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Thread: Club statement on bullying allegations

  1. #26

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    I never read the statement but didn't need to as I'm so bright I can absorb that sort of thing from a distance. Anyway...enough about the statement and let's get back to me. I went into a far more difficult situation and not only did I overcome it with my superior intellect and mental strength but I thrived and became their esteemed leader. I can only pity those who don't have my attributes but cream like me will always rise to the top I am afraid. I won there, I have been winning ever since and I will certainly triumph over anyone calling me a narcissist without any evidence as far as my fantastic insight can see!

  2. #27

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I never read the statement but didn't need to as I'm so bright I can absorb that sort of thing from a distance. Anyway...enough about the statement and let's get back to me. I went into a far more difficult situation and not only did I overcome it with my superior intellect and mental strength but I thrived and became their esteemed leader. I can only pity those who don't have my attributes but cream like me will always rise to the top I am afraid. I won there, I have been winning ever since and I will certainly triumph over anyone calling me a narcissist without any evidence as far as my fantastic insight can see!
    Football has it origins in the public schools system where they specialised in producing future leaders. You come across as being a bit of a wimp, and not even your sarcasm can disguise that fact

  3. #28

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by thehumblegringo View Post
    Bear in mind that kids are in academies from 5 years old these days. How young is acceptable for this "football culture" to be imposed on them?
    Why are 5 year olds even attached to professional football clubs in the first place?

  4. #29

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    How can you know it highlights this if it's confidential?

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Considering that club's report is confidential, you literally have no idea what the statement is referring to when it talks of bullying and abuse by current and former employees, significant concerns relating to an unacceptable coaching environment and a lack of effective safeguarding processes. Not a clue. Nevertheless, you talk about a precedent being set, clubs (plural) reviewing the aims of their academies following this investigation and a model that worked for over a hundred years being declared unacceptable.

    You're just a narcissistic idiot. It's a pity that, once again, you've decided to try to make this thread about you, because the club's frank statement is not only a damning indictment of its own youth system but it clearly highlights the deficiencies of an individual some have believed would make a good manager.
    Shirley both these statements can't be true at the same time?

  6. #31

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Shirley both these statements can't be true at the same time?
    Thats what i I said - unless of course he's in the "inner circle"

  7. #32

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    The way coaches reprimand their players would be unacceptable in any other line of work.

    Can you imagine having Neil Warnock as your branch manager. You'd be out of there asap.

    I don't see how any of this is cut and dry considering the pumped up aggression displayed behind closed doors.

    Is there a clear line you can draw with regards to what can be said ? Is there even an age limit ? Should a 17 year old first team player be treated differently to first team players who are in their late twenties ?

    It must be a mind **** for a club to manage.

  8. #33

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    How can you know it highlights this if it's confidential?
    On reflection I can't and it was clearly remiss of me to link the content of Cardiff City's public statement with the alleged behaviour of the gentleman who stepped from his role as the club's Under 18's coach and subsequently left the club altogether following the public allegations of bullying which led to this investigation.

    I'm sure it is purely coincidental that the club has made a statement saying it had discovered an unacceptable coaching environment while investigating accusations of bullying and abuse by current and former employees, and it has subsequently implemented robust changes to its procedures in this regard aimed at protecting young players.

  9. #34

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Yes...I agree...if you are not thick-skinned enough to cope with it then the game is not for you...s

  10. #35

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I have real world experiences of being coached by ex-pros from the age of 13, and they were hard bastards and very demanding. They could destroy you in a second, but it was all part of the development process of being a team player. Like I said some people couldn't handle it, but it had no adverse effect on me, and I even thrived in such an environment. Obviously times have changed with our current snowflake culture, and people can no longer accept a bollocking for making a mistake, or failing to make an effort. The question still remains about how these young players are going to transition into the harsh world of professional football, or is football going to adapt and become less aggressive and more polite? Tackling is already on the way out, so are we heading towards a contactless sport where taking part is more important than winning?

    Regarding calling people narcissistic idiots, I would have put you and the ball into Row back in the day if we had ever met on a football pitch
    I think all them Crewe youth players would disagree with you.

  11. #36

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Lots of comments here that seem to suggest it’s fine because it’s always been like that.
    Lots of things that used to go on are now inappropriate for today’s society and bullying is one of them.
    I do wonder if coaches in other sports use bully boy tactics?

  12. #37

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    The lack of discipline and consequence is a big factor in the demise of education and the rise in violent crime. Why should football be any different ?
    The whole sport is gradually being brought into line with a political absolutism which imposes itself upon every corner of human thought and endeavour and there are no exceptions for private or family matters or things like sports. All are theatres where the audience is compelled to sit respectfully, listen to the virtue signalling show and pretend to feel grateful and guilty.

    As I said in another thread here recently , football is in its last days as a source of innocent and wholesome fun and will shortly be entirely consumed into the Maoist like 24/7 dogma fest which has replaced productive life in this country .
    I agree . I also agree with Wales Bales statement .

    This board has gone PC to the extreme , on this occasion the dislike of certain posters has clouded the opinions .

    I have read the statement , there is nothing specific in it. Life has changed ,there is no doubt, care and understanding has risen to the top of priorities, we are exerting new rules on games already played.

  13. #38

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    On reflection I can't and it was clearly remiss of me to link the content of Cardiff City's public statement with the alleged behaviour of the gentleman who stepped from his role as the club's Under 18's coach and subsequently left the club altogether following the public allegations of bullying which led to this investigation.

    I'm sure it is purely coincidental that the club has made a statement saying it had discovered an unacceptable coaching environment while investigating accusations of bullying and abuse by current and former employees, and it has subsequently implemented robust changes to its procedures in this regard aimed at protecting young players.
    If you knew what had actually happened you wouldn't be as quick to start firing bullets.

  14. #39

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I never read the statement but didn't need to as I'm so bright I can absorb that sort of thing from a distance. Anyway...enough about the statement and let's get back to me. I went into a far more difficult situation and not only did I overcome it with my superior intellect and mental strength but I thrived and became their esteemed leader. I can only pity those who don't have my attributes but cream like me will always rise to the top I am afraid. I won there, I have been winning ever since and I will certainly triumph over anyone calling me a narcissist without any evidence as far as my fantastic insight can see!
    Is that what he said , is that really what he said ?
    I read it differently .

  15. #40

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    another thread hijacked by forum member's egos ...well done

  16. #41

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by ken smith View Post
    I think all them Crewe youth players would disagree with you.
    Wherever you find a concentration of children there is always a danger that the pedos are not very far away. The issue that you highlight could still be a problem in a well run academy, as their focus is on gaining the trust of vulnerable young people. The type of bevaviour that I am talking about is a different thing altogether.

  17. #42

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    If you knew what had actually happened you wouldn't be as quick to start firing bullets.
    What's actually happened is that Cardiff City Football Club has released a statement admitting that, following an investigation into allegations of bullying and abuse by current and former employees, they have a number of significant concerns relating to what they regard as an unacceptable coaching environment which was magnified due to a lack of effective safeguarding processes.

  18. #43

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by The Hooded Claw View Post
    Lots of comments here that seem to suggest it’s fine because it’s always been like that.
    Lots of things that used to go on are now inappropriate for today’s society and bullying is one of them.
    I do wonder if coaches in other sports use bully boy tactics?
    People haven't the first idea. These lads are moving to a new place hundreds of miles from home and family at 16 years of age. Add to that a highly competitive environment where out of 15 or so lads maybe only one will be offerred a pro contract. Your colleagues are your competitors, you can't have many off days, performance levels have to be consistantly good or above. Imagine a working environment like that away from your support network at 16? And some of the middle aged dick heads on here call them 'Snowflakes' they wouldn't last a week.

  19. #44

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    People haven't the first idea. These lads are moving to a new place hundreds of miles from home and family at 16 years of age. Add to that a highly competitive environment where out of 15 or so lads maybe only one will be offerred a pro contract. Your colleagues are your competitors, you can't have many off days, performance levels have to be consistantly good or above. Imagine a working environment like that away from your support network at 16? And some of the middle aged dick heads on here call them 'Snowflakes' they wouldn't last a week.
    I seem to recall that you used to purposely make bad passes to your team mates so they wouldn't look good. You'd never fit in with the core of any team with an attitude like that, so you were doing yourself a tremendous disservice by even being there. Football is a team game and if you don't fit in you are fecked, as you discovered for yourself. If you make other players look good, the manager will notice it, and your teammates will return the compliment. Football is a team game, and that is why you are drilled to perform as a unit with no weak links.

  20. #45

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I seem to recall that you used to purposely make bad passes to your team mates so they wouldn't look good. You'd never fit in with the core of any team with an attitude like that, so you were doing yourself a tremendous disservice by even being there. Football is a team game and if you don't fit in you are fecked, as you discovered for yourself.
    Can you show me where i said that gave bad passes to team mates.

  21. #46

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Can you show me where i said that gave bad passes to team mates.
    Are you denying it? I usually have a good memory, and it struck me as being an odd thing to say at the time, as it is something that would never have crossed my mind. If it wasn't you, them somebody on here definitely said it.

  22. #47

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    like all academies we will have a welfare officer supporting all players from 7 to 16 years of age . all players and parents get a copy of code of conduct . any concerns or complaints by players or parents should go down this route in the first instance . I assume our welfare officer will come under the microscope as part of an investigation in the coming days .

  23. #48

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Are you denying it? I usually have a good memory, and it struck me as being an odd thing to say at the time, as it is something that would never have crossed my mind. If it wasn't you, them somebody on here definitely said it.
    I'm can't ever recall saying something like that. You're the one saying that i said it so if you can be arsed, find it and it'll be there in black and white, i've no problem with being called out. If i did say it then it would have been a pretty daft thing to do for an aspiring footballer to do as anyone with an ounce of football knowledge can see if a player is deliberately playing poor passes-it wouldn't have got away with it, although if it's out there then show me.

  24. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    I agree . I also agree with Wales Bales statement .

    This board has gone PC to the extreme , on this occasion the dislike of certain posters has clouded the opinions .

    I have read the statement , there is nothing specific in it. Life has changed ,there is no doubt, care and understanding has risen to the top of priorities, we are exerting new rules on games already played.
    Your right the lack of real detail suggests the club just want an end to the whole affair, and very importantly out of the media highlight.

    The sport is a tough one and only the tough survive, hard rules, tough man management and language never hurt anyone, in fact in my experience its character building ,those who survive go onto succeed ,lead,and achieve.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Club statement on bullying allegations

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Is that what he said , is that really what he said ?
    I read it differently .
    Poor old Jimmy, his hero Bellamy found to be a bully.

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