Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
He’s also very wrong and doesn’t understand statistical data
While I was waiting for your lesson in stats I though I’d work out the chance of getting to 80 in Cardiff without being murdered. The murder rate for Cardiff is 1.7 per 100,000 according to this site.


So the chance of not being killed each year is 99998.3/100000 = .999983. To survive 80 years you calculate .999983 to the power of 80 and you get .99864. That’s the chance of getting to 80 without being killed. The chance of being killed is 1-.99864=0.00136. That means 1.36 per 1000 will be murdered before they make 80.

I'm just a silly old man - as our German student keeps telling me - so I am sure you will be able correct my figures and point me in the right direction.