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Thread: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

  1. #1

    Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    I'd always thought we had a knowledgeable and loyal fan base.
    We certainly used to and we certainly have had until recently .

    I hope and think we still have, but this message board makes me wonder.

    I've never seen a message board turn so badly against a national team and its manager before where people have nothing good to say about the players, the manager himself or the football they play. In fact I don't think I've seen one where there are quite so many with no idea about the game, but that's not so important. This is our team, a team managed by the most decorated footballer of the modern age. One of our very own - born and bred!!!

    Can it be that a small number of "anti supporters" have gained a stranglehold in this particular place, or is this now the standard position of former supporters? Have you changed nationality!

    People are still going to the games and there seems to be a positive atmosphere there, and people away from this forum still seem to love Wales so what's going on ?

    I find it depressing and I certainly can't read about it much longer, but I wonder, if there's anyone else here who actually likes or loves our country and wants us to succeed , won't they please speak up ?

    You should all be ashamed to be Welsh!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    I'd always thought we had a knowledgeable and loyal fan base.
    We certainly used to and we certainly have had until recently .

    I hope and think we still have, but this message board makes me wonder.

    I've never seen a message board turn so badly against a national team and its manager before where people have nothing good to say about the players, the manager himself or the football they play. In fact I don't think I've seen one where there are quite so many with no idea about the game, but that's not so important. This is our team, a team managed by the most decorated footballer of the modern age. One of our very own - born and bred!!!

    Can it be that a small number of "anti supporters" have gained a stranglehold in this particular place, or is this now the standard position of former supporters? Have you changed nationality!

    People are still going to the games and there seems to be a positive atmosphere there, and people away from this forum still seem to love Wales so what's going on ?

    I find it depressing and I certainly can't read about it much longer, but I wonder, if there's anyone else here who actually likes or loves our country and wants us to succeed , won't they please speak up ?

    You should all be ashamed to be Welsh!!!!
    I haven't read the comments on the game, but isn't that a seperate issue about being Welsh? Who cares about nationality? I don't love the country i was born in although i certainly love some of the people who were born here. Giggs isn't a popular figure with Welsh football fans and i reckon that feeling has been magnified sub consciously sine we've seen Bale play much harder than he ever did and turn up for friendlies when he could've quite easily taken a few days off, afterall, he has had his share of injuries. I'm not a fan of giggs although i wont let that cloud my judgement.

  3. #3

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    I haven't read the comments on the game, but isn't that a seperate issue about being Welsh? Who cares about nationality? I don't love the country i was born in although i certainly love some of the people who were born here. Giggs isn't a popular figure with Welsh football fans and i reckon that feeling has been magnified sub consciously sine we've seen Bale play much harder than he ever did and turn up for friendlies when he could've quite easily taken a few days off, afterall, he has had his share of injuries. I'm not a fan of giggs although i wont let that cloud my judgement.
    May be well off the mark but it read like a piss take to me.

    Just thinking of the long post and style of writing..

  4. #4

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Gone over the heads of a few.

  5. #5

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    While people have the right to support the team in the way they see fit, I think a lot of people have forgotten that 2016 started with a few hundred seeing us come through a test in Andorra and then a full(ish) crowd being positive and supportive against Bosnia at home. The crowd back then didn't turn up waiting to be invited to play it's part and weren't eager to turn negative, they recognised we are a small nation and our support can help make a testing fixture a positive result even if the performance isn't great. That's still who we are even if overall we have a better quality throughout the squad.

  6. #6

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    It's an excellent parody but of course it's the Cardiff City message board , not the Wales one.
    I should think that there are actually quite a lot of Cardiff supporters who aren't Welsh. The ownership, management and playing staff certainly aren't .
    What's more, I can tell you that there's a long tradition of Cardiff City fans not being very convinced about or committed to the Wales football team. I can remember a time when a lot of people used to interest themselves more in rugby for internationals and were far more interested in watching England play football than Wales.
    I don't know how much the divisive politics of stuff like devolution and learned resentment has changed this, but maybe the reality is that although people feel a pressure to say they give a toss , they actually don't.

  7. #7

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Very good

  8. #8

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    It's an excellent parody but of course it's the Cardiff City message board , not the Wales one.
    I should think that there are actually quite a lot of Cardiff supporters who aren't Welsh. The ownership, management and playing staff certainly aren't .
    What's more, I can tell you that there's a long tradition of Cardiff City fans not being very convinced about or committed to the Wales football team. I can remember a time when a lot of people used to interest themselves more in rugby for internationals and were far more interested in watching England play football than Wales.
    I don't know how much the divisive politics of stuff like devolution and learned resentment has changed this, but maybe the reality is that although people feel a pressure to say they give a toss , they actually don't.
    The most boring wind up account in the world.

  9. #9

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    The most boring wind up account in the world.
    I was going to respond, but then realised who posted that utter drivel

  10. #10

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I was going to respond, but then realised who posted that utter drivel

  11. #11

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Gone over the heads of a few.
    Unfortunately. 😂

  12. #12

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I was going to respond, but then realised who posted that utter drivel
    The mistake is reading it.

    If someone is going to waste their time posting these long winding messages then what best way to waste their time than scrolling past it and not even reading or responding to it.

    He’ll soon **** off

  13. #13

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    The mistake is reading it.

    If someone is going to waste their time posting these long winding messages then what best way to waste their time than scrolling past it and not even reading or responding to it.

    He’ll soon **** off
    It went over my head, that's two **** ups in two days, i thought that KFC were attacking Corbyn yesterday I'm guessing it's a nod towards that 'Bird' fella-or have i got that wrong as well? should've known really as that wasn't Straightouttacanton's style.

  14. #14

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    It went over my head, that's two **** ups in two days, i thought that KFC were attacking Corbyn yesterday I'm guessing it's a nod towards that 'Bird' fella-or have i got that wrong as well? should've known really as that wasn't Straightouttacanton's style.
    You got there in the end

    I cottoned on before my first coffee which surprised me, or maybe not as the style sticks out so much you can see it sleepwalking now.

  15. #15

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    It went over my head, that's two **** ups in two days, i thought that KFC were attacking Corbyn yesterday I'm guessing it's a nod towards that 'Bird' fella-or have i got that wrong as well? should've known really as that wasn't Straightouttacanton's style.
    The board has been good over the last few months and I’ve enjoyed reading the football contributions and debates by lots of posters.

    Other than that is, that utter imbecile who clogs it up and generally ruins threads.

    To add insult the username it uses is one of an ex-City player who was a truly lovely man.

    I couldn’t resist the post
    Last edited by StraightOuttaCanton; 07-09-19 at 18:26. Reason: .

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Football has a percentage of fair weather fans.

    I remember Wales moving from the National Stadium due to lower crowds and drop in popularity.

    Bit like popular music your never going to stay at number one , its been hugely fashionable to be a Welsh supporter over the last 5 or so years, question are they (all out ) football fans ?? who would support say a club in the same passion ? probaly not , bit like the Rugby really, low interest in club sport ,perhaps its a national team thing that attracts more than a football club , otherwise the City would attract more of those fans , who are (CF based ) and adorn the Welshness with so much pride ??

  17. #17

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    This might be up there with one of the most ridiculous things he's posted on here: "It's an excellent parody but of course it's the Cardiff City message board , not the Wales one.
    I should think that there are actually quite a lot of Cardiff supporters who aren't Welsh. The ownership, management and playing staff certainly aren't ."

    The implication that we can only discuss Cardiff City on this board, considering the wide array of topics he himself has discussed on here, is beyond laughable

  18. #18

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    This might be up there with one of the most ridiculous things he's posted on here: "It's an excellent parody but of course it's the Cardiff City message board , not the Wales one.
    I should think that there are actually quite a lot of Cardiff supporters who aren't Welsh. The ownership, management and playing staff certainly aren't ."

    The implication that we can only discuss Cardiff City on this board, considering the wide array of topics he himself has discussed on here, is beyond laughable

    Some of the comments above are in varying degrees very stupid. I'm not sure whether some of them understand that the OP here was parodying a post I made elsewhere , or whether they think I made the OP using another fake ID , ( which I don't have), or what ???

    That's not directed at you 123. However , in answer to what you said, no I wasn't suggesting that people can't discuss Wales ( or anything else ) here. I was merely answering the OP's implication that people here MUST or SHOULD be committed to the Welsh national team. Very understandable if people here ARE interested in the Welsh team, but not compulsory or anything because it's a club site not a national one.

    I kind of feel sorry for the OP because even though he set out to take the piss out of me, ( quite amusingly I thought), he's getting torn to pieces by the hyenas who didn't understand what he said, or somehow thought that because he used my words he must be me.

    I'm sorry , but there are some very thick people here and the trouble is that they've got such a nasty streak to go with it.

  19. #19

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Remember everyone, don’t read his stupidly long posts. Let him waste his own time tapping away...

  20. #20

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    And NEVER read books ! Wear your own stupidity like a badge of honour !

    I don't usually do personal insults but you are a very very stupid person dembeth. I won't say " warrior" because you're most certainly not that . Not for the first time you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick and you want to hit someone from behind with it.

  21. #21

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Again, let him type until he needs to rest his poor fingers, just don’t read it or respond to it.

    He will soon **** off.

  22. #22

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    I'd always thought we had a knowledgeable and loyal fan base.
    We certainly used to and we certainly have had until recently .

    I hope and think we still have, but this message board makes me wonder.

    I've never seen a message board turn so badly against a national team and its manager before where people have nothing good to say about the players, the manager himself or the football they play. In fact I don't think I've seen one where there are quite so many with no idea about the game, but that's not so important. This is our team, a team managed by the most decorated footballer of the modern age. One of our very own - born and bred!!!

    Can it be that a small number of "anti supporters" have gained a stranglehold in this particular place, or is this now the standard position of former supporters? Have you changed nationality!

    People are still going to the games and there seems to be a positive atmosphere there, and people away from this forum still seem to love Wales so what's going on ?

    I find it depressing and I certainly can't read about it much longer, but I wonder, if there's anyone else here who actually likes or loves our country and wants us to succeed , won't they please speak up ?

    You should all be ashamed to be Welsh!!!!
    I've been going to Wales games (home ad away) since 1970, seen some pretty poor performances and watched as we've allowed sh1t managers try to pretend they know what they're doing.

    I have yet to see anything that resembles a decent performance from Wales since Giggs was appointed. Being the most decorated footballer doesn't make you a good manager. I've met Giggs a few times at away games, when there were so few of us supporters there, that we usually stayed in the same hotel as the players. He has no charisma, no interpersonal skills and thinks a lot more of himself than he should.

  23. #23

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    And still it whooshes

  24. #24

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Again, let him type until he needs to rest his poor fingers, just don’t read it or respond to it.

    He will soon **** off.

    Nah... Don't think I will actually. I mean, I'd like to in one way because it's quite degrading to be engaged in any kind of dialogue with someone like you dembeth dreamer, ( unless you're Jeremy Kyle I suppose), but on the other hand it only takes a few seconds to type something and dissapoint you.
    It must be terribly frustrating to be so powerless generally, and then spend all this time working out a big strategy only to discover that it was bollocks. I'll bet you're used to that though .

  25. #25

    Re: Our Supporters - are you even Welsh??

    Well, according to my AncestryDNA results, I'm a 100% Celt....and that's not a spelling mistake by the way.

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