Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
Seconded. And thirded...and fourthed...

Seconded - I hate these people who sre "famous for being famous", and have done feck all in their lives.

ditto above

Common Market - OK, but it's got out of hand.

Now my originals -

FA referees

Quad bikes, and "off-road" bikes that are tearing around housing estates.


Americanisms ruining our language.

Christmas starting in September/October

Religion in all its forms.

"R&B" music (Not Rhthym & Blues - just the crap that's hijacked the term in the last couple of decades.)
Lots of Americanisms grate but the concept of 'ruining our language' is an odd one.
English is a Germanic language hugely influenced by Norman French, most of which was derived from vulgar Latin.
Language constantly evolves and English wouldn't exist in the first place if it didn't.
Grammatical rules were often laid down by academics/printers/authors at a particular point in time and having them set in stone for perpetuity never works.
However, if I hear 'I'm good' again after asking after someone's welfare I'll scream.