Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Remember when you used to say that you arrived at an opinion after weighing up all of the evidence? What you've typed above comes from a very one sided interpretation of what is in the public domain. I'm not saying that what is being said by those who believe the complete opposite to you is correct, but that, as is usually the case, the truth lies somewhere in between the two versions.

Saying he won't be impeached is hardly taking some sort of risk either when Trump needs a two thirds majority against him in a body where there are more Republicans than Democrats.
I see that leopard indelibly retains its spots when it comes to facts. Even the White House's own website identifies the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States to be the US Attorney General. Trump's lawyers started this preposterous assertion when his potential prosecution for obstruction of justice was under consideration. No doubt this then gains repetition in the usual Trump defending websites and channels before it is spewed out as fact by the impressionable minds they are targeting.

You start with a falsehood that his actions were permissable and seek to normalise it.