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Thread: What leave voters voted for?

  1. #76

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Come on Ronnie, give up gracefully. Anyone can see you're just a very average guy with a debilitating grievance and shit scared of Socialism. I'm afraid you don't really contribute anything material to any debate. Give in son, you've been skewered intellectually though I imagine you could be a brilliant bricklayer or plasterer so that's all to your credit.

    As a matter of fact I can do most building trades, although plastering isn't one - I can tape and joint pretty invisibly. That's because I've done a bit of property developing and I always watch and learn in life.
    As it happens that applies to everything and so I've done quite well at most things I've tried. That includes what you might broadly describe as "debate", which is something I've earned quite a lot of money doing.

    If I'd been a bricklayer or a plasterer by trade then that'd be nothing to be ashamed of though.

    How very interesting that you speak so scathingly of manual workers from your lofty socialist tower ! I'll bet you've managed to undermine the self confidence and self worth of many people with your undoubtedly average academic achievements and pomposity, but it's not going to work on me because I detest that sort of thing and I've always made a point of confronting it as publicly as possible.
    I expect I've got more academic and professional qualifications than you, but that's incidental to life in general and not superior to honest hard work - that's why I'm not scared of physical or practical stuff , which is an important part of life.

    What you said there tells us everything about "socialism" and the twatish attitudes of those who preach it. You look down your noses at the people you pretend to care about, but you think you're better than them because someone else paid for you to get an average degree in an easy subject from some former polytechnic .

    If I've got a grievance, it's seeing people like you holding people back with your bullshit because without a lot of unhappy and poor people ,your evil divisive philosophy is out of business. How ****ing DARE you speak about bricklayers and plasterers as if they're some kind of shit beneath your shoes ?

  2. #77

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Just comparing Ronnies comment against the content of your response its a bit rich casting doubt on his intellect , (give in son ) almost Ray Winstone , (bricklayer or plasterer) arnt they the bread and butter of socialism? bit nasty to suggest they may lack intelligence because of thier skill sets , not very inclusive , or social minded 😂
    No you're wrong there LOM. Socialism recognizes there are different degrees of intelligence, just like some people are taller than others because of a quirk of fate.

    However, it also recognizes that all people have natural and equally important functions to be performed in a properly functioning society and therefore should be treated with equal respect and dignity. In other words if someone is less intelligent than another it is of as much significance as one being taller or bigger than another. It is no disrespectful comment at all.

  3. #78

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    As a matter of fact I can do most building trades, although plastering isn't one - I can tape and joint pretty invisibly. That's because I've done a bit of property developing and I always watch and learn in life.
    As it happens that applies to everything and so I've done quite well at most things I've tried. That includes what you might broadly describe as "debate", which is something I've earned quite a lot of money doing.

    If I'd been a bricklayer or a plasterer by trade then that'd be nothing to be ashamed of though.

    How very interesting that you speak so scathingly of manual workers from your lofty socialist tower ! I'll bet you've managed to undermine the self confidence and self worth of many people with your undoubtedly average academic achievements and pomposity, but it's not going to work on me because I detest that sort of thing and I've always made a point of confronting it as publicly as possible.
    I expect I've got more academic and professional qualifications than you, but that's incidental to life in general and not superior to honest hard work - that's why I'm not scared of physical or practical stuff , which is an important part of life.

    What you said there tells us everything about "socialism" and the twatish attitudes of those who preach it. You look down your noses at the people you pretend to care about, but you think you're better than them because someone else paid for you to get an average degree in an easy subject from some former polytechnic .

    If I've got a grievance, it's seeing people like you holding people back with your bullshit because without a lot of unhappy and poor people ,your evil divisive philosophy is out of business. How ****ing DARE you speak about bricklayers and plasterers as if they're some kind of shit beneath your shoes ?
    I would have expected you to have missed the point Ronnie so see my reply to LOM.

  4. #79

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    After my degree, Masters and professional qualifications, I had a fantastically rewarding career. I was an examiner for a chartered body and served on its international committee. I regularly met and advised ministers and was seconded to advise and support foreign governments before moving on to lead major change programmes and then grow my own company. I have been honoured for my services.

    Now some of these things are true, some are exaggeration and some are total lies. You can be anybody you want to be on a social messageboard and I guess if you hoover up the odd gullible sycophant per 1000 posts then if you were of a certain narcissistic tendency then you might think the effort was worthwhile.

    It's very honest of you to admit all this Cyril.

  5. #80

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    After my degree, Masters and professional qualifications, I had a fantastically rewarding career. I was an examiner for a chartered body and served on its international committee. I regularly met and advised ministers and was seconded to advise and support foreign governments before moving on to lead major change programmes and then grow my own company. I have been honoured for my services.

    Now some of these things are true, some are exaggeration and some are total lies. You can be anybody you want to be on a social messageboard and I guess if you hoover up the odd gullible sycophant per 1000 posts then if you were of a certain narcissistic tendency then you might think the effort was worthwhile.
    I think they are all lies, as you are too gullible for any of it to be true. You can't even spot a plot to overthrow a US president, even when every element of the plan has been pointed out to you in microscopic detail. You clearly lack the ability to think for yourself, so if your fantasy CV landed on my desk I would consider it to be a heavily embelished work of fiction

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    No you're wrong there LOM. Socialism recognizes there are different degrees of intelligence, just like some people are taller than others because of a quirk of fate.

    However, it also recognizes that all people have natural and equally important functions to be performed in a properly functioning society and therefore should be treated with equal respect and dignity. In other words if someone is less intelligent than another it is of as much significance as one being taller or bigger than another. It is no disrespectful comment at all.
    Stop calling people thickies then because you dont agree with then, or stereotype them because of thier choice or pathway in life.

    Being respectful is a virtue.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    It's very honest of you to admit all this Cyril.
    Indeed .

  8. #83

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Stop calling people thickies then because you dont agree with then, or stereotype them because of thier choice or pathway in life.

    Being respectful is a virtue.
    But some people are thickos, just like some people are dwarves, that's not being disrespectful it's stating a fact. And we all happen to know which side of the Brexit debate a majority of them congregate: not necessarily dwarves by the way.

  9. #84

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Indeed .
    I must admit that when I mentioned the role of gullible sycophant earlier I didn't expect to prove a point quite so quickly!

  10. #85

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I would have expected you to have missed the point Ronnie so see my reply to LOM.

    More bollocks ! People are taller if their parents or ancestors were tall. It's not a quirk of fate at all. What's more you compound your self important attitude by trying to patronise LOM and telling me that you don't think I'm capable of understanding a point.
    The fact is that you're a weak man, which is obvious since your only route to self worth is trying to diminish others.

    Make no mistake though, you're not convincing anyone with your bullshit.

  11. #86

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I think they are all lies, as you are too gullible for any of it to be true. You can't even spot a plot to overthrow a US president, even when every element of the plan has been pointed out to you in microscopic detail. You clearly lack the ability to think for yourself, so if your fantasy CV landed on my desk I would consider it to be a heavily embelished work of fiction

    He knows very well that it's a plot to remove an elected President, but he approves of it. He thinks he knows how to pull the wool over people's eyes because he's observed it in the civil service, but like so many others he doesn't understand that you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
    Like so many of his sort, he's outraged that the dominion of self appointed "experts " has been challenged by such issues as Donald Trump and Brexit. Their only answer is to try and convince the dissenters that they're somehow less capable of forming valid opinions than the self serving political elite and their gullible hangers on.

    It's not working

  12. #87

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    More bollocks ! People are taller if their parents or ancestors were tall. It's not a quirk of fate at all. What's more you compound your self important attitude by trying to patronise LOM and telling me that you don't think I'm capable of understanding a point.
    The fact is that you're a weak man, which is obvious since your only route to self worth is trying to diminish others.

    Make no mistake though, you're not convincing anyone with your bullshit.
    Who's stalking bullshit now Philip. Your empty ad hominem attacks fool no one and just serve to emphasize your vacuity.

    Among the myriad of subjects you obviously have no knowledge about is biology otherwise you would clearly understand that evolution operates entirely on quirks of fate and indeed the results are often ..quirky! Of course we all know that physical traits are bestowed upon later generations by a prior gene pool but what's that got to do with the discussion?

    By the way nowhere have I patronised LOM. He has declared that he has special needs and I respect him for his admission. In my mind it takes a man to do that and I actually think that, in the circumstances, he expresses himself very well and I actually like him for his honesty. Unlike you Philip who I regard as a Walter Mitty character.

  13. #88

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Swallowed a dictionary today have we ?
    When all else fails, roll out a few six dollar words !
    Pity you don't know the difference between who and whom, but how you regard me doesn't matter a monkeys ****. It's just another example of what I said about you trying to inflate yourself by trying to diminish others. It's wearing thin and it's certainly never going to work on me.

    You're completely wasting your time therefore trying to win the argument by name calling and half witted mind games, so why don't you try and address the actual issue under discussion and save your fake intellectualism for someone who finds it convincing ???

  14. #89

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Swallowed a dictionary today have we ?
    When all else fails, roll out a few six dollar words !
    Pity you don't know the difference between who and whom, but how you regard me doesn't matter a monkeys ****. It's just another example of what I said about you trying to inflate yourself by trying to diminish others. It's wearing thin and it's certainly never going to work on me.

    You're completely wasting your time therefore trying to win the argument by name calling and half witted mind games, so why don't you try and address the actual issue under discussion and save your fake intellectualism for someone who finds it convincing ???
    Oh dear Philip you can be so childish when you lose an argument. It's really entertaining stuff?

  15. #90

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Oh dear Philip you can be so childish when you lose an argument. It's really entertaining stuff?
    Crikey! Can you imagine the emotional meltdown when you start using ten-dollar words?

  16. #91

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Crikey! Can you imagine the emotional meltdown when you start using ten-dollar words?
    Ha ha, absolutely.

  17. #92

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Oh dear Philip you can be so childish when you lose an argument. It's really entertaining stuff?

    I haven't lost an argument because you say it. Once again you try a bit of name calling though, which is childish if anything is.
    I don't know who you think you're kidding, but I haven't lost any argument.
    Once again, address the issue

  18. #93

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Just noticed that I'm now in the first team whilst you're only a reserve, so show a bit of respect. Make sure the boots are cleaned properly or I'll have you loaned out to a league two message board with an option to buy you for a token fee.

  19. #94

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Just noticed that I'm now in the first team whilst you're only a reserve, so show a bit of respect. Make sure the boots are cleaned properly or I'll have you loaned out to a league two message board with an option to buy you for a token fee.
    Ronnie, wake up, you've never been in any first team in your life. You've always been left behind making the tea.

  20. #95

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Shows how much you know Dorky !

  21. #96

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Shows how much you know Dorky !
    Are you saying that he was wrong to assume that you could be trusted to make the tea? I can't say that I'm surprised.

  22. #97

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    And in come the little wankers to back each other up !
    It's like a society of mutual crapulence here you know. I've got a five minute rule now to prevent being sucked into the black hole of angry desperation and mediocrity , but it's possibly worth it just to defy the gaggle of useless little nonentities who've more or less killed off conversation.
    The obvious thing is to leave you to it, cause I've certainly got better things to do, but then I see WB, LOM and one or two others soldiering on against the bully pack and I think I might as well speak up in their support.
    I wonder how many people read the posts but don't dare contradict the fake intellectuals and keyboard bullies, and I'd implore them to speak up

  23. #98

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    And in come the little wankers to back each other up !
    It's like a society of mutual crapulence here you know. I've got a five minute rule now to prevent being sucked into the black hole of angry desperation and mediocrity , but it's possibly worth it just to defy the gaggle of useless little nonentities who've more or less killed off conversation.
    The obvious thing is to leave you to it, cause I've certainly got better things to do, but then I see WB, LOM and one or two others soldiering on against the bully pack and I think I might as well speak up in their support.
    I wonder how many people read the posts but don't dare contradict the fake intellectuals and keyboard bullies, and I'd implore them to speak up
    F**king hell. Bit touchy today aren't we, sweetheart? I thought it was my generation that were supposed to be the easily offended...

  24. #99

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Shows how much you know Dorky !
    Dorky!!! Ha ha ha, what a puerile, bitter and twisted little man you are Philip. Now go and run along with your pals and play an exciting game of hide and seek. Oh and the rules are: you hide but we don't seek.

  25. #100

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    I haven't lost an argument because you say it. Once again you try a bit of name calling though, which is childish if anything is.
    I don't know who you think you're kidding, but I haven't lost any argument.
    Once again, address the issue
    It's the same old story, they think that 20 people ganging up against 1 person is winning an argument. As a lone voice, I wiped the floor with them over the Trump Russia Collusion issue. They actually believed what was written in the Steele Dossier and Mueller Report, probably because their favourite media outlets told them it was all true! And in return I had to withstand personal insults and constant ridicule, just for stating the truth, that it was all a setup to overthrow a sitting president. Even as recently as a few days ago Cyril was trying to revive his spectacularly failed position, after one of favourite fake news outlets threw him a bone.

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