Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
There's as many shades of socialism as capitalism and that has proven a disaster for millions upon millions whilst enriching and aggrandising a privileged few.

As for Anti Semitism being implicit in socialism you're now showing your naivety. Anti Semitism is a condition fabricated by Jews. They have no monopoly over Semitic culture. Arabs are Semites and so are Assyrians, Aramites and other races. These people are all God's children as far as socialism is concerned. Zionism on the other hand counters the principle of fairness and equinimity which socialism holds dear.

Did you really just say that anti semitism is FABRICATED by Jews ?
I don't think you meant that - hope not anyway. You went on to mention that other peoples can be described as Semitic, but of course that's got nothing to do with anything, ( you probably got that argument from George Galloway).

Gassing millions of people can't be excused or avoided by claiming that the wrong term was used, can it ?

In this spirit, I'm not getting into the side issue of whether the National Socialists were actually socialists , but Stalin certainly was and he probably killed more people than Hitler. Trotsky wrote some edifying stuff about all this you know, but of course he also got himself into a mess in the first place by believing in socialism .

Some say that's it's an attractive idea but impractical in the real world, but I tend to think you'd have to be some kind of ****ing simpleton to think it could work. How many millions of people does a political theory have to murder, starve or imprison before we catch on to the fact that it's evil ?