Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
Warnock is a decent manager and I'll defend his record here to the hilt. He's done a fantastic job in many areas. We all know, Warnock will decide his own fate to an extent and as long as we're competitive, Tan won't sack him as he trusts him. His signings, however, have been more miss than hit.
Maybe, it's a brutal way to look at things, but all Neil Warnock has done is spend an awful lot of the club's money to get us a few places up the Championship table. I accept that getting us promoted was a bigger achievement than getting us relegated was a black mark against him, but, nonetheless, he has largely got away Scot free when it comes to our relegation.

For me, he has been a good first team manager up to a point, but he's done nothing as far as the levels below that go and that's why I hope no one at the club gives serious thought to the suggestion that he be given some sort of Director of Football role when he steps down from the manager's job.