Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
Class is certainly not self inflicted and the term should not included in any dictionary: it's revolting.
What, so we exclude all words about anything we find unpleasant from the dictionary and the things they describe will cease to exist ?
That's such a silly idea that I can't begin to address it, but it does show just how corrosive socialism is to the human thought process.

It's basically the same as reacting to the presence of a lion in your tent by covering your head with your blanket and pretending it's not there, isn't it ?

Returning to the point though, there are innumerable examples in history of people reaching high office from humble origins , and of people from incredibly privileged backgrounds failing completely.
Class prejudice is no more than an excuse to blame your shortcomings on someone or something else, but it's an appealing one since there are more stupid people than intelligent ones and therefore it gets you big numbers. Never achieves anything though, except to gain power and money for those who choose to use this particular jealousy to feather their own nests.
Now, that's a fact not an opinion you know , because socialism has been tried well over 200 times throughout the world now, and it's never achieved anything but suffering, poverty and in some cases genocide and war.