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Thread: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

  1. #26

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Jeremy has been knobbled.
    No I certainly don't think so. Exciting times ahead

  2. #27

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    So, some MPs have managed to stop the government enacting the vote temporarily, and are preventing the people from electing a new government.
    All stop then and a few more days or weeks of defying the electorate and staying in the EU, at least on paper.

    It's a last desperate tactic, but how long can they hold on and prevent anything happening ? I shouldn't think for very long, because it's already looking like a chaotic mess with various antipathetic groups roaming through the Palace of Westminster like looters, vandalising democracy but having no idea whatever what to do next.
    Even the PM's brother has now deserted him in the name of defending democracy. It's all starting to unravel now, big time.

  3. #28

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I wouldn't give Corbyn any particular credit for that as Johnson is living up to the all-bluster, no-substance politician that we feared. Even I as a non-political geriatric would come out of it pretty well in a one-to-one with Johnson at the moment!
    I agree entirely Johnson is rubbish but I think you are being unfair on Jeremy. He may not be the brains behind the new project (That's more like J McD, Starmer and Thornberry) but boy what a figurehead he is to galvanise the support of the young and disenfranchised.

  4. #29

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    did anyone else think he was utterly useless in the Commons yesterday? Maybe when/if he gets his election, he'll prove himself to be a brilliant campaigner, but, watching him at the Despatch box yesterday, I began to think his proroguing of Parliament and eagerness to have an election was more down to a desperation to avoid things like PMQs than some masterly plan to make sure we Brexited on 31 October.
    Watching him live now in Yorkshire. Living up to turning up late, unprepared, waffling, embarrassing himself and next....leaving expecting others to clear up the mess. Exactly as he was behind the scenes when Mayor of London. A complete embarrassment to the country. Hopefully the shortest PM tenure ever.

  5. #30

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    And The Sun are just confused!

  6. #31

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    It always been that way with that scummy paper. The Scottish version is always different Just shows what a hypocritical pile of shit it is.

  7. #32

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    What a fiasco on BBC Question Time tonight. The guy from LBC radio who was probably the most sensible person on the panel could barely get a word in and was as frustrated as those in the audience. Let's trust that Ian Blackmore gets his beloved Scottish independence so Scotland can remain in the EU and then hopefully we won't have to hear from him in future. And I thought Sturgeon was a whinger!

  8. #33

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    What a fiasco on BBC Question Time tonight. The guy from LBC radio who was probably the most sensible person on the panel could barely get a word in and was as frustrated as those in the audience. Let's trust that Ian Blackmore gets his beloved Scottish independence so Scotland can remain in the EU and then hopefully we won't have to hear from him in future. And I thought Sturgeon was a whinger!
    You're forgetting Leila Moran and Emily Thornberry were on the show too so I'd put Dale way behind them. But I'm sure you'd agree that Richard Tice is freaky and Kwasi what's his name is worse than useless

  9. #34

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    You're forgetting Leila Moran and Emily Thornberry were on the show too so I'd put Dale way behind them. But I'm sure you'd agree that Richard Tice is freaky and Kwasi what's his name is worse than useless
    Ian Dale way behind Moran and Thornberry??

    You must be joking he was the best there by a mile.

    Thornberry tied herself in knots over Labours position if they won the election and have to negotiate a new deal ( once they agree a deal and bring it back for a referendum she would then campaign against it !!)

    Moran kept going on about a second referendum saying that she would accept it if it said leave again but seem somewhat uncomfortable when Ian Dale told her that her leader had said she would never accept a leave result.

    Tice and Kwarteng were not as bad as you say and Ian Blackford wittered on about Scotland as usual.

  10. #35
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    did anyone else think he was utterly useless in the Commons yesterday? Maybe when/if he gets his election, he'll prove himself to be a brilliant campaigner, but, watching him at the Despatch box yesterday, I began to think his proroguing of Parliament and eagerness to have an election was more down to a desperation to avoid things like PMQs than some masterly plan to make sure we Brexited on 31 October.
    He looked rattled which is a suprise as he must have known the numbers and opposition to his plans .

    He doesn't read prepared stuff and must be a nightmare to brief.

    The only option too this impass is an election , which will be a leave or stay election unfortunately , and our home issues will be lost in the noise of Brexit .

    However the election needs a hunger on all sides .

    Option two sign up too Mays withdrawal agreement , and fix the country.

  11. #36
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    What a fiasco on BBC Question Time tonight. The guy from LBC radio who was probably the most sensible person on the panel could barely get a word in and was as frustrated as those in the audience. Let's trust that Ian Blackmore gets his beloved Scottish independence so Scotland can remain in the EU and then hopefully we won't have to hear from him in future. And I thought Sturgeon was a whinger!
    The SNP just moan and groan thats the thanks you get for giving them greater devolution powers, greedy buggers.

  12. #37

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    did anyone else think he was utterly useless in the Commons yesterday? Maybe when/if he gets his election, he'll prove himself to be a brilliant campaigner, but, watching him at the Despatch box yesterday, I began to think his proroguing of Parliament and eagerness to have an election was more down to a desperation to avoid things like PMQs than some masterly plan to make sure we Brexited on 31 October.
    A couple of days later. How is Boris doing now?

  13. #38

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    A couple of days later. How is Boris doing now?
    He's either still be fighting against the EU tyranny that you wholeheartedly support, or he may even be one of you. Who knows?

  14. #39

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    You're forgetting Leila Moran and Emily Thornberry were on the show too so I'd put Dale way behind them. But I'm sure you'd agree that Richard Tice is freaky and Kwasi what's his name is worse than useless
    Dale way behind Moran and Thornberry - you must be joking! The usual Thornberry cool, calm demeanour was not in evidence last night, especially after she admitted that she would campaign to remain in the event of a second referendum after a new deal was negotiated - what a farce!

    That Moran lady seems to think the result of a second referendum is going to be a landslide in favour of remain. Why does she (and other remainers) think this will be the case - have I missed some important opinion poll or something? IMO it will be a very close result again as people have become more and more entrenched. Which way it would go I wouldn't like to say, especially as there will be a lot more 18 years old able to vote this time (who mainly seem to be in favour of staying in the EU) and presumably quite a few of us old codgers will have "passed on" since the first referendum!

  15. #40

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I agree entirely Johnson is rubbish but I think you are being unfair on Jeremy. He may not be the brains behind the new project (That's more like J McD, Starmer and Thornberry) but boy what a figurehead he is to galvanise the support of the young and disenfranchised.

    You actually believe that don't you ?

  16. #41

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    You actually believe that don't you ?
    Absolutely!!! I'm actually gobsmacked a minority of people can't seem to grasp it. Hasta la Victoria siempre!

  17. #42
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    He's either still be fighting against the EU tyranny that you wholeheartedly support, or he may even be one of you. Who knows?

  18. #43
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Absolutely!!! I'm actually gobsmacked a minority of people can't seem to grasp it. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
    Why is he so low in the polls disliked in his party , not likely to win an available election , against an absolute buffoon??

  19. #44

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Absolutely!!! I'm actually gobsmacked a minority of people can't seem to grasp it. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
    A minority of people can't see it??

    Have you seen his poll ratings recently?

    Well not just recently!

  20. #45
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Absolutely!!! I'm actually gobsmacked a minority of people can't seem to grasp it. (Hasta la Victoria siempre) !
    (Hasta la Victoria siempre

    Argh yes, another failed south american failed socialist experiment, how many is that now , I wonder how many have died in these experiments after being delivred and controlled by miltia and life long president's.

    Democracy 😂

  21. #46

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Absolutely!!! I'm actually gobsmacked a minority of people can't seem to grasp it. Hasta la Victoria siempre!

    See, there you have it. In your mind it's only a minority of people who disagree with you on this or other issues, although that's just not so.
    If you absolutely have to confront the reality, then it's because the " minority" as you call them - in sane talk the "majority", are stupid, ill informed or wicked and must be ignored.
    These are the thought patterns of tyrants and their brainwashed acolytes I'm afraid.

  22. #47

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    (Hasta la Victoria siempre

    Argh yes, another failed south american failed socialist experiment, how many is that now , I wonder how many have died in these experiments after being delivred and controlled by miltia and life long president's.

    Democracy 😂
    Give it time son, give it time

  23. #48

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    See, there you have it. In your mind it's only a minority of people who disagree with you on this or other issues, although that's just not so.
    If you absolutely have to confront the reality, then it's because the " minority" as you call them - in sane talk the "majority", are stupid, ill informed or wicked and must be ignored.
    These are the thought patterns of tyrants and their brainwashed acolytes I'm afraid.
    Yes well we all know where you're coming from Sir Jim

  24. #49
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    What bothers me is that Boris is the only one who actually wants to finish this mess and half of those preventing him are not doing it because they dont want no deal but because they want to overturn the referendum.
    All these MP's know what they don't want but no matter how many forced extensions you get none of them can agree on what they do want.
    Eventually the EU will refuse an extension and then we're out anyway.

  25. #50

    Re: Johnson, I know I'm biased, but..................................

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    What bothers me is that Boris is the only one who actually wants to finish this mess and half of those preventing him are not doing it because they dont want no deal but because they want to overturn the referendum.
    All these MP's know what they don't want but no matter how many forced extensions you get none of them can agree on what they do want.
    Eventually the EU will refuse an extension and then we're out anyway.
    The mess you refer to that ‘Boris one leave one remain article each’ is one of the main instigators of. That duplicitous arsehole would burn the country to be king of the ashes.

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