Quote Originally Posted by Veg1960 View Post
I think that they have decided that the way to win the next election is to avoid splitting their vote with the Brexit party at all costs.

Using words like surrender and collaborator may play well with radicalised pensioners, but came across (and I admit I'm biased here), as pretty pathetic when spoken in the commons.
Speaking as a pensioner (not sure if I can be described as radicalised) I agree it is not helpful that Johnson appeared to be at war with the EU last night with the expressions he used, like white flag and surrender. Being of a certain age I can remember the Common Market and the obvious advantages that brought. It was a good scheme. This has now grown into a monster called the EU which is not what we signed up to 40+ years ago. A vast bureaucratic machine which gobbles £ billions and has an army of unelected "representatives" riding along on a long gravy train. If that opinion makes me a radicalised pensioner, so be it.