it's back down to twenty eight per cent now) of occasions when, according to a respected fact checking site, Trump was telling what could be a called a half truth, mostly true or the truth when he said he didn't advocate nuking hurricanes, but there are dozens of examples of ludicrous statements and lies by the man called the most powerful in the world in this thread and yet your reaction to them is always the same.