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Thread: Jo Swinson

  1. #1

    Jo Swinson

    Is she playing a blinder by saying the Lib Dem’s will keep the UK in the EU should they get in power?
    With the shambolic state that both Labour and the Conservatives are in, and the fear and panic that a no deal brexit is causing, what are the chances of them actually getting into power, having this as the leading light in their manifesto?
    I know this should have been posted on the political site, but I find you get a more diverse and interesting thread on here. If the mods want to switch it over, then so be it.

  2. #2

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Desperate policy of a party desperate for credibility. She will split the remain vote in the same way the Brexit party is splitting that side of the argument. More political gridlock ahead.

  3. #3

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Is she playing a blinder by saying the Lib Dem’s will keep the UK in the EU should they get in power?
    With the shambolic state that both Labour and the Conservatives are in, and the fear and panic that a no deal brexit is causing, what are the chances of them actually getting into power, having this as the leading light in their manifesto?
    I know this should have been posted on the political site, but I find you get a more diverse and interesting thread on here. If the mods want to switch it over, then so be it.
    I reckon the next general election will see a hung parliament fought mainly over Brexit. At the European elections, while the Brexit party made the headlines, remain parties picked up over 50% of the vote. Cue another messy parliament, though at least there will be a majority one way or another. Opinion polls are more strongly on the remain side than they were in 2016. Tactical voting will win the election, where either side of the Brexit debate will be keen not to split their respective votes.

    One thing their position does is rule out any possible Tory / Lib Dem coalition, even if Swinson is a former Tory. It also forces Labour's hand.

  4. #4

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I reckon the next general election will see a hung parliament fought mainly over Brexit. At the European elections, while the Brexit party made the headlines, remain parties picked up over 50% of the vote. Cue another messy parliament, though at least there will be a majority one way or another. Opinion polls are more strongly on the remain side than they were in 2016. Tactical voting will win the election, where either side of the Brexit debate will be keen not to split their respective votes.

    One thing their position does is rule out any possible Tory / Lib Dem coalition, even if Swinson is a former Tory. It also forces Labour's hand.
    Are you really sure about that after 2010?

  5. #5

    Re: Jo Swinson

    If she allows any more Tories in, you might as well call them the Tory party.

  6. #6

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I reckon the next general election will see a hung parliament fought mainly over Brexit. At the European elections, while the Brexit party made the headlines, remain parties picked up over 50% of the vote. Cue another messy parliament, though at least there will be a majority one way or another. Opinion polls are more strongly on the remain side than they were in 2016. Tactical voting will win the election, where either side of the Brexit debate will be keen not to split their respective votes.

    One thing their position does is rule out any possible Tory / Lib Dem coalition, even if Swinson is a former Tory. It also forces Labour's hand.
    Jo Swinson is as Tory as they come. The price would be a 2nd ref.

  7. #7

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Chuka Umunna been to more party's than elton john.

  8. #8

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Are you really sure about that after 2010?
    Johnson won't agree to a second referendum as a Tory/Lib Dem pact. Given that the Lib Dems have been fervently pro Europe, it would take an enormous amount of cheek to get voters to vote for them on a "revoke Article 50" ticket, then say they'll support a pro-leave party to get power in a hung parliament. Her own MPs would not stand for that, neither would party members.

    The strong likelihood is a Lib Dem/Labour/Plaid/SNP etc pact.

  9. #9

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Johnson won't agree to a second referendum as a Tory/Lib Dem pact. Given that the Lib Dems have been fervently pro Europe, it would take an enormous amount of cheek to get voters to vote for them on a "revoke Article 50" ticket, then say they'll support a pro-leave party to get power in a hung parliament. Her own MPs would not stand for that, neither would party members.

    The strong likelihood is a Lib Dem/Labour/Plaid/SNP etc pact.
    It was about 90 per cent meant as a joke, but I can remember around this time ten years ago when the Lib Dems were saying that if your politics were left of centre then you'd be best off voting for them - a few months later they teamed up with the Tories and I'm afraid I still wouldn't trust them as far as I could threw them.

  10. #10

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Johnson won't agree to a second referendum as a Tory/Lib Dem pact. Given that the Lib Dems have been fervently pro Europe, it would take an enormous amount of cheek to get voters to vote for them on a "revoke Article 50" ticket, then say they'll support a pro-leave party to get power in a hung parliament. Her own MPs would not stand for that, neither would party members.

    The strong likelihood is a Lib Dem/Labour/Plaid/SNP etc pact.
    How did their MPs stand last time? Spineless. In a large likelihood of no overall majority, the Tories will be pushed into a decision and the price will be Swinson's No Deal vs Remain ref, with a further 5 years of austerity (which Swinson believes in).

  11. #11

    Re: Jo Swinson

    The Liberals are in cloud cuckoo land. How many leave constituencies would they have to win in order to get the parliamentary majority they need to go ahead with their proposed revoking of Article 50 and cancelling Brexit? Currently they have 18 seats I believe. It would take a massive seismic shift to change the situation and with the country split the way it is, there is no way that is going to happen. The sort of arrogant approach they have adopted is likely to bring out more leave voters I would say.

  12. #12

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    The Liberals are in cloud cuckoo land. How many leave constituencies would they have to win in order to get the parliamentary majority they need to go ahead with their proposed revoking of Article 50 and cancelling Brexit? Currently they have 18 seats I believe. It would take a massive seismic shift to change the situation and with the country split the way it is, there is no way that is going to happen. The sort of arrogant approach they have adopted is likely to bring out more leave voters I would say.
    What choice do they have? There's a gap in the market.

    I agree that they won't get near a majority but you know clearly what they stand for, which is more than can be said for labour.

    The middle ground is dead, at least for the moment. People are polarised and as much as I don't like it, for a party to get anywhere now they have to be polarised too. Labour and brexit party in the Europeans show that.

  13. #13

    Re: Jo Swinson

    It seems that Jo Swinson is there for people who want to vote Tory but are too ashamed.

  14. #14

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    The Liberals are in cloud cuckoo land. How many leave constituencies would they have to win in order to get the parliamentary majority they need to go ahead with their proposed revoking of Article 50 and cancelling Brexit? Currently they have 18 seats I believe. It would take a massive seismic shift to change the situation and with the country split the way it is, there is no way that is going to happen. The sort of arrogant approach they have adopted is likely to bring out more leave voters I would say.
    This is purely about setting a bargaining position in advance of negotiations when the time comes to decide who to support in the likely event of another hung parliament. They have zero chance of getting a majority government themselves but ultimately they could become kingmakers. I see this as a clear no to any deal with the Tories but a firm message to Labour that if they want to achieve their aim of forming government they will need to become an unambiguous Remain party before the Lib Dems will even talk with them.

  15. #15

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
    Jo Swinson is as Tory as they come. The price would be a 2nd ref.
    They were great under Charles Kennedy. A man sorely missed.

  16. #16

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Is she playing a blinder by saying the Lib Dem’s will keep the UK in the EU should they get in power?
    With the shambolic state that both Labour and the Conservatives are in, and the fear and panic that a no deal brexit is causing, what are the chances of them actually getting into power, having this as the leading light in their manifesto?
    I know this should have been posted on the political site, but I find you get a more diverse and interesting thread on here. If the mods want to switch it over, then so be it.
    Seems like a move with the interests of the party in mind rather than the country to be honest. Personally I'm 100% a remainer and hate the idea of leaving the EU. However I don't think that immediately revoking Article 50 is the way to go about it, it would show a lack of respect for the people who voted to leave in the first place, and would ignite a powder keg underneath an already tense and divided nation.

    I think that the correct course of action would be another vote, a vote based on a more realistic picture of what leaving, and leaving without a deal would mean. I think that the picture has changed so much from what was originally on the ballot paper that that's a reasonable course of action and it's by no means unprecedented with advisory referendums.

    I'm assuming that a lot of people feel the same way as me so Swinson's move to place her party as the "Revoke" partly will undoubtedly split the vote of those who want to remain but have differing opinions on how to go about it. The way to go with the best future for the country in mind would have been to form a coalition with the other remain parties but she's seen a once in a lifetime chance to propel the Lib Dems into Government on their own and she's gone for it.

  17. #17

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by B. Oddie View Post
    It seems that Jo Swinson is there for people who want to vote Tory but are too ashamed.

    Almost always voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax")

    Consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices

    Consistently voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability

    Almost always voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits

    Almost always voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed

  18. #18

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Absolutely no chance of power unless as the bitch to labour where they would again scrap any policy for their 5 minutes.

    It shows the sheer divide brexit has caused that the lib dems are still at all relevant.

  19. #19
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post

    Almost always voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax")

    Consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices

    Consistently voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability

    Almost always voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits

    Almost always voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed
    Jo Swinson 2.jpg

  20. #20
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Jo Swinson

  21. #21

    Re: Jo Swinson

    She’s a Tory, it’s a shame the libdems should be a viable alternative in this time of extremes but they just the tories in disguise.

    They even take the Tory cast off who are lauded just because they’re anti no deal. People ignore that their voting history is anti LGBT and anti progressive.

  22. #22

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    She’s a Tory, it’s a shame the libdems should be a viable alternative in this time of extremes but they just the tories in disguise.

    They even take the Tory cast off who are lauded just because they’re anti no deal. People ignore that their voting history is anti LGBT and anti progressive.
    The Lib Dems are far more Tory than Labour.

    Austerity was on their manifesto in 2010.

  23. #23

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
    The Lib Dems are far more Tory than Labour.

    Austerity was on their manifesto in 2010.
    I don’t think anyone is surprised the libdems are closer to the right than labour but they shouldn’t be this close to the tories.

    They should find their place just to the left of centre and they’d do well. Now they’re just hoping everyone is so blinded by Brexit that they ignore everything else.

    If labour and the libdems really cared about country over party they’d be working together now.

  24. #24

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Yellow Tories, not a chance they'll work with Labour

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jo Swinson

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I reckon the next general election will see a hung parliament fought mainly over Brexit. At the European elections, while the Brexit party made the headlines, remain parties picked up over 50% of the vote. Cue another messy parliament, though at least there will be a majority one way or another. Opinion polls are more strongly on the remain side than they were in 2016. Tactical voting will win the election, where either side of the Brexit debate will be keen not to split their respective votes.

    One thing their position does is rule out any possible Tory / Lib Dem coalition, even if Swinson is a former Tory. It also forces Labour's hand.
    If Labour jettisoned JC, I would expect liberal to change thier stance , cant see Berger and Chukka ,Angela Smith and the recent Tory additions wanting to be anywhere the current Labour party .

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